Repetitive two part harmony- Awesomeness incarnate.
I am currently not only being disturbed by noisy horrifyingly amplified chinese new year celebrations organised by my condo, but amazingly by the echo of the celebrations off the HDB flats maybe 200 metres away. So I hear the annoying MC twice.
Super smash bros is fun once you get the hang of it.
I got it, on the family's er, Wii.
No, it doesn't work very well on the wii. But its fun nonetheless
My groupmate sent out an invitation to Inch Chua without consulting the group first. I wanna strangle him.
1. No one knows what exactly he sent her. It could've been the most awkwardly phrased thing in the history of mankind. We can't change it now.
2. We can't send something to override that without making it look even more awkward.
In essence, its an all or nothing shot, and the nothing currently seems to have a
higher chance of occurring.
3. We don't have an interview venue as of now.
4. We haven't planned the interview out. What if she still says yes. then I, yes because the idiot who sent it out is going to operate the camera, and the other two aren't going to do anything.
Then of course, I shall have to crap out the interview questions, as well as do an interview, in a short amount of time.
Worst case scenario, we lose the interview.
Best case scenario, I go there, get an awesome interview, get an autograph, and she friends me on youtube or smth.
Optimism has taken a long break in the Ian corner of the world.
but its back.