Anyways since someone asked...........
Church retreat was from 14th-17th of June, Twas in Malacca. It was supposed to be more spiritual I guess, hence the name CHURCH retreat.... but like a lot of people that wasnt really the main focus. Which I realize is bad. I did spend more time with God than I normally would have but err............haha it didnt take up as much of my time as it shouldve. It was mainly a time of bonding and fun with my cg. Youth group from church just in case any of you reading this dont know. We had fun playing then again only me(cause i won most of the time heheh)), bang(I didnt like this, everyone kept killing me first), table tennis(although I cant play it for nuts). Watching the world cup for free without the influence of starhub and singtel. On a giant projector too. Of course the usual random stuff any group of teens(I hate that term but i cant find a replacement for it) do. We also went shopping- I hated it, Im a guy its normal.
So there you have it, thats essentially what we all did lolz. Of course, it was more fun that reading this post, so I dont really get the point. But someone asked..........