Note: Nearly all my works of prose here. In fact all so far except 1 are works of dramatized non-fiction. >.<
"cause I gotta get outta here.." Yes, he was listening to relient k. One of his few escapes in life. From.......His father who was sitting next to him in the car.
What do you want to do in life?
Shit. He cursed silently. Not that damned question again. That question always comes with thinly veiled expectations. He grudgingly extricated one of his earphones from his ear and tore his attentions away from the drumbeats that resonated in his soul.
Do you think you could settle overseas?
Where would I. He answered.
Australia? Canada? Uk
Yeah, then I'd be come an "asian dude"
Well. The life is better there. Its not easy living in the island city. You gotta work hard to make a decent living.
Yeah yeah he thought to himself. No thanks but I prefer a society where you don't get discriminated upon. Its my home, I ain't no leaving here. He managed to think the last sentence without a trace of irony.
Do you think you would like to work in finance? I think you would be suited for it.....
Get real. I hate math. Period. I can't have my life centred around business and markets. I need something more alive. I would be suited? No you just hope I would go there. He broke out of his musings, noticing that the droning had stopped. He reattuned himself to relient k, only to find the connection that he had with the song was lost. He sighed and press the restart button. And heard again the guitar intro of Be my escape.
"cause Ive been housing all this doubt. And insecurity..."
What do you think about economics? You know it does pay quite well.....
Again. No escape. He jerked back into his physical state. More expectations. Expectations that he didnt want. Couldn't fufil. Not at the expense of his own happiness. He had chosen his own over theirs quite a while ago. They still hadn't realized it though. Who were they kidding. They didnt know what he wanted. And they probably wouldnt care. Mmmmm he replied. The standard reply of the uncommitted.
Satisfied with the silence he heard. He continued listening to the music that had never stopped in his left ear. And mentally screamed as he had lost the connection. The song was replayed from the beginning. The two note intro echoing in his head once more. And his heart.
"Ive been locked inside that house. All the while you hold the key..."
Ever thought about getting into one of the top universities out there?
Thats all it ever came down to. Results results and more results. To what end he thought, pulling himself away from the beatings of his heart. When they asked what he wanted. They were asking how he wanted to please them. He didn't. They kept asking him to listen. But they never listened.
SMU would be quite okay? I'm quite sure you could get in easily and be the top student there if you wanted to.
He couldnt understand how his father could be so right. But so unwilling to see. Really there was nothing else. He didnt want to. Silence prevailed over the monotonous dronings. Those expectations. He didnt bother listening. He hit the restart button immediately.
"And even though, there’s no way in knowing"
Why dont you work harder. I'm sure you're smart enough to be the top student.
He just didnt get it. There was more to life than that. He wanted to do what he wanted to do. Not something smart people do or they wanted him to do. The expectations didnt help. He wanted to just tell them.
But he couldnt. They wouldnt understand. He had heard the way they talked about "those people" before.
No their minds wouldnt be able to accept it. But music......
The life of a musician would be a hard one. No harder than the life they were wanting him to have. but it was in his soul. He felt the call.
And He silently begged for them to understand him........to be his escape.
And I'm begging you, I'm begging you, I'm begging you to be my escape.