Staring at a wall that wasnt there before.
A friend of mine has had a private blog for years. She claims only 8 people read it. Or less.
Strangely enough, I noticed at least 10 people linking to her blog. I asked about them. Apparently none of them do so.
What is the point of posting links to blogs you dont have access to. Lolz. It implies you are allowed to read it. I guess its one of those self-image boosting things.
Like friends lists.
I hate it when people stonewall me. Everyone seems to do it. I know people dao people regularly on msn but it happens to me in real life as well.
I can be jumping around right below their noses and waving and shouting their name but nope. Ian doesnt exist for as long as they choose.
Facing walls everywhere. Its no wonder I put up some of my own.
We all do don't we.
I still hate getting stonewalled. Even though some people might say that I'm "used to it"