I have two brothers.
Both of which are sec1.
They are both highly irritating.
To me at least.
No one else thinks so.
What annoys me most is the way my youngest brother tries to boss everyone around. Feels that its his right. Gets away with it. And he succeeds with my other brother.
For simplicity sake, I shall refer to them as 2nd brother and youngest brother.
Okay... For example 2nd brother would be lounging around, reading as usual and youngest brother would be lying on a bed. Usually 2nd brother's bed. Then Youngest brother will feel thirsty. Youngest brother proceeds to command 2nd brother to get him a glass of water. He will also scold 2nd brother if he argues. I witnessed an occasion where 2nd brother asked youngest brother to get him a glass of water. It was not a pretty sight.
This has been annoying me for years.
One day I got a brainwave.
I felt lazy and asked 2nd brother to grab me a cup of water.
And beloved youngest brother felt it was absolutely necessary to jump in and said. He is NOT going to get you a glass of water. Get it yourself. And who are you to boss him around.
Now naturally 2nd brother agreed.
End of scenario:
Ian felt like punching slapping mutilating decapitating and burning them all.