Zzt had a horrible time in rehearsal today.
I'm really afraid I can't get it right this time.
Bother, believe in yourself brother. Cause no one's gonna believe in yourself for you.
CLE today was about respect.
Though I have no clue how it actually related to what we did.
She asked us to define Life and Living.
I gave a brief definition. But I guess there's no better place to expand it than here.
Life is the spark in all living creatures that keeps them moving, keeps them moving no matter what may happen, keeps them striving on against all odds for survival. It doesn't matter if the situation is hopeless, it keeps us going on.
Humans are slightly different. We have the ability to keep hoping and struggle forth when any other creature would have given up. Like those shipwreck survivors who spend a month or more at sea and live to tell the tale. Like that crazy rock climber who I guess is now immortalized in the movie 127 hours.
This is humanity. Humanity is hope.
At the same time, Humans give up too. We have the capacity to actually go against all that nature deems normal and implode. Barring the highly intelligent dolphin, I know not of a creature on this planet capable of suicide. People do so for many reasons. I guess.
Some of them wouldn't take back their decision if they could.
Well only the first part is the definition anyway.
Back to relevance. Living.
To do what you want to do, and to be happy and content, only then are you truly living.
Thats the actual definition I wrote on the whiteboard. I was slightly irked that the teacher chose to question instead my definition of life. I should be flattered that my classmates thought that Head Boy Eugene came up with that. But of course, since when do I care what they think.
I'd better live my life properly.