Sometimes I wonder which one of us is the one who needs less help.
If we were related, I wonder who would be older really.
Cause you can be downright obtuse at times.
In a really totally, uncharacteristically childish way.
How to deal with annoying friends.
Things you need first:
Emotional Maturity.
Annoying friends.
As a summary.
1. Accept people for who they are. Do not try to change them against their will, it doesn't work.
2. Try not to think of that person's annoying characteristic as annoying. Look on the bright side of things.
3. Ignore the annoying behaviour. Do not appear the least bit annoyed.
4. Make them feel stupid about it. Apply massive amounts of condescending attitude. And let that show, subtly. As subtly as you can.
5. Don't tell them outright. It will encourage them.
6. Know when to cut your losses. There's a difference between annoying behavior and outright hurtful behavior. If your friend sleeps with your significant other, constantly puts you down, or lies to you, you need to make the self preserving decision to end your friendship with them. Find new friends who will treat you right.