Its scary to see how fast some bands can simply fade out of the public eye.
Like how people my age don't know All Time Low.
Mention those three words and you'll most likely get weird looks or get asked if you're referring to the song by The Wanted. Which incidentally is a british boy band.
And yes, its that bad.
Considering the fact that they were once regarded as one of the world's best punk rock acts as late as 2008 and were competing with Fall Out Boy and poised to take up the legacy of blink 182, that's a rather big fall.
Stil...I like a lot of their music. Haven't come across stuff from their latest albums yet. Though judging from music reviews its probably a good thing.
I should probably get used to the good bands expire thing..
Like Augustana. Their music is shit now.
They went from bad alt with their first album to Alt/punk rock in their second to their own brand of Alternate and Rock in the third.
In their fourth they went "Indie".
Not that they actually went indie, they just went out there and started sounding like all those Indie bands. Pffft.
It's gotten them popular I see.
Not with me though.
Labels: music