I wish I could be more useful to other people.
It's like I'm willing to give, partly because I need people to give to me.
I think it's a little perverse if you look at it that way.
It's like I'm helping others because I need them to help me.
And the only reason why I'm altruistic is because I know that chances are they are unlikely to help me back, but my extensive need for help just makes me offer out my help in desperation.
That one day a hand might reach back.
Now that's a fucked up theory that dismisses me as selfish and overly needy.
Traits that I have constantly slammed myself for possessing.
But no, not to that extent.
You see my dear, people don't change but they do grow up.
Some never grow up.
But that's the thing, i am different and don't you deny it.
I'll even put it to you that I things weren't the way you saw them back then, but that's a lost cause .
So instead I'll put it to you.
I've grown up.
You're running from a phantom. As in.
There's more to me than that, why won't you see?