I believe in a lot of stuff. A lot of weird stuff. I belive and you might too, that science cant prove everything. But there are some things that i believe science has proved, but the scientific community still hasnt accepted because they cant find a plausible explanations for them. I believe in remote viewing. er..fine this is how remote viewing works, i basically give a psychically perceptive person coordinates of a certain place, lets say paris, and he will be able to give me details about that place after a certain degree of concentration. Sounds screwed up? well kinda but it has been proven. Remote viewing was tested by the US FBI and CIA as an offshoot of the Stargate program. They were trying to use it to get intel during the cold war. It kinda failed because the results of most experiments were detailed enough to prove that it was that place, but too vague to be of much use. For example using the paris example above, the remote viewer might only be able to tell you he sees a big tall metal tower and might be able to draw a vague picture of the eiffel tower and thats it. Anyway remote viewing has not only been tested and proven by the CIA, it has also been replicated by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Lab. Scientists generally reject remote viewing. they mostly claim that it cant be true cause theres no way to explain it.
Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire and a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) has said that he agrees remote viewing has been proven using the normal standards of science, but that the bar of evidence needs to be much higher for outlandish claims that will revolutionize the world, and thus he remains unconvinced:
"I agree that by the standards of any other area of science that remote viewing is proven, but begs the question: do we need higher standards of evidence when we study the paranormal? I think we do. (...) if I said that a UFO had just landed, you'd probably want a lot more evidence. Because remote viewing is such an outlandish claim that will revolutionize the world, we need overwhelming evidence before we draw any conclusions. Right now we don't have that evidence."
I think he's the crazy one, not me cause we got da evidence all laid right out in front of ya but ya'll just cant bring yourself tah admit it. Why not use the normal standards of science.............dammit la, move on and start proving ghosts......