musical genius, the guy who gave us music videos...the moron who allegedly molested god knows how many children, turned himself into a living vampire a deformity and someone who is leeching god knows how much $ from the world after he died. Fine he was a nice guy yeah he cared about other people um but revere him? no way... Music genius? i dont think so take a look at half of his songs urgh they repeat themselves countless times and he screws up some of his lyrics.. as in seriously. i think earth song is the biggest joke on the planet. the only reason why he got away with it was because he was known from childhood as someone who could sing, the child prodigy, the young frontman of the jackson 5, i admit he was fine then, but then he grew up and started writing his songs.. thing about it his greatness is something implanted into our subconscious by the media and not something we get ourselves. Well duh if anyone else got onto stage and grabbed his crotch and ran around screaming aahaahaaahahahahahahahaaaaaah we would think that guy is nuts but no here comes michael doing it and OMG this guy is a genius MICHAEL WE LOVE YOU YAYAYAYAY..........................
You would think a musical genius would have more imagination but no look at his children for an example: He called his first son prince jackson
He called his daughter Paris Jackson
and his second son is prince jackson 2
........................michael jackson king of pop or crazy lunatic who can dance well
no of course i dont really mean all of that but sometimes you have too look at stuff from other perspectives.............................