Because Cute, Smart, and Funny don't mean a thing
The above was supposed to be the real title, but trust me the blogskin screwed up on meLiving life to the fullest And I won't say anything at all. To all the lovely bitches like you Get your boots on |
Sudden urge to SCREAAAAAAAMMM - Saturday, January 8, 2011 @ 9:41 PM
This quiz, was too long, not to steal. 1 .PICK OUT A SCAR YOU HAVE, AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU GOT IT. Umm, ouch. I pick right knee. I shall now narrate the sad story of the 9+ year old scar. Once upon a time, I lived in Malaysia. Once upon a time, I was 6. Once upon a time, I was in the Boys Brigade. So once upon a time, the Boys Brigade decided to have a camp at an arcane part of the west coast. West coast of Malaysia unfortunately, not California. So, after maybe hours of driving( since I was 6, I went with my parents) we arrived at that arcane part of Malaysia. Obviously, or considering the oddity that I am, not so obviously, I ran around the whole damned place. Naturally since I was 6, I ran as fast as I pleased. Now there was this playground thingy, I can only assume it was a playground. To be honest it looked more like a freakin skatepark thingum but it was surrounded by grass and wasn't very large. So it was playground. Everyone was running and climbing all over it and naturally I did too, I ran to the top and fell off. I landed on grass, and was unhurt. Moving on, after maybe 10 minutes, we wanted to go and swim. Yep, Malaysian west coast, Indian ocean, straits of malacca, very very clean. Very very safe. Anyway so after changing into my swimming costume. No wait. I was already wearing my trunks inside my little pants. Okay, so I needed the toilet. Naturally, there were toilets around. Fortunately, there were public toilets. Unfortunately, this was Malaysia. They were absolutely filthy, and not to mention squatting toilets. Yes, you are free to express your disgust and dismay. That kind of toilet, the type that I, never ever use. So anyway I went into a cubicle myself. The floor was wet and covered in grime. Kids run by the way. So I skidded to a halt in front of the toilet. Well I tried. I skidded in. Well, technically only my right knee went in. Yep, right knee. Guess what it wasn't just a squatting decrepit toilet, It was broken too. Broken how? Broken so that as my six year old self, old enough to be thoroughly disgusted, withdrew my leg from the toilet, it cut deep into my right knee. How deep? lets just say that the flesh flopped downwards like a flap. Lets say it wasn't a paper thin flap. Lets just say that I didn't know that flesh that deep was white before. I cried yes, but I didn't really feel a thing. Your body does wonderful things like that. I pushed the flap back in a quick movement, covered it with both hands and hobbled my way out crying. The BB spotted me within seconds and I was on a stretcher and it got bandaged. Did I mention this took place in an arcane part of Malaysia? The hospital was 2 hours away. I got quite a few stitches in that. So today, I still got that damned scar, shaped in the shape of that damned thing deep in the toilet that cut me. And I still don't use squatting toilets. So there. 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? An LFC calender and a Star Wars episode 3 poster. A taylor swift poster may be going up soon. I don't know what my parents will make of it. 3. WHAT DOES YOUR PHONE LOOK LIKE? Its an awesome Sony Ericsson W995. Walkman phone, 8.1 megapixel camera. 4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? Adult Contemporary, Pop, Pop/rock, Rock, and sprinklings of pretty much of everything else thats good, rap and jazz included. 5. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE? Its a surreal landscape picture that I found while trawling the web for typography. Here. 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? I could write an entire post about this. Shit but then again I really don't know. I've been struggling with this for very long. I don't know if I'd want success in a music career or that girl. Thats how badly I want the career. Or you could say thats how badly I want her. 7. WHAT TIME WERE YOU BORN? Don't know, don't really care. 8. ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL TOGETHER? Yes 9. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? My refrigerator, its ridiculously loud. 10. DO YOU GET SCARED OF THE DARK? Sometimes I get this funny feeling. Then I get the hell out of that dark place as fast as I can 11. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? Skip. 12. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOR DO YOU LIKE ON THE SAME SEX? Dude, you could have green hair and fuzzy eyes that have polka dots on them and I wouldn't give a shit. Now girls, thats another thing. 13. DO YOU LIKE PAINKILLERS? I don't take them on a regular basis, I wouldn't really know. 14. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINKS? I. Hate. Coffee. 