I spent most of the evening trying to find new blogs to read , been checking out profiles of people from my past. And yes i still care enough to read about you. If you care enough to read my blog, ill probably care enough to read yours. (: start a freaking blog people, too many have been going dead. It is my firm belief that blogs do have a certain essence and quality that facebook can never have. Its not just the whole skin, the fact that blogs, no matter the fact that they are public, are still your space. Facebook posts, although lighter and easier to write, tend to be insipid in my opinion. Like twitter without the 140 character limit and bad interface.
A twitter post would go:
lulz had cle lesson 2day, the new tchr damn weird
the fb post would prob be:
Lolz, I had some random new cle teacher, he had a funny hairdo and was funny, check it out! (1000ppl like this)
Blog post(what i would write in this random hypothetical situation):
I got this random teacher for cle(character leadrship ed for those who dont know). I think he was trying to be funny, fortunately he succeeded. ((((::: That quirky hair worked too, he cant be much older than us, and yes he is yet another ex-RI dude. Makes you wonder, how come so many of ex Ri boys end up as low-paid teachers at their alma-mater. OMG i just envisioned my self teaching CLE to my cousin. Er... whatever. What bothers me most about this damned teacher, was not the fact that he blared loud music in class while trying to get us to play a demented game, but the fact that he couldnt name a single Taylor Swift song, NOT A SINGLE ONE I mean it was. WTF WTF WTF.
Our sch has a piano in the main atrium, where anyone can go and play it. I do btw and I force all those who are not enlightened to listen to the best songs in the world. Nah not really, i dont usually spam Taylor Swift songs on it. Usually only drop in 1 or 2 in. Although i remember one day I played Love Story, Youre not Sorry, Forever & Always and Jump Then Fall, it was fun, and no one really bothers at least i thought. Until some guys passed and asked a friend of mine who was standing next to me who was the guy who kept playing Taylor Swift songs. Oops. Apparently more people have noticed. Get this, to my brother's classmates, ive become the guy who likes Taylor Swift. FML.
Hahas. Anyways I was randoming around the main atrium, no in fact having a cca meeting. And waddya know, cle teacher is trying to play the piano, manages to play half of Gaga's telephone decently( the melody only). I being the occasionally egoistic maniac go down to suan him. and i played love story and he was like what song is that. -.- -.-.-.-.-.-.- I dont think im having too adverse a reaction, I mean Love story was so damn popular it became a freaking cliche and this guy doesnt know it though he somehow can name almost all of Gaga's songs which disproves his defence that he doesnt listen to music?
Then again if he only listens to Lady Gaga, he doesnt.