One against the world.
Sometimes you just wish it was two.
Because Cute, Smart, and Funny don't mean a thing
The above was supposed to be the real title, but trust me the blogskin screwed up on meLiving life to the fullest And I won't say anything at all. To all the lovely bitches like you Get your boots on |
No wise words gonna stop the bleeding. - Saturday, October 30, 2010 @ 7:46 PM
One against the world.
Sometimes you just wish it was two. Sighs. Again. |
Fess Up. - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 @ 5:58 PM
Okay Ian, time to face up to reality.
Here it goes. [x] You love hoodies [ ] You love jeans [x] Dogs are better than cats [x] Its hilarious when people get hurt [x] You've played with boys on a team [x] Shopping is torture. [ ] Sad movies suck [x] You own an XBOX (yes you got that right. XBOX. no 360) [x] You played with Hot Wheels as a little kid [ ] At some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter [ ] You own a DS, PS2 or SEGA [ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers [x] You watch sports on TV [x] Gory movies are cool [ ] Sometimes you go to your dad for advice [ ] You own like a trillion baseball hats [x] You used to/do collect pokemon( cards?) [x] Baggy sweat pants are nice to wear [x] Its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people [x] Green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favourite colours. [x] Sports are fun [x] You sometimes talk with food in your mouth [ ] You sleep at night with your socks on [ ] You have fished at least once TOTAL = 15/24 MY GIRL SIDE [ ] You like to shop [ ] You wear eyeliner [x] You wear the color pink(sometimes?) [ ] Sometimes you go to your mum for advice [ ] You consider cheerleading a sport [ ] You hate wearing all black [ ] You like going to the mall [ ] You like getting manicures [ ] You like wearing jewellery [ ] You cried watching The Notebook [x] Shirts are a big part of your wardrobe (...about half i guess, if you count T-shirts haha) [ ] Shopping is one of your favourite hobbies [ ] You've seen Star Wars and don't like some of it [ ] You do/did gymnastics [ ] It takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed [x] You smile a lot more than you should [ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes [ ] You care about what you look like majority of the time [ ] You like wearing dresses whenever you can [ ] You like dancing/do dancing [ ] You like high heel shoes [ ] You used to play with dolls as a kid [ ] You like putting makeup on others [x] You like being the star of almost everything [ ] Pink is one of your favourite colours Umz 4/20. Yay. Oh such a bad quiz. Who cares. I dont. Haha. shit this habit of laughing at the world is bad. Because the world laughs back. |
Taylor. Is. Coming. - @ 5:52 PM
Speak Now, World Tour.
Comes. To SINGAPORE. Feb 9th. 2011 Singapore indoor stadium. and the most expensive tickets. are. dum dum dum $175 OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG Ticks start selling from Nov 8. The dream has come true. Anyone wanna come with me? Haha I'm serious $175 is a ridiculously low price. Oh haha and anyone wants a copy of Speak Now back from london? should be cheaper there. I can get it to you by Dec. Haha. Looking back at the title I just imagined it with the irritating dim sum dollies jingle. If i just ruined your night nvm. Haha. |
And so.......two is still better than one. - @ 5:41 PM
I hate my results. How in the world do you get 2.4 for ENGLISH I mean ENGLISH Omg. If by a freak chance of nature I become a writer I shall tell everyone I got a 2.4 for english in sec3. 2.4 for CHINESE. Not so unbelieveable but consider the fact that I got an epically awesome EOY score. Answer?I HATE YOU BLOODY RETARDED CHINESE TEACHER WHO MADE ME DO A PROJECT IN 2 DAYS CAUSE YOU DIDNT BOTHER TO GET ME A PARTNER AND MY PROTEST KINDA FAILED. 2.4 for SS. Idk, I just blame myself for screwing up all the essays. I hate you exam. I got the 2nd question and when it was 17/20 I was like AWESOOMMME but the first question only gave me a 9/20. -.- Considering the highest for the second qn was like 18. I was pissed. And considering its SS, 2 qns = 2 essays. 2.8 for Chem. I have no clue.. I hate the paper, I hate it for minusing all my marks even though I know most of the stuff in there. Its chem, it happens. Worse still, my teacher came up and said at least you improved. I nearly shouted an expletive right there. You see, I got a better score than my Oh my goodness how the F**K did that happen 42/80 score for my mid-years. Naturally I failed to attain a 4 for physics( which i suck at but somehow...) history and Lit. I cried when I got my Lit paper. First time in my life. a freakin 28/50. The disappointment. I got the 2nd question first. 13/25. I was stunned and prayed and prayed, not for a stellar result to rescue the paper, but for the normal score of 17. The standard.. mediocre score. So when I opened my eyes and saw the 15. I'm not the kind who does this type of stuff, cry over results, but it was really screwed up. and the spectacle lasted for only 2 minutes max. Urgh. So there went my 4.0 lit GPA. If you're awesome enough you can calculate my awesomely low GPA. Oh wait. You don't have my math results. I failed both my papers but got 2.4 overall for both. (yes it has double weightage) And yet. The worse part is I dont think I can improve any of those results. Other than the math. The SS may improve if I get luckier. The Chem will improve if I get luckier. The Lit will return to my original standard if I get luckier. Chinese will go up if I dont get a screwed up teacher next year who gives me 29/100 for projects. The physics will go down( I got lucky this time) The English will go up if I get luckier. The math will go up if I spend hours mugging math. Sighs. |
ALERT!! ALERT!!! RED ALERT!! - Sunday, October 24, 2010 @ 9:07 PM
Family are people who you are expected to like.