15. FAVE PIZZA TOPPING? Minced meat for the win. 16 IF YOU COULD EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I would eat everyone I hate, they would probably taste bad, but they would only be able to bother me for 3 hours or so before they died. 17. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU MADE MAD? :/ Mad, as in really mad? Idk, Ummm, I guess probably Ryan a few weeks ago, something I said on Sunday. Then he stormed off. I think he forgave me. 18. DO YOU SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Right. 19. WHAT WAS THE LAST GIFT SOMEONE GAVE YOU? Gosh uh.... You shouldn't have to think so hard right? Well...ahem. Considering that I got nothing for my birthday this year. Or christmas. Or the christmas before. .......... Yep, not even from my family. Ooh ooh i still got the birthday presents that Mich Leen Ian Low Worm and Fluff got me in p6. I remember stuff like that. 20. DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE? Yes you moron, yes. 21. ARE YOU DOUBLE JOINTED? I possibly have less joints than most people. I only have two joints on both my 4th fingers, including the base. 22. FAVORITE FRIEND? I don't have a best friend. Haven't had one since p6. He didnt get me a birthday present. 23. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM CAR? Something that will drive itself. 24. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? Leaving? Would Leave you? Leaving this world? Leaving this country? I'd follow. Leaving for somewhere I couldn't go? I'd still do it. I don't have much of a choice anyway. 25. SAY A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 100. 54. 26. BLONDE OR BRUNETTE? You shouldn't have a preference. 27. WHAT IS THE ONE PHONE NUMBER THAT SHOWS UP ON YOUR PHONE THE MOST? Thats getting too private. 28. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST? I guess myself. I'm pretty annoying. 29. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY? Duuuuuuuuuuuuude. 30. YOUR WEAKNESS? Wanna list? okay. 1. Insecurity 2. Arrogance 3. Recklessness 4. Naivety 5. Obstinacy 6. Ice cream 7. A penchant for lying and ridiculousness, see 6. 8. Social Awkwardness 9. Talking too much 10. Saying the wrong thing 31. WHAT WAS THE LAST GIFT YOU GAVE? A birthday gift. It was a music album. I am currently racking my brain on how to offload another birthday gift, a pair of headphones. 32. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY? I don't really like any, I prefer to stay at home. Maybe australia, I surfed and had fun in theme parks. But my family hated that one. Why? Cause they were arguing with me. Their fault. 33. EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? Tried. Not done. 34. WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE THIS? Walking my dog at 9pm. 35. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ABOUT MOST? Gosh uh. My compliments aren't very consistent. I get kind, loyal and a lot of nice though. Then again I guess everyone gets nice. Also within a single week in december 2 separate girls complimented my handwriting and hair respectively. Unbelievable huh? I'm still happy about that. 36. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF ALCOHOL BECAME ILLEGAL? Uh, drink. More. Coke. 37. WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? Gosh. I stopped wishing for presents a long time ago. :/ Taylor Swift concert early birthday presents for 5 years anyone? Or if you can get front row seats or somewhere where she looks human sized thats enough birthday present to last a lifetime I guess. 38. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? I was named after a friend my father knew. Why? Cause he was maybe the smartest guy my father had ever known. Yes, my father named me after someone who the first thing he can remember about the person is his smartness. Anything else I know about the person? Oh yeah he got divorced maybe 5 years ago. Wonderful. 39. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? I would, IF YOU COULD SEE THEM. 40. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? My like for my handwriting has increased exponentially from day to day since a certain someone complimented it. 41. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VEGETABLE? The potato. Thank god for the french fry. 42. ANY BAD HABITS? Many. 43. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING CD ON THE SHELF? I have two, strictly speaking. I love both. 44. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Yes I would, then again, assuming if I retained my personality. 45. HAVE YOU EVER TOLD A SECRET YOU SWORE NOT TO TELL? Yes, it was my own secret. 46. DO LOOKS MATTER? Unfortunately, reluctantly I admit, they do hold a sway on me. 47. HOW DO YOU RELEASE YOUR ANGER? Screaming at people, whacking at pillows, this freakin blog, flaming people in my mind, both figuratively and literally. Imagining people combust is more fufilling than you realize. 48. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? I'm not too sure I have 1. 