Dammit I'm still back here. After surviving my obsessive chem teacher, who I think I'm going to really hate.
That freaky look on his face, he scrutinised me as if I had some sort of degenerative disease and why?
How could you leave your file in this state?
Yep he said that.
The first piece of paper in my chem file had a substantial amount of the top corner folded down.
He proceeded to grill my entire file and.
He later realised that I took 3 copies of a piece of notes by accident. He asked me why, and I replied that I didn't realise. (Well duh)
His reply went something like this(No I am not exaggerating, just not exact words cause my memory isn't that good)
"Ian Ian Ian, how are you going to continue like this, by taking the notes you are depriving your classmates of the notes, do you want me to hold your hand and guide you step by step like a primary school child? No? You are sec4 already and should be able to keep your file in order."
And he said this with psuedo-pity. Not a trace of sarcasm in his voice, just looking at me with his scarily vacant eyes throughout the entire time like he was a crazy madman who thought that I needed psychiatric help because my file was "not entirely in order", and also cause i accidentally took 3 copies of one type of notes.
Also he mispronounced my name. Thats besides the point, but it makes it worse.
Anyway exactly what "in order" means for him is unnervingly close to OCD standards.
At least he didn't manufacture a content page for us all and damn us back to the hellish pointless filing standards of the St. Hilda's Primary School teachers. Those were a crazy lot, but least they didn't really care if my worksheets were folded over.
Oh yes. It is the 3rd week of school and he called for a file check.
Alarm bells are sounding in my head. My madman alert is telling me to be very very careful of this man.
At least he didn't call our classroom a "place of worship" and use it as a rationale to explain why we shouldn't eat in class unlike a certain disc*cough cough*ipline uh master, I mean someone.