Oh goodness the stupidity of this quote.
" Being President is like intercourse, in that no one has ever or will ever do it better than me "
No its off cracked, a president would never be able to ever utter such a phrase without being hauled off by a mob of angry voters.
Alas El Nino has left Anfield
And in his long and looming shadow,
two more have stepped up to take his place
Its been how many years already?
15 going on 16 we all are.
Alas people change.
Alas I don't know many of them
A certain someone apparently hasn't lost her penchant for dignified sarcasm.
And a general sense of dignity.
Credit to that person, who is funnier than she thinks, only she could look dignified for an entire year after being labelled with the unfortunate nickname of monkey.
We had nicknames in primary school.
Such a wash of nicknames. I have never encountered such a thing like that before or since. And since not one of my nicknames stuck, I think I can safely conclude that none will even though I had another Ian in my class for p6.
Well one did. But it was unbelievably cruel and was dropped.
hmm we had quite a few animals.
mostly cause we were lame.
Lets see, lemme rustle up all the nicknames I can remember from that old awesome era of the year 2007
We had :
Ji (chicken)
Chao Rabbit
Monkey( aforementioned)
I apologize if I missed out any. My memory is highly suspect.
Of course we called each other other stuff
like Jt JM Chia, but of course those really aren't nicknames I guess.
Just stuff to differentiate you from like the other jonathan in the class, the other marcus or the other Ian.
Oh yes what did they do about us
well they tried to stick a nickname onto me.
Things like uh. Karmaman. Which was one of the most retarded nicknames they tried.
Kudos to you if you know who any of those nicknames belong to. Welcome batchmate, tag if you please!
Hmm I just realized I failed to capitalize Jonathan or Marcus but naturally capitalized Ian.
BAddddddd habit.
Labels: fragments, nostalgia, random pic, soccer