49. DO YOU TRUST OTHERS EASILY? Well, I trust in their honesty easily. But I rarely tell them all my secrets. 50. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? I didn't have one. 51. ARE YOU AFRAID OF GROWING UP? In a way. 52. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Yes. 53. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Gosh what a loaded question. I suppose so yes. 54. DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS? Fuck no. 55. WHAT IS THE MOST PAIN YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED? I try not to remember 56. DO YOU UN-TIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Who does? 57. LAST THING YOU SPILLED? Water. 58. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Abovementioned dog. 59. FAVOURITE COLOURS? Black, Bright flashing red. Maybe yellow. 60. WHAT’S THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? An anthology of Horror stories. 61. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Well honestly yeah lol. So i could read all their answerz hahahaz. 62. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM VACATION? :/, I don't really like them. I prefer being at home. Singapore. 63. LAST THING YOU ATE/DRANK? FISH AND CO. AWESOMEEEE 64. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My brother. 65. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? That electric feeling you get when you first stare into her eyes, the sudden longing and the realization you'd do anything for that person, anything to make her yours. Hell yeah. 66. FAVOURITE DRINK? Unashamedly. Coca Cola. 67. FAVOURITE ZODIAC SIGN? Screw them all. Sorry, tis my religon. 68. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT? Soccer. 69. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? Black 70. EYE COLOUR? Very very dark brown 71. TALL OR SHORT? Urgh. I wish I was taller. I hate tall people. But only cause I'm short. 72. SIBLINGS? 2 73. FAVOURITE MONTH? This is ridiculous. August... Not september. Or october. 74. DO YOU LIKE SUSHI? No. 75. LAST THING YOU WATCHED? That disgustingly cheesy Taiwanese drama serial on channel 8. Ai. Also known as. Love. 76. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE YEAR? I don't know. Its not my birthday. Especially when I wake up, wait a few days and realize I got no presents. 77. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? I hate it when people put it that way. 78, SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer. 79. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? Heh. I'm a romantic, go figure. 80. WHO IS THE MOST LIKELY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Highly emotional people. Also girls. 81. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? I would say Nadia, well you did the questions, but you didn't ANSWER THEM DID YOU? Then again all those people who dont have FREAKING BLOGS. 82. IS ANYONE IN LOVE WITH YOU? I sure hope so. :/ Yeah keep dreaming buddy boy. 83. BIGGEST FEAR(S) Okay. I shall list them. As many as I can remember now. 1. Dead stuff 2. High places 3. Dolls 4. Everyone staring at me, zombie like. 5. Getting squashed by train doors 6. Being stuck in a hole till I die.( this contributes to mild claustrophobia) 84. Loud or quiet? Loud 85. FAVORITE MOVIE? All discovered last year. 1. Music & Lyrics 2. Zombieland 3. Kick-ass 86. IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU MET SOMEONE WHO HAS CHANGED YOUR LIFE? I hope you were referring to me. And yes I did. a few people. 87. HAVE YOU EVER REJECTED SOMEONES CALL ON PURPOSE? Tonnes of times. 88. FACEBOOK OR MYSPACE? Neither 89 MORNING OR NIGHT? Night. 90. DO YOU SPEND YOUR LIFE ON FACEBOOK? why has the world come to this. 91. DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE WORD. Volatile. 92. DREAM JOB? Co-Lead singer of the band. The other lead singer being Taylor Swift Umm yeah. Give me a break, its a dream. 93. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTER-LIFE? Does heaven and hell count as after-life? Yes it does. 94. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MARRIAGE? What almost every girl wants from their boyfriends. Also uh. Nvm I shall not complete that sentence. Ta-da, thus I conclude the extremely long post. Whee. |
Sudden urge to SCREAAAAAAAMMM - Saturday, January 8, 2011 @ 9:41 PM
