Everything except drama.
Somehow I don't really care, especially since my enthusiasm for drama has been on the wane anyhow.
I've ended up in a class of slackers who hate math and chinese, and all have lovely wonderful side interests (READ: MUSIC AND DRAMA) which makes them interesting jamming buddies and conversationalists.
Also, they are totally not muggers/dead fish.
I think I've found myself a wonderfully talented duet buddy too.
Yet life sucks.
Well not really, I just don't feel happy.
I'm slowly withdrawing from my circle of friends.
I'm not really withdrawing, just losing the motivation to talk to them anymore.
My zest for life, no longer very evident.
I've been tired mostly.
It's not that I suddenly don't want to talk to people, i've just been too tired to talk to more than one person a day.
This had better be temporary orientation hangover.