Haha I am currently laughing my head off at this
Kanye West, the man whose ego of epic proportions could only be stopped by the awesomeness of south park. South park should never have to spoof your ego. They did that for the safety of the planet bless them. THEY DID THAT FOR YOUUUUUU AND FOR MEEEEEEEEEE.
Okay I am more than a little high now.
Who else would snatch a mike from anyone making an acceptance speech and proclaim that someone else should have won.
Just speaks of skin thicker than a bull-ape and a skull of similar make. I am now shuddering at the prospect of ever encountering someone like him in real life.
Yes I can't stand inflated egos
Unfortunately I'm guilty of that sometimes.
At least with me, its not the arrogant BOW DOWN TO MY AWESOMENESS AND WORSHIP ME.
More of the hey what are you talking about, I ain't like that ya'll.
I prefer to see that as a defense mechanism.
YEAH ITS ALL YOUR FAULT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just for those who have been hiding under a rock for the past year, possibly eating lint off their degenerating retro underwear, Kanye West snatched the mic from Taylor Swift.
That is Horrible
Oh horrors waddya know, jumping on stage during an award ceremony? Well he's done it before, for his own sake. And he argued with the presenter. Nice one Kanye. And they just had to let him attend future award ceremonies. Well maybe they figured he would be fine as long as the awards didn't involve him.
Good call.