Infinite high
Ultimate low
nothing in between
Days are just whizzing by, and little registers.
I lose myself in my music.
Time is no longer circumspect.
It passes not. The strain in my bones the only indicator that it still exists. My body, brain, mind, disintegrating, amidst the cacophany of sounds. The music, warring against it. Shut out all the pretenders.
Leave me here. Keep them out. I'll stay in this pavement of safety, even if it means that I don't get to the other side.
Better stuck here, than to be dead from a car.
'Cos they don't stop for no one. They won't make an opening, there's no point rushing through. Cause I've been walking for miles and miles and miles but no traffic light appears. And I've tried once, and the aimed for me, yes they did.
Don't worry if you don't understand that. I don't fully understand it myself.
Gotta get myself out of this stupid emo rut.
Rage against the machine!
Coherency apparently has deserted me for now.
Labels: fragments, my weird opinion, myself