Ah.. That phrase of nostalgia.
When were the summer times for you?
Do you even have any?
For me I guess they were back in primary school.
All the people...And the happiness.
I mean there was stress but there were so many people whom I trusted.
People whom even if they joked around and poked fun at me, meant no harm.
Ah, the loss of innocence
Welcome to the cutthroat world of secondary school.
Everyone is just....competing and competing and competing.
Whats the point.
Nostalgia isnt what it used to be.
Sighs Ian, do you ever reflect in an entirely sober state.
No, well, sometimes Im angry or sad, does that count?
Well...Not really...
Well then live with the humour, its either this or that.
Yes, that was an emo line. Deal with it.