This quiz, was too long, not to steal. 1 .PICK OUT A SCAR YOU HAVE, AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU GOT IT. Umm, ouch. I pick right knee. I shall now narrate the sad story of the 9+ year old scar. Once upon a time, I lived in Malaysia. Once upon a time, I was 6. Once upon a time, I was in the Boys Brigade. So once upon a time, the Boys Brigade decided to have a camp at an arcane part of the west coast. West coast of Malaysia unfortunately, not California. So, after maybe hours of driving( since I was 6, I went with my parents) we arrived at that arcane part of Malaysia. Obviously, or considering the oddity that I am, not so obviously, I ran around the whole damned place. Naturally since I was 6, I ran as fast as I pleased. Now there was this playground thingy, I can only assume it was a playground. To be honest it looked more like a freakin skatepark thingum but it was surrounded by grass and wasn't very large. So it was playground. Everyone was running and climbing all over it and naturally I did too, I ran to the top and fell off. I landed on grass, and was unhurt. Moving on, after maybe 10 minutes, we wanted to go and swim. Yep, Malaysian west coast, Indian ocean, straits of malacca, very very clean. Very very safe. Anyway so after changing into my swimming costume. No wait. I was already wearing my trunks inside my little pants. Okay, so I needed the toilet. Naturally, there were toilets around. Fortunately, there were public toilets. Unfortunately, this was Malaysia. They were absolutely filthy, and not to mention squatting toilets. Yes, you are free to express your disgust and dismay. That kind of toilet, the type that I, never ever use. So anyway I went into a cubicle myself. The floor was wet and covered in grime. Kids run by the way. So I skidded to a halt in front of the toilet. Well I tried. I skidded in. Well, technically only my right knee went in. Yep, right knee. Guess what it wasn't just a squatting decrepit toilet, It was broken too. Broken how? Broken so that as my six year old self, old enough to be thoroughly disgusted, withdrew my leg from the toilet, it cut deep into my right knee. How deep? lets just say that the flesh flopped downwards like a flap. Lets say it wasn't a paper thin flap. Lets just say that I didn't know that flesh that deep was white before. I cried yes, but I didn't really feel a thing. Your body does wonderful things like that. I pushed the flap back in a quick movement, covered it with both hands and hobbled my way out crying. The BB spotted me within seconds and I was on a stretcher and it got bandaged. Did I mention this took place in an arcane part of Malaysia? The hospital was 2 hours away. I got quite a few stitches in that. So today, I still got that damned scar, shaped in the shape of that damned thing deep in the toilet that cut me. And I still don't use squatting toilets. So there. 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? An LFC calender and a Star Wars episode 3 poster. A taylor swift poster may be going up soon. I don't know what my parents will make of it. 3. WHAT DOES YOUR PHONE LOOK LIKE? Its an awesome Sony Ericsson W995. Walkman phone, 8.1 megapixel camera. 4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? Adult Contemporary, Pop, Pop/rock, Rock, and sprinklings of pretty much of everything else thats good, rap and jazz included. 5. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE? Its a surreal landscape picture that I found while trawling the web for typography. Here. 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? I could write an entire post about this. Shit but then again I really don't know. I've been struggling with this for very long. I don't know if I'd want success in a music career or that girl. Thats how badly I want the career. Or you could say thats how badly I want her. 7. WHAT TIME WERE YOU BORN? Don't know, don't really care. 8. ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL TOGETHER? Yes 9. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? My refrigerator, its ridiculously loud. 10. DO YOU GET SCARED OF THE DARK? Sometimes I get this funny feeling. Then I get the hell out of that dark place as fast as I can 11. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? Skip. 12. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOR DO YOU LIKE ON THE SAME SEX? Dude, you could have green hair and fuzzy eyes that have polka dots on them and I wouldn't give a shit. Now girls, thats another thing. 13. DO YOU LIKE PAINKILLERS? I don't take them on a regular basis, I wouldn't really know. 14. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINKS? I. Hate. Coffee. 15. FAVE PIZZA TOPPING? Minced meat for the win. 16 IF YOU COULD EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I would eat everyone I hate, they would probably taste bad, but they would only be able to bother me for 3 hours or so before they died. 17. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU MADE MAD? :/ Mad, as in really mad? Idk, Ummm, I guess probably Ryan a few weeks ago, something I said on Sunday. Then he stormed off. I think he forgave me. 18. DO YOU SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Right. 19. WHAT WAS THE LAST GIFT SOMEONE GAVE YOU? Gosh uh.... You shouldn't have to think so hard right? Well...ahem. Considering that I got nothing for my birthday this year. Or christmas. Or the christmas before. .......... Yep, not even from my family. Ooh ooh i still got the birthday presents that Mich Leen Ian Low Worm and Fluff got me in p6. I remember stuff like that. 20. DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE? Yes you moron, yes. 21. ARE YOU DOUBLE JOINTED? I possibly have less joints than most people. I only have two joints on both my 4th fingers, including the base. 22. FAVORITE FRIEND? I don't have a best friend. Haven't had one since p6. He didnt get me a birthday present. 23. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM CAR? Something that will drive itself. 24. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? Leaving? Would Leave you? Leaving this world? Leaving this country? I'd follow. Leaving for somewhere I couldn't go? I'd still do it. I don't have much of a choice anyway. 25. SAY A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 100. 54. 26. BLONDE OR BRUNETTE? You shouldn't have a preference. 27. WHAT IS THE ONE PHONE NUMBER THAT SHOWS UP ON YOUR PHONE THE MOST? Thats getting too private. 28. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST? I guess myself. I'm pretty annoying. 29. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY? Duuuuuuuuuuuuude. 30. YOUR WEAKNESS? Wanna list? okay. 1. Insecurity 2. Arrogance 3. Recklessness 4. Naivety 5. Obstinacy 6. Ice cream 7. A penchant for lying and ridiculousness, see 6. 8. Social Awkwardness 9. Talking too much 10. Saying the wrong thing 31. WHAT WAS THE LAST GIFT YOU GAVE? A birthday gift. It was a music album. I am currently racking my brain on how to offload another birthday gift, a pair of headphones. 32. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY? I don't really like any, I prefer to stay at home. Maybe australia, I surfed and had fun in theme parks. But my family hated that one. Why? Cause they were arguing with me. Their fault. 33. EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? Tried. Not done. 34. WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE THIS? Walking my dog at 9pm. 35. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ABOUT MOST? Gosh uh. My compliments aren't very consistent. I get kind, loyal and a lot of nice though. Then again I guess everyone gets nice. Also within a single week in december 2 separate girls complimented my handwriting and hair respectively. Unbelievable huh? I'm still happy about that. 36. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF ALCOHOL BECAME ILLEGAL? Uh, drink. More. Coke. 37. WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? Gosh. I stopped wishing for presents a long time ago. :/ Taylor Swift concert early birthday presents for 5 years anyone? Or if you can get front row seats or somewhere where she looks human sized thats enough birthday present to last a lifetime I guess. 38. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? I was named after a friend my father knew. Why? Cause he was maybe the smartest guy my father had ever known. Yes, my father named me after someone who the first thing he can remember about the person is his smartness. Anything else I know about the person? Oh yeah he got divorced maybe 5 years ago. Wonderful. 39. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? I would, IF YOU COULD SEE THEM. 40. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? My like for my handwriting has increased exponentially from day to day since a certain someone complimented it. 41. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VEGETABLE? The potato. Thank god for the french fry. 42. ANY BAD HABITS? Many. 43. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING CD ON THE SHELF? I have two, strictly speaking. I love both. 44. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Yes I would, then again, assuming if I retained my personality. 45. HAVE YOU EVER TOLD A SECRET YOU SWORE NOT TO TELL? Yes, it was my own secret. 46. DO LOOKS MATTER? Unfortunately, reluctantly I admit, they do hold a sway on me. 47. HOW DO YOU RELEASE YOUR ANGER? Screaming at people, whacking at pillows, this freakin blog, flaming people in my mind, both figuratively and literally. Imagining people combust is more fufilling than you realize. 48. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? I'm not too sure I have 1. 49. DO YOU TRUST OTHERS EASILY? Well, I trust in their honesty easily. But I rarely tell them all my secrets. 50. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? I didn't have one. 51. ARE YOU AFRAID OF GROWING UP? In a way. 52. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Yes. 53. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Gosh what a loaded question. I suppose so yes. 54. DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS? Fuck no. 55. WHAT IS THE MOST PAIN YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED? I try not to remember 56. DO YOU UN-TIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Who does? 57. LAST THING YOU SPILLED? Water. 58. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Abovementioned dog. 59. FAVOURITE COLOURS? Black, Bright flashing red. Maybe yellow. 60. WHAT’S THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? An anthology of Horror stories. 61. