whee this blog has officially started...it took this long and being Ian i have well failed to find a suitable blogskin for it and since its been so long ive decided to just get on with it if anyone has got a blogskin that they think i can use pls tell me... harhar..need help turning this thing from a spartan webpage to a work of art, a subject which i kinda suck in. Um i really dont know what im really gonna do with this blog, i might come up with random jokes from time to time write an essay about myself basically anything i want so...expect the unexpected, the random, my thoughts and feelings, and long sentences that never end like this one because i never seem to know when to put in a full stop. So to whoevers reading.................dunno go hug someone or something to make the world a happy place :), or you can go emo in a corner listening to simple plan(or taylor swift for that matter). Whatever. Its not up for me to influence your day have a good day ppl, doing whatever you usually do....