When I feel like doing typography I use google images to get the images. So none of them are from me lol.
I wanted to use this picture at first, but upon a closer look I realized it was a work of art in itself. Would have been a terrible insult to just put words on it

It took me at least an hour to get this bloody image.
Was looking for one with a silhouette of a person in it.
Until I realized that maybe I didn't need one.

I used Bradley hand Itc for Call my name and save me, as well as wake me up.
Dark is um Edwardian script ITC
Bring me to life is in Segoe Script
Evanescence is in Blackadder ITC.
If the font doesn't look like that thats cause I bolded it.
All are default fonts with this com, I'm not that crazy.
P.S, since I'm stupid, I always use M.S paint.
I find Kristen ITC and Tempus Sans as well as Curlz useful as well.
Zzt since when are you a typography junkie Ian.
Shitz I are overusing that word again.
Dammit I forgot to put watermark again.
Ah heck, not like any of you would be as despicable as to steal it.
Not that any of you would care to, your blogs aren't that emo. Are they?