I don't know whats building up on me, I'm just dragging my feet through life.
Things didn't use to be like this.
I'm supposed to be zany and light hearted.
I better do something before that becomes a thing of the past.
My life usually works like a roller coaster ride, as horribly and ridiculously cliche as it seems. Extreme highs and extreme lows, many of them and in rapid succession, (naturally I say this for those of you unfamiliar with both roller coasters and the cliche, I'm sure there are tonnes of you, I'm also assuming that there are tonnes of you who read my blog, scary huh.)
But recently of late its been a really rather unnoticeable depression.
At least unnoticeable by me, I think almost everyone around me should have noticed the sunshine go out. My radiancy, (it totally exists) seems to have taken a large bump.
Its rather worrying, considering the fact that I am noticeably less happy than a year before, now I'm noticeably less happy then a week before.
I don't wanna lose that part of me. For my own benefit partly and also cause I'm really addicted to other people smiling.
Oops, thats like a really big secret of mine, why do I act so stupid around some people? Yeah thats why, I rather be laughed at, I make it so easy cause I like it that way.
Although it is rather unfortunate that I can actually speak about my radiancy like that, almost as if its something far far and far away, which is uh, unfortunate .
Its not already too far gone I hope.
Oh come on, don't just complain about my emoness, come down here and help me fix it.
I can't plug all the holes on this sinking ship by meself if you know what I'm saying.
Yes, I just asked all of you to help make me happier.