People you are stuck with for the rest of your life. People who somehow think themselves exempt from your normal standards, yet expect you to like them more. You can quote me on that. Though scratch the second one. Its possible, though somewhat hard. Its called packing up, flying away and leaving everything behind. Darn I'm awfully eloquent when I'm emo. |
Falling - Saturday, October 23, 2010 @ 10:23 PM
two days to speak now. (:
I am horribly considering a partial translation of my cryptic story Okay it shall appear. A partial translation. Full circle. The thought echoed through his head. Strange, he had been gone a long way round and yet..still here? He sat there alone, the radios and disc players around him silent. The music was gone. Again. Maybe that was the key. The radios and disc players. He didnt want music. Did he. He wanted noise. Suddenly the objects around him began to blur, and swirled around him. His view, shifting. They weren't radios anymore. Translation: Dammit. Why is it like this. Again. Alone. Freak, all you people. None of you actually care don't you. Just when I thought I had finally found some people...good people...nope, none of you meant anything you said. All of you...not real. Dammit thats all I want, sincerity, not polished bullshit. Maybe you're just paranoid...maybe He watched as he was encased in a box. A glass box, he peered at it and looked beyond. He saw people, different people, all around, that old friend from a distant past, that figure that still haunted his nightmares, and her. Standing, lurking, doing all sorts of things. Some, knocking at the door to his glass prison. A door. He realized that it was no prison, but of his own making. And he wondered if he could trust this strange reality. Translation: Maybe its your own fault. You, drawing yourself away from others, keeping yourself away from everyone. Isolating yourself. Its your fault they left. Its your fault she.. Bullshit. Maybe not.. And so if you can. Translate the rest yourself. Zzt. |
Ack. - Thursday, October 21, 2010 @ 6:15 PM
Just played maybe three hours or more of soccer.
Okay not just. But in the morning. And have been compensating for it by doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. All part of my efforts to make the inter-class soccer team. Well just when I thought I didn't care about such things. I obviously do. Hubris time. Inter-class talent competition is coming. Muahaha. In our class we have probably the best drummer, three of the best guitarists and around three of the best singers in our level. Not to mention one of the best pianists as well. At least where pop is concerned haha. Thus we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 awesome people to play in the class band. Yes 1 + 3 + 3 +1 equals to six. Its called overlap and multi-talented people. Ta-da! So we are going to win. WE ARE GONNA WIN YEAH. And the minimum amount of people the class needs to send is six. Haha. Its like they planned this for us. Hmmm bass. Oh yeah one of the guitarists can play bass. So its a drums keys bass 2guitar line up. That is an awesome rock band line up. I forsee awesomeness. I fear I will have to wear sunglasses at the talent competition in case I go blind from the awesomeness. Okay enough hubris for now. You did not just see that big chunk of hubris. You shall forget this incident, and go back to thinking that I do not have a big ego. And if you originally thought that I had a big ego, you shall now assume that I have a small one. In fact you shall believe that you have always believed that I have a small one. Shoo. I have confidence in my powers of ultimate hypnotism that exude extensively from my extremely exuberant and ebullient being. YEAAAAAAHHHHHH Cop: Hey Horatio did you hear that fall out boy broke up? Horatio: hmm? Cop: Yeah. Horatio: Well that must mean that they had a Fallout YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Breathe - Wednesday, October 20, 2010 @ 1:07 PM
Yepz thats the song I'm addicted to now.
As for why.... Go figure. ************************************* Nah, I'll go write the emo stuff later. If I still feel emo. Gaming for now. Haha |
Dammit why dont YOU think of a title. Zzt - Sunday, October 17, 2010 @ 5:05 PM
I do not write emo poetry.
