Bloody hell he thought, glancing around at the retarded attap huts around him. He had at least expected something classier when he was dragged all away down to Malaysia for a bloody dinner that he didnt want to attend, instead he was standing here, on a broken down piece of tarmac, feeling ridiculously overdressed.
The food was torrid, everything was cold, and he suspected that the mushroom soup was rotten. He had helped himself to two helpings anyway, it was a buffet. He wouldnt go the evening hungry.
He stood outside of the two huts, if they could even be called huts, ridiculous they were, each one was probably as big as his room. He was bored out of his wits, and sorely pissed off, there goes another saturday he thought, I should be sitting at home at least. Bloody hell, there wasn't even a freakin pillar where he could lean on and act the angsty teenager that he so very much felt like. There were of course, but some genius had decided to add a potted plant at the base of each, denying him the pleasure of leaning against any of them.
The evening was a complete waste, well, almost if not for the dark-haired beauty sitting at the table in front of him, looking every bit as bored as he was, as the adults conversed about various stuff that they both didn't give a shite about.
The phrase in his head echoed a little weirdly, well of course he did, everyone had black hair around here, but it didn't matter, he brushed the thought away in an instant. She wasn't spectacularly dressed, her slim, svelte figure encased by a light blue shirt and the short shorts that are the trend at the moment, but as he looked on, he found his natural dislike of blue falling away.. mmmm......
Haha thats all for now.
Gasps, I realize that there is a small chance that she might read this.