I actually made it through the week. Whee. I don't know how much more of this I can take, school to me just feels like a bag of sponges that I'm carrying.
And its starting to rain......
He watched her, in the library. She was sitting on a sofa, not far away. Looking down at the book in her hands, reading, as normal people did at the library. He on the other hand was just watching her, and enjoying it probably as much as she was enjoying that psychological thriller. He just couldn't stop gazing at her, and just as he was about to successfully tear his gaze away, she moved.
A strand of hair fell over her face and she swiped it away. He couldn't help but think how cute that action was. She flipped the page, ah that was love. Suddenly she looked up, right into his eyes and they both stared for a moment, held captive by each other's gazes.........
This is getting too indulgent, I shall stop here.