Kinda like how they held the upgrade of my phone ransom indefinitely.
Or how they held my new laptop ransom after the old one went kapoof. Resulting in me getting the laptop back after 3 awkward days of explaining to teachers after I agreed(as much as you call that agreeing) to do my work outside in the hall, instead of like in my freaking room that has a computer desk like my two brothers.
The other time with my phone I just kept on using my w910i until it became so battered that it looked like I'd picked it off the ground.
Unfortunately the thingy that went kablooey this time was my SIM card. So they aren't going to replace it unless I cave in to whatever screwed up shit they have in mind.
And I don't think I have enough cash, despite the retardedly huge amounts I have saved up to pay for one and my phone bills for the rest of my life.
And the Taylor Swift concert tickets. Plus I haven't gotten allowance for months.
Screw the bullshit.
Screw it all.
Since when is it acceptable to freaking BLACKMAIL people into submission.
It isn't.
Authoritarian rule in the real world is met by rebellion, revolution, and dictators are executed by the rabble.
Stop freaking telling me that you're not unreasonable when you refuse to listen to any explanation of what I do.
Refusing to listen to any logical argument is in essence the definition of being unreasonable.
Because I say so isn't an argument if you're talking to someone who is like maybe older than 13 or capable of rational thought.
And as for the whole nonsense about no comparisons with other people. You thought me to do that. All those screwed up years of comparing my results to those ahead of me, don't you think maybe that it works both ways.
I'm not asking for an apology. Cause I know it bloody damn well won't come.
I'm just asking you to damn well leave me alone.
Maybe other people can, but I can't spend all day studying. I'll go insane.
I am going insane.
Our father God in heaven,
Help me deal with this.
Cause I really don't know what to do.
And I just can't take it anymore.
Labels: don't back down, open letter, rant