Sometimes, I get really upset. The sky turns to grey, my life seems purposeless and everything turns dark. I find myself listless and on the edge. I become really terrible at these times.
And sometimes I get pushed further still. Until I become and absolute mess. With no words or thoughts left except of finding something else.
This is not one of those times.
This is one of the times, where the clouds are everywhere, where I can hear thunder , and I'm sitting in half darkness. But the weather and everything is just as beautiful as anything I have ever seen.
And it doesn't matter, because I'm free.
In times like these, I can close my eyes and see trippy exuberant sunbeams, and you find me with random dopey smiles on my face that I may or may not try to hide. Where I can just close my eyes and be content, and I feel like flying.
And all is right with the world.
I bow in appreciation of all there is. And it bows back.
Sing and the birds will sing with you. Roll in the mud, hug a tree.
Laugh, and people will think you're crazy. But then laugh at them some more.
Because you know something that they don't know.
And it makes them not matter.
It makes you want to sing.
It's times like these, when I realise that roller coasters are worth it.
Effusive exhilarating effervescent ebullient exuberance.
Energetically enduring.
You might think I'm crazy.
You're right.