Although I would if I could write poetry. Zzt. To all of those who didn't fully understand the 2nd 14th october post I apologise. I realized that you wont be able to unless you take LitRA(advanced lit for non Raffles ppl) and blow your brains over it. But its fine. Oh shite, I just realised I do have litRA ppl who read this. Confession: I made it cryptic on purpose. But I thought at least 1 person would get it. You know that feeling you get when you have a secret and you just have to tell someone but you can't. Yeah. Zzt. |
%*@(!! - @ 1:05 PM
Haha speak now is funny.
But Taylor Swift's vocals sound bad. But still. There are fanatics out here. ummm. Lets see. Here's a sample of some of the comments: snatchX626 for a taylor song, this is actually kinda funny. itsmsbroadway2u I think this song is adorable!! dragonsister8 this is so great! TheLillove101 thumbs up! haha i reallyREALLY HOPE SHE MAKES A MUSIC VIDEO OUT OF THIS THATLL BE ONE HECK OF A VIDEO! WHOS WITH MEA!!!!! Its some of the weirdest songs I have listened to. The lyrics are clumsy but with the melody it doesn't make a lot of sense. Haha give it a listen. Back to December is awesome <3. Shit I'm fangirling again. Not good. |
I like oranges, very eclectic. You owe us. - Thursday, October 14, 2010 @ 8:46 PM
No I did not mean you. ************************* This sucks This totally sucks. Time to write something incoherent No. I meant coherent. Dammit who cares. ******************************** Full circle. The thought echoed through his head. Strange, he had been gone a long way round and yet..still here? He sat there alone, the radios and disc players around him silent. The music was gone. Again. Maybe that was the key. The radios and disc players. He didnt want music. Did he. He wanted noise. Suddenly the objects around him began to blur, and swirled around him. His view, shifting. They weren't radios anymore. He watched as he was encased in a box. A glass box, he peered at it and looked beyond. He saw people, different people, all around, that old friend from a distant past, that figure that still haunted his nightmares, and her. Standing, lurking, doing all sorts of things. Some, knocking at the door to his glass prison. A door. He realized that it was no prison, but of his own making. And he wondered if he could trust this strange reality. He still remembered the music, as that radio played, drawing him closer to her. He remembered that smile, on its face. Welcoming, the rhythm smooth, slick, calm. He remembered it drowning out all other music, the radio, drawing him closer to it, with her melody. He remembered gazing into her eyes, and knowing that he never wanted to stop. Never wanted the music to stop. His eyes opened, they had closed. The prison around him melted away. He stood instead at a great chasm. He looked around in that foreign place. Ash filled the air, and he began to sweat from the heat. There she was. Across the gulf, a solitary radio sat. Things were different on the other side, there the mist, shrouded everything in an unearthly blue. The music was faint, but he could still feel her. He wondered whether his ears were playing a trick on him. Whether he was just imagining things. He called out to her, and the music stopped. The figure disappeared. Confused he blinked, and watched as the world around him crumbled into blackness. He opened his eyes. And wondered if anyone else but him would know and understand what he'd been through. |
Think back to the summer times. - @ 8:13 PM
Ah.. That phrase of nostalgia.
When were the summer times for you? Do you even have any? For me I guess they were back in primary school. All the people...And the happiness. I mean there was stress but there were so many people whom I trusted. People whom even if they joked around and poked fun at me, meant no harm. Ah, the loss of innocence Welcome to the cutthroat world of secondary school. Everyone is just....competing and competing and competing. Whats the point. Dammit. Nostalgia isnt what it used to be. XD Sighs Ian, do you ever reflect in an entirely sober state. No, well, sometimes Im angry or sad, does that count? Well...Not really... Well then live with the humour, its either this or that. ... Yes, that was an emo line. Deal with it. |
Gtorm GLTorm Glistorm Glestom Glorm. - Monday, October 11, 2010 @ 4:38 PM
You can't combine the words Glee and storm with Glee in front apparently. Zzt. SOMETHING TOLD ME THAT GLEE IS NOW THE GROUP WITH ONE OF THE MOST NUMBER OF BILLBOARD ENTRIES. Am I seriously the only one around here who thinks that this is utter heresy Am I the only one who thinks that they shouldn't even be considered a group or smth. Am I the only one who thinks they shouldn't be selling albums. I will bash Glee. I don't care No one's been bashing them And I hate them Its perfect. ****************************8 Sigh so here it goes. 1. HELloOO?? THEM MUSIC ALL SOUND DA SAME. Am I seriously the only one to notice? I mean you hear it the first time it sounds great. Im not criticising the style of music. Its perfectly fine But they do it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. to EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. I mean HOW THE F**K CAN YOU LISTEN TO AN ENTIRE ALBUM OF IT WITHOUT PUKING. If not for the utter lack of creativity. The dull tone the music gains after a few tracks Especially if they are FUNDEMENTALLY DIFFERENT SONGS. Glee takes them and MAKES THEM SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME. I mean I had the unfortunate experience of winding up in a restaurant that was playing a Glee album as background music. Trust me I ate my food quickly that day. THE MALE SINGER SUCKS I dont care what his name is. Kurt izzit? If its not then screw himm whats his name. The point is he is the male lead. Almost all the time AND HE SUCKS As in he has range so what. He doesn't emote. His voice sounds bland. Too flat--- Too Perfect its ridiculous. I mean the girl's voice sounds perfect and flat too but its better cause she emotes, we can feel her sentiment. But you could give this guy Animaniac songs to sing to and he would sound, just as bored uninterested and BORING. And trust me making Animaniacs sound boring is a major achievement. Its not that they're great, but they're freaking annoying. And "he has range" can be disputed. I mean fine. So its fun an innovative at first. But when they do that for EVERY SINGLE SONG it isnt anymore. Its hideous I can't stand it. I'm not bashing the show. Its an okay show. But please. Stop the remixes already. And stop selling your albums. *tortured screams* |
Hairrrrrrrr - @ 3:56 PM
Aah had a good hair day today.
