May be extremely sensitive to any kind of criticism
I'm glad to say I don't have a problem with this anymore, but sometimes little things can still rankle me.
May perceive criticism where none was intended.
May have skewed or unrealistic ideas about reality
This is true in a lot of different ways, I have many weird ideas about how life works, what I expect from people, and who I think they are. I really don't find out until something extremely stupid happens as a result.
May be unable to acknowledge or hear anything that goes against their personal ideas and opinions
To some extent it is hard for me to accommodate contrary views from mine when its against a strong opinion that I hold. It's narrow-mindedness. But I get over it.
Its still a problem. Just one that I deal with. Generally. When I don't forget....
May blame their problems on other people, seeing themselves as victims who are treated unfairly
I guess many things in my life are the fault of "other people". Yeah its really senseless how I hate to blame myself.
May have great anger, and show this anger with rash outpourings of bad temper
If you read this blog, I think you shouldn't have any doubts about the great anger part.
I've talked a lot about how to me anger is like a cup. I have many cups for different people. The cups slowly get filled over time until one day I go poom.
Thats why to some people i'm just a really passive target who's okay with a little over the top ribbing and then suddenly.
May be unaware of appropriate social behavior
I don't even need to talk about my problems with this if you know me. Its a crazy major problem. Appropriate isn't even in my vocabulary. My normal behaviour isn't exactly social either.
May be oblivious to their personal appearance, or to appropriate dress
This really happened in the past, though I was a different person then. Though I don't want to admit it, I'm pretty conscious of how I look and how people judge me because of that.
This really happened in the past, though I was a different person then. Though I don't want to admit it, I'm pretty conscious of how I look and how people judge me because of that.
May come across as eccentric, or perhaps even generally strange to others, without being aware of it
Lets just say we'll never be able to fix the first one, but I'm definitely aware of it at least.
Doesn't change much lol.
May be unable to see or understand anyone else's point of view
May value their own opinions and feelings far above others
Selfish little me.
May be unaware of how their behavior affects others
I just don't think at times.
May be oblivious to other people's need
I try to look, but I forget. A lot.
May feel overwhelmed with tension and stress when someone expresses disagreement with the person or disapproval of the person
If I value you enough, criticism will cut deep.
May develop strong judgments that are difficult to unseed against people who they perceive have been oppressive or suppressive to them
This. I don't know. I've been burned too many times trusting the wrong people. When I get a strong impression of someone, a bad impression, its hard to convince me otherwise.
I'm too scared you see, I don't even know if I want to change this.
Under great stress, may obsess about details that are unimportant to the big picture of things
Under stress, may obsessively brood over a problem repeatedly
As you can see, I don't do well with stress.
May have unreasonable expectations of others
May have difficulty maintaining close relationships, due to unreasonable expectations
I'd like to think not. But I can't say no for sure.
Well, at least I know where to start.
One at a time little boy, one at a time.
Labels: myself