One crazy boy living in Bishan is going to be very very emo tomorrow.
He is probably going to sit in his room and sing Taylor Songs to himself.
He is now contemplating whether playing her albums over and over would make him feel better or worse.
He is now trying to forget about her.
Forget about the fact that she took a photo of herself at chinatown, which showed a bunch of uncles in the background wearing a weird red uniform and being totally apathetic. They probably didn't know that that young blonde haired ang moh tourist happened to be an incredible songwriting savant that took the music world by storm.

Oh yes indeed.
Try to forget that she's staying at the Ritz Carlton. Do not head over there right now and spoil her day.
Get on with your life.
Keep on loving her music. Its not her fault you were too stupid to get concert tickets in time.
Your fault.
Now concentrate on happier things.
Focus on becoming like fire.
I mean even more like fire.
Focus on your beloved SYF character Red.
Think volatile, frenetic, powerful, vengeful, just a little unpredictable.
Mmm. I like.