I nearly bought a copy of fearless today
My taylor swift mania is being revived again for no apparent reason. Its this blog.....it encourages indulgence. It was that dream, then i had to blog about that dream. Gr...
Btw i made up my mind to buy a copy of fearless. Its just a matter of when.
Its also a matter of how to buy a copy of fearless in popular without a whole bunch of schoolgirls staring at you.
Buying fearless would totally be a girl thing to do.
Then again so is listening to Taylor Swift
And Vanessa Carlton.
And reading twilight
Haha gotcha there, i dont do the last two
That would be too girlish.
But im thinking of catching eclipse.
I mean seriously soppy love scenes aside, there is apparently a vampire+werewolf vs zombie battle scene in it? Correct me if im wrong. I mean who doesnt like watching vampires and werewolves rip up zombies.
Suddenly my insecurities seem to have vanished.
You arent exactly very girly if you relish the thought of anything ripping up zombies. Or zombies ripping up anything.
But still. Its hard to be manly and buy fearless at the same time.
Even if there's no one around, theres always the counter girl.
Is Jump Then Fall soppy?
I dont think so
at least I dont think its too soppy.
Someone called it soppy
and that someone was a girl.
That would make me soppier than her if she was right
I hope to hell im right.
I could, not buy fearless, but then ill just wait for her third album to come up.
That still doesnt solve the problem.
Damn how do other people go around it
Hanzo: Maybe there arent any 'other people'
Maybe you're the only one
Damn you, im already insecure enough dont do this.
Besides you are me, and its not like you arent insecure yourself.
Hanzo: At least i dont doubt my own masculinity
So what, you worry too much about people liking you or not all the time.
Youre just as insecure as i am my friend.
Hanzo: So do you, I'm just not so apathetic
You are a mean twit who cant express himself and thus reverts to being a quite failed cynic and spouts the insults of the low self-esteemed.
Hanzo: You my friend are an idealistic moronic irrational optimist who suffers from a protracted form of ADHD. You are extensively girlish in many different ways though you try to deny it. You are incredibly soppy and make stupid attempts to attract other people's attention. You decided to do this post under the guise of someone struggling with how other people view him and guess what? You do but you my friend are sneaky. after all if you are so damned afraid of people knowing you like taylor swift and want to buy one of her albums, why the hell are you blogging about it.
I hate how you know me.
Hanzo: I hate how you know me too, luckily for me you arent nearly eloquent enough to do anything about it.
You're mean
Hanzo: finally daring to make that irrational argument public eh?
Fine then Mr, What would YOU DO THEN, dont pretend you dont like her music as well
Hanzo: I would buy the freaking album and I mean that. JUST BUY THE FREAKING ALBUM
You arent some socially adept person either, stop making me the not normal one. You, try to be cool all the time and fail massively
Hanzo: YOU try to be not cool and different so that when you are unique, people will think you are cool in your daringness to be different. Hypocrite.
Thats screwed up logic
Hanzo: whatever you know its true, you cant argue with yourself. Esp since we never lose an argument.
dont speak for the both of us
Hanzo: youre changing the topic
Hanzo: I suggest you end this screwed up post now, or risk more humiliation
Hanzo: forget the freaking dots, it makes people think you actually have something else on your mind