XD I like to think that sometimes my hair makes me look like a cool athletic chinese gangster. I just realized that that comparison somehow seems less flattering outside my imagination. Silence fools, don't spoil my reverie. I have heard people talking about dyeing hair during the hols. I won't do any of that. I will never dye my hair. Okay maybe bright pink one day for laughs. I did not just say that. Anyway my haircut is overdue, and since the holidays are approaching I have decided as of today not to cut my overgrown hair till the end of December Yay me. I wonder how long it will get. haha Damn. That was supposed to be an intro. I forgot what I was gonna post next. You actually have to plan stuff if you want it to sound nice. Zzt. Um....umm... forget it. Btw no previews of Taylor Swift singles are gonna be appearing here anytime soon. At least till next week. Yes she is releasing them. I think 2 more already. I am in misery! I just realized where that line in my head popped out from Maroon 5. Yeah when the EOYs are over Imma gonna launch into a music spree. Maroon 5 album..Script Album..and TS<3 album ! and of course A Thousand Suns. (linkin park) Then catchup on the Colbie album I missed a few months ago. Ohhhhhhhhhhhyeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Hmm also the Sarah Bareilles and Sarah McLachlan Albums. From now till end of exams I shall only appear here one more time. To mug physics. XD. So for now. See ya guys. |
Zzt - Wednesday, October 6, 2010 @ 7:33 PM
Haikus are easy. But sometimes they dont make sense. Refrigerator.
-Anon |
Cause You're Hot Then You're Cold - Sunday, October 3, 2010 @ 2:57 PM
Sigh...I've been spending too much time doing nothing recently.
When I should be studying. Suddenly the inspiration stops. And all thats left. Is the music all who know how to hear take solace in. I play. Unconstrained by any score, the music shaped only by the melody I have in my head. Forever flowing, changing, subject to my mood, never exactly the same twice. Free. And maybe that is the way it should be. Cause how else, can the music truly be yours, truly sincere, a true expression of who you are, and what you feel. And is it not only then that it can be called music? When it is something that you truly feel inside? An expression of your being? And yes...maybe the scores should merely be training steps for everyone, like how they were for me. Not the shackles that pianists everywhere struggle to fill. I don't care that playing pop music is really, easier than magnificent concertos or epic chopin pieces. Its really how I feel, what relates to me. And which is why I guess, when I play people listen. Not many, but definitely more than you would get if you were slamming fantasie impromptu into the keys like a maestro. Its the genuinity or genuineness or whatever. Its not about how hard it is to play. Never should it be. Its the soul in the music. Its what makes great music great. Whether Carpenters, Anne Murray, Sinatra, Bon Jovi, U2, John Mayer, Colbie Caillat, The Script,Jason Mraz. Its doesn't have to be emotional or serious too. Katy Perry is another example of that. She's flighty, but she means it too, and that makes her music great. (though not if you can't relate to erm everything she's talking about) Of course TS as well. To all you people fighting out there over skill of pieces, about playing the hardest piece. It doesn't mean nothing if you don't mean the feelings in the piece. And if you can't feel the emotion then screw the piece. If you can't play the piece, screw it too. They're just training wheels. Its just like any other aspect of life. Just follow your heart. |
No wise words gonna stop the bleeding. - Saturday, October 30, 2010 @ 7:46 PM
One against the world.
Sometimes you just wish it was two. Sighs. Again. |
Fess Up. - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 @ 5:58 PM
Okay Ian, time to face up to reality.
