Hello world... Im starting to draw art. Funny right? im starting to draw, like now, seriously. Took me long enough i guess. I think ive always hated art(in the visual sense), i guess thats just cause i sucked at it. I couldnt identify and feel connected to art lessons that required me to draw an orange. I draw an orange and its some non-round thingy, and my art teacher just frowns at me... Im not good at drawing stuff specifically, but ive been able to produce some quite good pieces of art,(at least most of my friends tell me) its not that evident that i cant draw when you see them. But then when you realize that i never draw in the faces of people, its not really that its my style, i just cant draw faces. I think asking someone to draw something isnt right, its not right to ask someone to just draw something. Art is just like music i guess. You have to do what you want to do, or else itll turn out like shit. Art and Music should come from your soul. So i guess thats why when i recently just picked up drawing as a recreational tool, i really liked it and was able to make some quite good stuff. Might put some of it up here one day. :p I produce around 1-3 drawings a day, depending on the number of math + lit lessons there are in a day. I dont like math and lit is just too easy for me i guess. Ive always liked lit. Still bummed that i didnt even try for litra. Do you suscribe to the belief that you can infer stuff about a persons personality by what he draws? I really dont know. Some of my serious drawings are very weird, and would be saying something about me. Haha i really dk.
Wish Me Jlee Shrey Shawn Zhi Yuan Aliff Amirul Terry Yong Xin and Ms Sara luck for our Annual Production this friday and sat. :)