Ah, I never thought I would end up right here.
Life is but a dream.
Someone yesterday asked a question (not to me, because I mean who would want to know) about which 3 qualities of himself a person would put on a dating site.
Well I thought it was quite funny, since he had to say all his three qualities with a straight face. (and honestly, I didn't care what the qualities were, I just thought it was hilarious that he had to say it)
Hmmm. Not that any of you would want to know. But lets see if I can write a compelling write up of myself. Perhaps one of you might even be convinced.
Name : Ian is all you need to know for now. Its the internet dammit.
Alright, so where do I start. I'm a quirky zany little oddball with a vocabulary that most people cannot stand. So I'm probably not one of those "normal people". People have called me good looking before but I'm quite sure even more would beg to differ, so I suppose its up to you to decide on that. I'm freaky in that I'm more than a little emotional, as well as random and loud. In fact, I'm randomly loud as well.
I, unfortunately in addition to being socially awkward and highly neurotic, am also shameless and obnoxious enough to have a checklist of the type of girl I like. Yes, a checklist, so don't bother contacting me unless you find yourself filling a lot of the checks on the list. Its okay if you miss out like 2 or 3, we can work on those later. If you just snorted at the idea of a checklist then congratulations, thats the first criteria.
1. Unafraid in the face of obnoxiousness, the ability to snort at ridiculous notions.(also known as "independent" as undefined as that term is)
2. An ability to talk for long periods of time, a disposition to talking. (Energetic)
3. Sensitive to my sensitivities (obliging, when I need it)
4. Ability to be brutally honest (In other words, knowing exactly when to tell me to shut up and stop being irritating)
5. Can tolerate incessant singing (more for your sanity than mine)
6. Your friends would describe you as slightly insane. (weird works too)
7. Possesses "randomness"
There is unfortunately an eight criteria and its looks. You have to be good-looking. No way around that. Then again, its up to me to decide that, so if you're smoking hot but I don't think so, then too bad.
Its works the other way too.