Here it goes. [x] You love hoodies [ ] You love jeans [x] Dogs are better than cats [x] Its hilarious when people get hurt [x] You've played with boys on a team [x] Shopping is torture. [ ] Sad movies suck [x] You own an XBOX (yes you got that right. XBOX. no 360) [x] You played with Hot Wheels as a little kid [ ] At some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter [ ] You own a DS, PS2 or SEGA [ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers [x] You watch sports on TV [x] Gory movies are cool [ ] Sometimes you go to your dad for advice [ ] You own like a trillion baseball hats [x] You used to/do collect pokemon( cards?) [x] Baggy sweat pants are nice to wear [x] Its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people [x] Green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favourite colours. [x] Sports are fun [x] You sometimes talk with food in your mouth [ ] You sleep at night with your socks on [ ] You have fished at least once TOTAL = 15/24 MY GIRL SIDE [ ] You like to shop [ ] You wear eyeliner [x] You wear the color pink(sometimes?) [ ] Sometimes you go to your mum for advice [ ] You consider cheerleading a sport [ ] You hate wearing all black [ ] You like going to the mall [ ] You like getting manicures [ ] You like wearing jewellery [ ] You cried watching The Notebook [x] Shirts are a big part of your wardrobe (...about half i guess, if you count T-shirts haha) [ ] Shopping is one of your favourite hobbies [ ] You've seen Star Wars and don't like some of it [ ] You do/did gymnastics [ ] It takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed [x] You smile a lot more than you should [ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes [ ] You care about what you look like majority of the time [ ] You like wearing dresses whenever you can [ ] You like dancing/do dancing [ ] You like high heel shoes [ ] You used to play with dolls as a kid [ ] You like putting makeup on others [x] You like being the star of almost everything [ ] Pink is one of your favourite colours Umz 4/20. Yay. Oh such a bad quiz. Who cares. I dont. Haha. shit this habit of laughing at the world is bad. Because the world laughs back. |
Taylor. Is. Coming. - @ 5:52 PM
Speak Now, World Tour.
Comes. To SINGAPORE. Feb 9th. 2011 Singapore indoor stadium. and the most expensive tickets. are. dum dum dum $175 OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG Ticks start selling from Nov 8. The dream has come true. Anyone wanna come with me? Haha I'm serious $175 is a ridiculously low price. Oh haha and anyone wants a copy of Speak Now back from london? should be cheaper there. I can get it to you by Dec. Haha. Looking back at the title I just imagined it with the irritating dim sum dollies jingle. If i just ruined your night nvm. Haha. |
And so.......two is still better than one. - @ 5:41 PM
I hate my results. How in the world do you get 2.4 for ENGLISH I mean ENGLISH Omg. If by a freak chance of nature I become a writer I shall tell everyone I got a 2.4 for english in sec3. 2.4 for CHINESE. Not so unbelieveable but consider the fact that I got an epically awesome EOY score. Answer?I HATE YOU BLOODY RETARDED CHINESE TEACHER WHO MADE ME DO A PROJECT IN 2 DAYS CAUSE YOU DIDNT BOTHER TO GET ME A PARTNER AND MY PROTEST KINDA FAILED. 2.4 for SS. Idk, I just blame myself for screwing up all the essays. I hate you exam. I got the 2nd question and when it was 17/20 I was like AWESOOMMME but the first question only gave me a 9/20. -.- Considering the highest for the second qn was like 18. I was pissed. And considering its SS, 2 qns = 2 essays. 2.8 for Chem. I have no clue.. I hate the paper, I hate it for minusing all my marks even though I know most of the stuff in there. Its chem, it happens. Worse still, my teacher came up and said at least you improved. I nearly shouted an expletive right there. You see, I got a better score than my Oh my goodness how the F**K did that happen 42/80 score for my mid-years. Naturally I failed to attain a 4 for physics( which i suck at but somehow...) history and Lit. I cried when I got my Lit paper. First time in my life. a freakin 28/50. The disappointment. I got the 2nd question first. 13/25. I was stunned and prayed and prayed, not for a stellar result to rescue the paper, but for the normal score of 17. The standard.. mediocre score. So when I opened my eyes and saw the 15. I'm not the kind who does this type of stuff, cry over results, but it was really screwed up. and the spectacle lasted for only 2 minutes max. Urgh. So there went my 4.0 lit GPA. If you're awesome enough you can calculate my awesomely low GPA. Oh wait. You don't have my math results. I failed both my papers but got 2.4 overall for both. (yes it has double weightage) And yet. The worse part is I dont think I can improve any of those results. Other than the math. The SS may improve if I get luckier. The Chem will improve if I get luckier. The Lit will return to my original standard if I get luckier. Chinese will go up if I dont get a screwed up teacher next year who gives me 29/100 for projects. The physics will go down( I got lucky this time) The English will go up if I get luckier. The math will go up if I spend hours mugging math. Sighs. |
ALERT!! ALERT!!! RED ALERT!! - Sunday, October 24, 2010 @ 9:07 PM
Family are people who you are expected to like.
