Sometimes I wonder what my role is in this world
Not now though.
Im just trying to figure out what exactly my role in dramafeste is.
You see I signed up as an actor. Yes just another actor for the annual inter-house drama competitions. Then well being part of the school's drama club I had to attend a preliminary meeting which only one other person from my house attended. Then, since we had no script, I helped to brainstorm ideas for it,
Thats when the trouble started
I eventually ended up editing it as well. Then I was also called upon to discuss the script in general with the others. Then though not respected by those horrible horrible arrogant DI people, at least I had the listening ear of the director and house capt. The unofficial one. Because he couldn't officially direct since he had to act as well. Unofficial director needless to say was another one of those demotivated people who ended up in the House Exco.
Also being the "Raffles Players Guy" I had the most experience in theatre and was called upon time to time for my vast theatrical knowledge that they had no use for other than when they were feeling guilty. Like warm-ups. They asked me to lead them in warm ups but then when I tried to they just screwed around and kept wasting time. Needless to say I ended up PMSing at them but not many of them cared.
Today screwed things started happening, many screwed things. Yes the rehearsal went quite okay during the three hour slot that we took during school hours, and my chinese lesson. But then after school the chaos began.
Rehearsal venue screwed: We had to change it, someone didnt book it properly, we didnt have a space, so I had to use influence to get the ES for them. If one of the people from the other houses are reading this, you arent supposed to know. Sssshhhhhhhhhh. Upon arrival, we... No THEY started slacking. Aside from those who skipped and left. We had beloved Aidan playing PES on dear Director's laptop. Director and Stage manager throwing ping pong balls around. And unofficial Director lying on the sofa like a bag of morasses. Almighty Scriptwriter was not there. All we had left was me Ben Wong and Jian Kai, working with Ben Wong's lines. Thats only cause he needed help and I was the only one who could help him. Jian Kai is part of our backstage crew but yeahhhhhh he was kinda a bigger help than most of the rest. Together we actually managed to make Benjamin experience the feeling of anger and transformed his delivery of his lines from hopelessly fail to awesome stuff. Needless to say unofficial director decided to pop by from across the room at the end and go "yeah we are awesome". To which I pointed out he didnt do anything.
Ben Wong left as well as Jian Kai because they had better things to do. So I pmsed at the three people who were supposed to be running the production to go rehearse their roles. And I pmsed until they did, dammit I wasnt going to let them slack away, not in the sacred hallowed grounds of the drama club cca room. Urgh.
Just so you know
Director: Oversees the entire production, has the "vision" of where the play is going, should know how things are supposed to be staged and has the final say on any decision.
Scriptwriter: Being the scriptwriter he knows what the lines mean, so any interpretations that need to be done, about lines and meaning of the play etc should go to him. He also naturally points out things that he finds to be gross distortiions of his original intent.
Stage Manager: In charge of props costumes lighting and is basically the scribe as well. Awesome job.
Yeah, scriptwriter absent. SM and Director having juggling competition with ping pong balls. Unofficial Director stoning. Other Actors: Not there, Playing Com, listening to music or playing with the ping pong balls too. I have no idea what the ping pong balls were even there for -.-
So in the above situation, naturally I had to do something. And I finally achieved my goal of progress through massive massive pms in bursts and intervals.
Today was love