You could only see their heads, chest and arms. Still attached to each other. Their insides were spilling out.
Where the rest of their bodies were, I don't know.
The power of the people is a terrifying thing. Revolution, is impossible to stop. Countless empires have been downed by the mob.
People are willing to die for change. I've heard it said that these people, are in essence dead people. And that you have more to fear from these "dead" than the living.
Despite the barbaric usage of violence in the country, the revolution has not been quelled. Thats exactly what revolutions are. When people get so angry that violence does nothing to them. Even in this modern age, when unarmed protesters have to deal with helicopters and in the case of Libya, bombs and snipers even, they still forge on.
Because the only things that bombs and tanks and guns can do is kill. And if they do not fear that? How else can they be stopped.
The Libyan men may have been stopped by such things, and possibly dismembered by government forces, but the revolution moves on, and the dead will live on as heroes.
There is no stopping the will of the people, perhaps Gaddafi should've known. After all, how were so many of the dynasties of mighty ancient China overthrown, especially the last one of them all.
Death for freedom. To fight for peace. To die for peace.
Such self-sacrifice. Not for a loved one, not for self. But for a people group, greater than you can know. For the good of the nation. For the freedom of everyone else but you.
Courage that few of us in the world can actually match.
Lucky indeed we are, that we do not need to fight for our freedom. Or even in the pushing of our rights, we do not have a government that will set snipers upon non-violent protesters.
Men of Libya, and also, Egypt, I salute you.
For the greatest thing one can do, even if one lives for nothing, is to die for something.
Labels: my weird opinion