So I did nothing of worth on the first day of school.
It was a briefing for the damn orientation program that all the sec4s who didn't waste their holidays away planning the sec1 orientation program had to go.
yes, briefing. So nothing happened.
Then I played soccer for maybe 2 hours.
On the first day of school.
Bad sign.
Urgh. At least the damn thing starts today at like 1pm.
I'm building sandcastles, and the school hired sadistic sandcastle builders to teach us. She wants sandcastles over a metre high at least.
well, it could be worse, for example some people went to go play laserquest, others went to take a 3 hour long self defense class.
But of course. I'm building sandcastles for 6 hours.
Um lets see.
On the first day of school I:
Saw my form teacher
Got new timetable
Had the damned new discipline master shout at me (not specifically, he shouted at the whole damned school)
Talked to my form teacher
Miraculously handed up all the forms
Was the first in class in the morning(as usual)
Watch head boy Eugene make 1 screw up. (we really should start a tally)
Naturally, used vulgarities numerous times.
Drew stuff.
Had people leech off me and then insult me.
Been epically suaned by large groups of people.
Wasted my time in a briefing that took more than 1 hour.
Ate from the jap stall.
Bought something from the drinks stall.
Bought something from the vending machine.
Touched the grand piano in the atrium.
was nice to someone.
Had someone be nice to me back.
Overall..nothing worse than I expected.
How many more days again?