After listening to "The other side of the door" I was like : Wow. that was so. Cute.
My other personality of course didn't fail to point out that Taylor Swift is a good 6 years older than me, and I was the teenager...
Never mind.
We got an incredibly hard poem for unseen poetry essay during lit today. Everyone was silently or not so silently screaming and thinking frantically. Yeah it was ungraded but the sheer level of difficulty scared us all. Even me, though I draw in lit. And so a good 10 minutes into the lesson I heard my friend next to me say: "Holy shit this is so cheem"
"Thats what Ive been saying all this while, and you're only admitting it now?"
"What? Huh? I was talking about my own answer."
And so I felt like slapping him. And I did. NOT.
Lit parody:
Someone else confirmed what I already was highly suspicious of. Being an amiable person 50% of the time I make myself absolutely sure about something before drawing conclusions. The other 50% of the time I just jump in and start accusing people about stuff without justification.
But I digress.
Arjun is stonewalling me.
I should have noticed when my script got stonewalled. And was only used after an epic test of will with the teacher being the final adjudicator. Thankfully she endorsed my script. Still he is stonewalling me.
Blocking my every move, overruling decisions and even asking me to shut up. I was this close to yelling an explosive expletive in his face and going mental on everyone.
I just felt tired. Too tired to do it..
I shall make a resolution to go ape-shit on everyone in the future. Talk about doing it for the peace of the community or whatever but my dear Ian, the day you stop fighting for what you believe in, is the day you stop being who you are.
Unless you aren't a fighter.
Even if you aren't you should start, its how oppression starts. And bad decision making. Fine maybe for the peace of the public sacrifice your happiness. But if its something like LIT MARKS FOR EVERYBODY YOU FREAKING FIGHT FOR IT NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT COSTS YOU.
I just had that recurring urge to get a tattoo that says NEVER BACK DOWN somewhere on my body. And to make it my motto.
As if my personality isn't combative enough yet.
I still have a peacemaker within me.
But today was different, I didn't not fight because I wanted to avoid conflict. I did it because of apathy.
Never again.