He stared at her, as she chatted across the table to the girl to his left. She didn't notice, or maybe she was pretending not to notice. She just seemed to get hotter every time he saw her. He had to consciously check to make sure he hadn't started drooling.
He began to wonder, wistfully, if he would ever be able to tell her. Tomorrow would be Valentine's day, and he would probably write something monstrous that he would never show anyone.
She tilted her head slightly to the left as she was talking, letting her hair fall ever so softly to that side. He quickly averted his gaze, he had stared a little too long there.
Suddenly she was addressing him " Hello do I look like the type of person that.."
You look beautiful, he very nearly said. Catching himself in time, he mumbled " Well.." as the other girl gave her opinion, once again sweeping the conversation initiative away from him.
He sat there throughout the entire time, adding in random rejoinders to keep the conversation going. He just couldn't get enough of her voice.
"Tomorrows Valentine's Day," He said. "whatcha going to do?" He asked the other girl.
"Buy flowers."
"For whom?"
"A lot of people"
In the end that opening never came. And before he knew it he was staring at both of their backs as they walked away, still talking away. Had he even made an impression on her day.
"D'arvit." He muttered, turning away, taking with him the $40 heart-shaped box of chocolates and the note that read. " Hey ummm...Will you be my Valentine? "
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