Gosh she is so talented.
Honestly I want to be like her.
Freaky? I guess a little.
I mean she's cool

Okay maybe not so cool
but she's gutsy and gives her heart in all the music she makes.
I mean

okay not what I meant. But still..
Girly? what do you mean girly?
Just cause she talks about romance doesn't make her girly.
Hell something's wrong with the modern world and Taylor Swift is going to fix it.
One song at a time.
There is nothing wrong with being girly anyway
I mean

Oh shit that had so better be faked.
There is just no justifying that.
Gosh these are concert tickets worth praying over.
Dear God, please help me get those tickets.
it would totally blow my mind if I could really get one in a standing pen near the front.
One more for good measure

This girl sure knows how to pose.
One bad thing about stardom,
Every single random thing you do comes back to haunt you