People you are stuck with for the rest of your life. People who somehow think themselves exempt from your normal standards, yet expect you to like them more. You can quote me on that. Though scratch the second one. Its possible, though somewhat hard. Its called packing up, flying away and leaving everything behind. Darn I'm awfully eloquent when I'm emo. |
Falling - Saturday, October 23, 2010 @ 10:23 PM
two days to speak now. (:
I am horribly considering a partial translation of my cryptic story Okay it shall appear. A partial translation. Full circle. The thought echoed through his head. Strange, he had been gone a long way round and yet..still here? He sat there alone, the radios and disc players around him silent. The music was gone. Again. Maybe that was the key. The radios and disc players. He didnt want music. Did he. He wanted noise. Suddenly the objects around him began to blur, and swirled around him. His view, shifting. They weren't radios anymore. Translation: Dammit. Why is it like this. Again. Alone. Freak, all you people. None of you actually care don't you. Just when I thought I had finally found some people...good people...nope, none of you meant anything you said. All of you...not real. Dammit thats all I want, sincerity, not polished bullshit. Maybe you're just paranoid...maybe He watched as he was encased in a box. A glass box, he peered at it and looked beyond. He saw people, different people, all around, that old friend from a distant past, that figure that still haunted his nightmares, and her. Standing, lurking, doing all sorts of things. Some, knocking at the door to his glass prison. A door. He realized that it was no prison, but of his own making. And he wondered if he could trust this strange reality. Translation: Maybe its your own fault. You, drawing yourself away from others, keeping yourself away from everyone. Isolating yourself. Its your fault they left. Its your fault she.. Bullshit. Maybe not.. And so if you can. Translate the rest yourself. Zzt. |
Ack. - Thursday, October 21, 2010 @ 6:15 PM
Just played maybe three hours or more of soccer.
Okay not just. But in the morning. And have been compensating for it by doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. All part of my efforts to make the inter-class soccer team. Well just when I thought I didn't care about such things. I obviously do. Hubris time. Inter-class talent competition is coming. Muahaha. In our class we have probably the best drummer, three of the best guitarists and around three of the best singers in our level. Not to mention one of the best pianists as well. At least where pop is concerned haha. Thus we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 awesome people to play in the class band. Yes 1 + 3 + 3 +1 equals to six. Its called overlap and multi-talented people. Ta-da! So we are going to win. WE ARE GONNA WIN YEAH. And the minimum amount of people the class needs to send is six. Haha. Its like they planned this for us. Hmmm bass. Oh yeah one of the guitarists can play bass. So its a drums keys bass 2guitar line up. That is an awesome rock band line up. I forsee awesomeness. I fear I will have to wear sunglasses at the talent competition in case I go blind from the awesomeness. Okay enough hubris for now. You did not just see that big chunk of hubris. You shall forget this incident, and go back to thinking that I do not have a big ego. And if you originally thought that I had a big ego, you shall now assume that I have a small one. In fact you shall believe that you have always believed that I have a small one. Shoo. I have confidence in my powers of ultimate hypnotism that exude extensively from my extremely exuberant and ebullient being. YEAAAAAAHHHHHH Cop: Hey Horatio did you hear that fall out boy broke up? Horatio: hmm? Cop: Yeah. Horatio: Well that must mean that they had a Fallout YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Breathe - Wednesday, October 20, 2010 @ 1:07 PM
Yepz thats the song I'm addicted to now.
As for why.... Go figure. ************************************* Nah, I'll go write the emo stuff later. If I still feel emo. Gaming for now. Haha |
Dammit why dont YOU think of a title. Zzt - Sunday, October 17, 2010 @ 5:05 PM
I do not write emo poetry.
Although I would if I could write poetry. Zzt. To all of those who didn't fully understand the 2nd 14th october post I apologise. I realized that you wont be able to unless you take LitRA(advanced lit for non Raffles ppl) and blow your brains over it. But its fine. Oh shite, I just realised I do have litRA ppl who read this. Confession: I made it cryptic on purpose. But I thought at least 1 person would get it. You know that feeling you get when you have a secret and you just have to tell someone but you can't. Yeah. Zzt. |
%*@(!! - @ 1:05 PM
Haha speak now is funny.