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Well honestly yeah lol. So i could read all their answerz hahahaz. 62. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM VACATION? :/, I don't really like them. I prefer being at home. Singapore. 63. LAST THING YOU ATE/DRANK? FISH AND CO. AWESOMEEEE 64. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My brother. 65. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? That electric feeling you get when you first stare into her eyes, the sudden longing and the realization you'd do anything for that person, anything to make her yours. Hell yeah. 66. FAVOURITE DRINK? Unashamedly. Coca Cola. 67. FAVOURITE ZODIAC SIGN? Screw them all. Sorry, tis my religon. 68. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT? Soccer. 69. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? Black 70. EYE COLOUR? Very very dark brown 71. TALL OR SHORT? Urgh. I wish I was taller. I hate tall people. But only cause I'm short. 72. SIBLINGS? 2 73. FAVOURITE MONTH? This is ridiculous. August... Not september. Or october. 74. DO YOU LIKE SUSHI? No. 75. LAST THING YOU WATCHED? That disgustingly cheesy Taiwanese drama serial on channel 8. Ai. Also known as. Love. 76. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE YEAR? I don't know. Its not my birthday. Especially when I wake up, wait a few days and realize I got no presents. 77. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? I hate it when people put it that way. 78, SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer. 79. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? Heh. I'm a romantic, go figure. 80. WHO IS THE MOST LIKELY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Highly emotional people. Also girls. 81. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? I would say Nadia, well you did the questions, but you didn't ANSWER THEM DID YOU? Then again all those people who dont have FREAKING BLOGS. 82. IS ANYONE IN LOVE WITH YOU? I sure hope so. :/ Yeah keep dreaming buddy boy. 83. BIGGEST FEAR(S) Okay. I shall list them. As many as I can remember now. 1. Dead stuff 2. High places 3. Dolls 4. Everyone staring at me, zombie like. 5. Getting squashed by train doors 6. Being stuck in a hole till I die.( this contributes to mild claustrophobia) 84. Loud or quiet? Loud 85. FAVORITE MOVIE? All discovered last year. 1. Music & Lyrics 2. Zombieland 3. Kick-ass 86. IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU MET SOMEONE WHO HAS CHANGED YOUR LIFE? I hope you were referring to me. And yes I did. a few people. 87. HAVE YOU EVER REJECTED SOMEONES CALL ON PURPOSE? Tonnes of times. 88. FACEBOOK OR MYSPACE? Neither 89 MORNING OR NIGHT? Night. 90. DO YOU SPEND YOUR LIFE ON FACEBOOK? why has the world come to this. 91. DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE WORD. Volatile. 92. DREAM JOB? Co-Lead singer of the band. The other lead singer being Taylor Swift Umm yeah. Give me a break, its a dream. 93. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTER-LIFE? Does heaven and hell count as after-life? Yes it does. 94. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MARRIAGE? What almost every girl wants from their boyfriends. Also uh. Nvm I shall not complete that sentence. Ta-da, thus I conclude the extremely long post. Whee. |
Just another starstruck (see above for evidence*) wanderer trying to find his way in this horribly confusing and sometimes messed up world. This space as you might have realised is for my own venting. It's where I talk, to myself. To the universe. It's where I don't lie. Much. Chances are you won't get more truth out of me than these few billion pages of angst. My life isn't that bad. Sometimes. The good parts just usually end up being the blank dates in between the posts you see. So yes, just to practice my math and to cheer myself up a little, the number of posts is inversely proportional to my mental wellbeing. Yes that counts as math with me. And despite the wry smile on my face and the grin I can imagine on yours, I'm still rather sombre. I promise you I'm sunny somedays. Stick around. You never know what you may learn. *hint may or may not be in big black font at the top of the page.
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Inspiration .
Previous Posts: Taking cues. ; the shit hits the fan. ; Um.. ; And maybe I got it right, this time ; Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the tab... ; Ummmm... ; Yep, still dreaming ; I Don't Believe you ; HOTMAIL I IZZZ HATING YOU ; I'm still a dreamer ; Previous Months: November 1995 ; December 2009 ; January 2010 ; February 2010 ; March 2010 ; April 2010 ; May 2010 ; June 2010 ; July 2010 ; August 2010 ; September 2010 ; October 2010 ; November 2010 ; December 2010 ; January 2011 ; February 2011 ; March 2011 ; April 2011 ; May 2011 ; June 2011 ; July 2011 ; August 2011 ; September 2011 ; October 2011 ; November 2011 ; December 2011 ; January 2012 ; February 2012 ; March 2012 ; April 2012 ; May 2012 ; June 2012 ; July 2012 ; August 2012 ;