I shall now describe the chaos that ensued on wednesday when most people from my CCA RP went to have lunch. I should also mention that that day was my birthday. and they found out. so... we went to have pizza hut...with our teacher in charge Ms Sara as well, cool huh? lets see we got there at around 1.45 but my food only came at 3+ so that was bummer. I wanted to go complain and demand some vouchers for fun but Ms Sara was like "dont be Singaporean".......... .____. but we didnt pay service charge lol. Terry fell asleep while waiting for his food, he apparently ordered the same dish as me lolz. we had to wake him up with a flash camera, and he ate his food with his eyes closed after that, he has some sleeping disorder... Then Shrey revealed a cake which he bought, it was kinda nice, i think but it had gone mushy and cream was stuck to the cover in a extremely chaotic fashion. No one really wanted to eat the cake except shrey...(he ate it with his fingers!!) but i did anyway. I was wondering how expensive the cake was and just at the moment Shrey stood up and said "hey everyone you owe me 50 cents for the cake." That worked out to be 3.50 so I was kinda bummed. But hey at least he remembered and a cake is a cake right? I ended up taking the cake home. So now i have two cakes. my family got one. I nearly had to eat some more cake during cg earlier, Germs got one for the cg but thankfully she didnt insist on my eating it. Thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday. For those who didnt. well Im happy enough that you bother to read my blog.
P.s That doesnt mean you dont remember next year youd better
P.s.s No leen i havent forgotten about your birthday, I just cant get you a present now because I dont have time. I'll find a way to get a present to you after my Mid years k?
Dammit i wish the mixpod would update itself, i dont want to go through the whole process of editing the code again. brrrr....