But Taylor Swift's vocals sound bad. But still. There are fanatics out here. ummm. Lets see. Here's a sample of some of the comments: snatchX626 for a taylor song, this is actually kinda funny. itsmsbroadway2u I think this song is adorable!! dragonsister8 this is so great! TheLillove101 thumbs up! haha i reallyREALLY HOPE SHE MAKES A MUSIC VIDEO OUT OF THIS THATLL BE ONE HECK OF A VIDEO! WHOS WITH MEA!!!!! Its some of the weirdest songs I have listened to. The lyrics are clumsy but with the melody it doesn't make a lot of sense. Haha give it a listen. Back to December is awesome <3. Shit I'm fangirling again. Not good. |
I like oranges, very eclectic. You owe us. - Thursday, October 14, 2010 @ 8:46 PM
No I did not mean you. ************************* This sucks This totally sucks. Time to write something incoherent No. I meant coherent. Dammit who cares. ******************************** Full circle. The thought echoed through his head. Strange, he had been gone a long way round and yet..still here? He sat there alone, the radios and disc players around him silent. The music was gone. Again. Maybe that was the key. The radios and disc players. He didnt want music. Did he. He wanted noise. Suddenly the objects around him began to blur, and swirled around him. His view, shifting. They weren't radios anymore. He watched as he was encased in a box. A glass box, he peered at it and looked beyond. He saw people, different people, all around, that old friend from a distant past, that figure that still haunted his nightmares, and her. Standing, lurking, doing all sorts of things. Some, knocking at the door to his glass prison. A door. He realized that it was no prison, but of his own making. And he wondered if he could trust this strange reality. He still remembered the music, as that radio played, drawing him closer to her. He remembered that smile, on its face. Welcoming, the rhythm smooth, slick, calm. He remembered it drowning out all other music, the radio, drawing him closer to it, with her melody. He remembered gazing into her eyes, and knowing that he never wanted to stop. Never wanted the music to stop. His eyes opened, they had closed. The prison around him melted away. He stood instead at a great chasm. He looked around in that foreign place. Ash filled the air, and he began to sweat from the heat. There she was. Across the gulf, a solitary radio sat. Things were different on the other side, there the mist, shrouded everything in an unearthly blue. The music was faint, but he could still feel her. He wondered whether his ears were playing a trick on him. Whether he was just imagining things. He called out to her, and the music stopped. The figure disappeared. Confused he blinked, and watched as the world around him crumbled into blackness. He opened his eyes. And wondered if anyone else but him would know and understand what he'd been through. |
Think back to the summer times. - @ 8:13 PM
Ah.. That phrase of nostalgia.
When were the summer times for you? Do you even have any? For me I guess they were back in primary school. All the people...And the happiness. I mean there was stress but there were so many people whom I trusted. People whom even if they joked around and poked fun at me, meant no harm. Ah, the loss of innocence Welcome to the cutthroat world of secondary school. Everyone is just....competing and competing and competing. Whats the point. Dammit. Nostalgia isnt what it used to be. XD Sighs Ian, do you ever reflect in an entirely sober state. No, well, sometimes Im angry or sad, does that count? Well...Not really... Well then live with the humour, its either this or that. ... Yes, that was an emo line. Deal with it. |
Gtorm GLTorm Glistorm Glestom Glorm. - Monday, October 11, 2010 @ 4:38 PM
You can't combine the words Glee and storm with Glee in front apparently. Zzt. SOMETHING TOLD ME THAT GLEE IS NOW THE GROUP WITH ONE OF THE MOST NUMBER OF BILLBOARD ENTRIES. Am I seriously the only one around here who thinks that this is utter heresy Am I the only one who thinks that they shouldn't even be considered a group or smth. Am I the only one who thinks they shouldn't be selling albums. I will bash Glee. I don't care No one's been bashing them And I hate them Its perfect. ****************************8 Sigh so here it goes. 1. HELloOO?? THEM MUSIC ALL SOUND DA SAME. Am I seriously the only one to notice? I mean you hear it the first time it sounds great. Im not criticising the style of music. Its perfectly fine But they do it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. to EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. I mean HOW THE F**K CAN YOU LISTEN TO AN ENTIRE ALBUM OF IT WITHOUT PUKING. If not for the utter lack of creativity. The dull tone the music gains after a few tracks Especially if they are FUNDEMENTALLY DIFFERENT SONGS. Glee takes them and MAKES THEM SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME. I mean I had the unfortunate experience of winding up in a restaurant that was playing a Glee album as background music. Trust me I ate my food quickly that day. THE MALE SINGER SUCKS I dont care what his name is. Kurt izzit? If its not then screw himm whats his name. The point is he is the male lead. Almost all the time AND HE SUCKS As in he has range so what. He doesn't emote. His voice sounds bland. Too flat--- Too Perfect its ridiculous. I mean the girl's voice sounds perfect and flat too but its better cause she emotes, we can feel her sentiment. But you could give this guy Animaniac songs to sing to and he would sound, just as bored uninterested and BORING. And trust me making Animaniacs sound boring is a major achievement. Its not that they're great, but they're freaking annoying. And "he has range" can be disputed. I mean fine. So its fun an innovative at first. But when they do that for EVERY SINGLE SONG it isnt anymore. Its hideous I can't stand it. I'm not bashing the show. Its an okay show. But please. Stop the remixes already. And stop selling your albums. *tortured screams* |
Hairrrrrrrr - @ 3:56 PM
Aah had a good hair day today.
