my blog is appearing on thoora.
Its a site that tracks " voices from the community, blogosphere etc etc"
In other words it picks up random blogs to find out what we talk about.
Um cool. I talk about myself and Taylor Swift. Not much. But still I ended up there. They've been tracking me since august. Quite a few ranty posts in between there and here. Nevertheless I shall continue. And if you piss me off sufficiently. I WILL NAME YOU AND NOT CARE. YEAH.
If I don't name you, you'd better take the hint. Dammit
On a side note, while looking for my time-table in my messy room, I looked underneath my bed. Saw a piece of paper.Pulled my bed out. Leaned over it and picked it up. I discovered it wasn't the time-table. So i put it back. As well as my bed.
Infer what you want