At least thats what the SS teacher said today. something like that. Of course I rephrased it; shut up.
Naturally she followed that up by saying something like: so you all better fill up that free time and idleness with SS hw. So here is a whole lot of SS homework to do.
I just hate it when teachers do that. I used to be semi-tolerant about it, but now being in a "good" school with all the supposedly "good" teachers you don't think that they actually don't know that all the other teachers say that as well and dump homework on us as a consequence.
WELL DUH THEY KNOW. If not they shouldn't be teaching us.
Now consider the implications of this fact which is so laughably and obviously true.
1. They're lying buggers, and they don't care that they are.
2. They don't give a shite about our welfare.
Fun isn't it. Esp when everyone thinks of those few kind and caring teachers. Have they ever done something like this? If they have, then maybe its time to revise your opinion of them.
About teachers that shouldn't be teaching us
I think I've been extremely unlucky, running into tonnes of these teachers every year. Urgh. Lets just start with one, geog teacher. I shan't name her, but if you want to go check its pretty easy, since I've only had 1 geog teacher in my entire life. No wait, I had one the year I was in international school at 6, but then again she taught almost all the subjects so it doesn't really count.
She rambles on in class half the time about stuff that people don't listen to, thats fine but usually they make some sort of sense. we all naturally assume that. And its usually true. Not for this one.
"The earth is like a basketball, when the equator makes one round, the poles make many many rounds"
okay.. she might have said that by mistake.
So we told her
"Maam they have the same rounds per minute"
"No they dont"
This continued for 5 minutes and it was ridiculous, though no one went right up to her face and said HEY THEY ARE ATTACHED TO ONE ANOTHER YEAH MAYBE THATS WHY THEY MAKE THE SAME AMOUNT OF ROUNDS IN A MINUTE.
She finally conceded, but with a blank look stared at us all and said
"But the poles still spin faster"
Did I mention she became my form teacher. This meant that she extended her duties to other areas like our "personal development"
1. she gives out a maze to class
2. Yes a maze, those ones on papers that you may have done as a kid. We all do a double take, but its not a freaking dream
3. Chaos and uproar ensues when one member of our class spots intructions in chinese on the upper left hand corner of the paper. Translation: for 3 year olds.
4. She silences the class with a loud quiet, and proceeds to accuse us of being to task orientated and only focusing on solving them maze and not listening to instructions
5. Her brlliant instructions : "Use your eyes instead of your hand and pencil, thus you will raise the difficulty to your level"
In another incident she gave us something which resembled connect the dots but without numbers, she told us to draw anything we wanted and it was a personality test of some sort. We stared at her. She insisted we draw something. Various perverted and obscene images were drawn in that half an hour, more than few of which were directed in ire at her. she collected the drawings. We never saw them again.