I've done as much as I could today and I hope you will not leave him like that.
I pray you will do your work in him and let him find your everlasting light.
I know Lord Father that I am a horrible representation of your glory for him to follow, but I thank you that he doesn't choose to judge Christianity and the following of your word by using me as a horrifically inadequate standard.
Thank you for allowing him to listen and really bring him close to you, closer than I have ever been.
He was for one short year my closest companion and someone whom I have always trusted. A good friend he was, and still is, to lose him to the depths of eternity would indeed, have a sense of mortal injustice around it to say the least. I know its not to me to decide, but I pray that you will save this friend of mine.
One more for Jesus, a great and mighty preacher was said to say until the day he died. Its high time I actually started. Could this be a start?
We all start at one, for him to be the first to come to you through me, would surely be a most high extension of your grace and mercy.
Could it happen? I pray you will let it happen. For I have tried, and whether I succeed or not Lord Father will depend on you.
Give me strength and wisdom.
Cause I don't quite have enough.
Thank you Jesus.
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