Cos' what I say don't matter at all to him.
He stomped off to his room yesterday after I denied using his "cup" and only appeared 3 hours later with "my" cup on the table full of coffee stains.
The pettiness and the absolute childishness of the entire situation will stay in my mind for a long time.
If it were anyone else I would simply roll my eyes and remind myself to forget about the person.
But this is my father we're talking about.
Guess what happened at dinner today.
It was pizza, and when he arrived at the table he gathered up the pizza boxes and pulled them to himself, away from me, literally doing the childish gesture for "mine". I didn't care and just continued to take pizza, because if he's got a problem and wants to play petty wars with me I have no reason to.
So he just stared at me out of the corner of his eye, while I calmly finished my pizza slice. Until I couldn't stand it anymore and just looked right at him.
He didn't do anything. Except issue a vague threat five minutes later about sending me off to boarding or anywhere else thats not my home.
Nothing other than the hissy fit he's throwing now, perhaps it will match the one yesterday, he's slammed the door to his room about five times already and refuses to look at me. Not like I've been acknowledging him anyway but so what.
Yeah, go ahead dad, throw your son out of the house cause of a CUP.
Don't think I won't tell anyone, I mean why shouldn't I, I got a horrible father, so what?
Oh wait, I know what, it means I have to live with a horrible father.
Just give me a break.....