XD I like to think that sometimes my hair makes me look like a cool athletic chinese gangster. I just realized that that comparison somehow seems less flattering outside my imagination. Silence fools, don't spoil my reverie. I have heard people talking about dyeing hair during the hols. I won't do any of that. I will never dye my hair. Okay maybe bright pink one day for laughs. I did not just say that. Anyway my haircut is overdue, and since the holidays are approaching I have decided as of today not to cut my overgrown hair till the end of December Yay me. I wonder how long it will get. haha Damn. That was supposed to be an intro. I forgot what I was gonna post next. You actually have to plan stuff if you want it to sound nice. Zzt. Um....umm... forget it. Btw no previews of Taylor Swift singles are gonna be appearing here anytime soon. At least till next week. Yes she is releasing them. I think 2 more already. I am in misery! I just realized where that line in my head popped out from Maroon 5. Yeah when the EOYs are over Imma gonna launch into a music spree. Maroon 5 album..Script Album..and TS<3 album ! and of course A Thousand Suns. (linkin park) Then catchup on the Colbie album I missed a few months ago. Ohhhhhhhhhhhyeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Hmm also the Sarah Bareilles and Sarah McLachlan Albums. From now till end of exams I shall only appear here one more time. To mug physics. XD. So for now. See ya guys. |
Zzt - Wednesday, October 6, 2010 @ 7:33 PM
Haikus are easy. But sometimes they dont make sense. Refrigerator.
-Anon |
Cause You're Hot Then You're Cold - Sunday, October 3, 2010 @ 2:57 PM
Sigh...I've been spending too much time doing nothing recently.
When I should be studying. Suddenly the inspiration stops. And all thats left. Is the music all who know how to hear take solace in. I play. Unconstrained by any score, the music shaped only by the melody I have in my head. Forever flowing, changing, subject to my mood, never exactly the same twice. Free. And maybe that is the way it should be. Cause how else, can the music truly be yours, truly sincere, a true expression of who you are, and what you feel. And is it not only then that it can be called music? When it is something that you truly feel inside? An expression of your being? And yes...maybe the scores should merely be training steps for everyone, like how they were for me. Not the shackles that pianists everywhere struggle to fill. I don't care that playing pop music is really, easier than magnificent concertos or epic chopin pieces. Its really how I feel, what relates to me. And which is why I guess, when I play people listen. Not many, but definitely more than you would get if you were slamming fantasie impromptu into the keys like a maestro. Its the genuinity or genuineness or whatever. Its not about how hard it is to play. Never should it be. Its the soul in the music. Its what makes great music great. Whether Carpenters, Anne Murray, Sinatra, Bon Jovi, U2, John Mayer, Colbie Caillat, The Script,Jason Mraz. Its doesn't have to be emotional or serious too. Katy Perry is another example of that. She's flighty, but she means it too, and that makes her music great. (though not if you can't relate to erm everything she's talking about) Of course TS as well. To all you people fighting out there over skill of pieces, about playing the hardest piece. It doesn't mean nothing if you don't mean the feelings in the piece. And if you can't feel the emotion then screw the piece. If you can't play the piece, screw it too. They're just training wheels. Its just like any other aspect of life. Just follow your heart. |
![]() Just another starstruck (see above for evidence*) wanderer trying to find his way in this horribly confusing and sometimes messed up world. This space as you might have realised is for my own venting. It's where I talk, to myself. To the universe. It's where I don't lie. Much. Chances are you won't get more truth out of me than these few billion pages of angst. My life isn't that bad. Sometimes. The good parts just usually end up being the blank dates in between the posts you see. So yes, just to practice my math and to cheer myself up a little, the number of posts is inversely proportional to my mental wellbeing. Yes that counts as math with me. And despite the wry smile on my face and the grin I can imagine on yours, I'm still rather sombre. I promise you I'm sunny somedays. Stick around. You never know what you may learn. *hint may or may not be in big black font at the top of the page.
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