Whee, imma gonna go off to youth camp in er a couple of hours. So yeah, no Ian for the next four days or so. Couple of hours being 10, 12 ,14 not 1 2 3 geddit? =/
Damn I seem to be going away a lot.
Its okay, I know you all miss me.
Now I shall proceed to strum a guitar for the next few hours alone in someone else's room.
Dont ask what I'm doing there, orou whose room it is for that matter.
When I return I resolve to run at least 5km a day until the end of the holidays.
And you will all fear me.
I am now committed, nothing can stop me now.
Ack. Trepidation is starting to set in, if i have actually used that word correctly.
I sure hope so.
Its amazing how pitiful you can look and act yet people can choose to ignore you nevertheless.
Like how i spent nearly all the nights in london sleeping on the floor and both of them didnt really seem to mind.
Like how people can just leave me alone in the room to type a semi-emo blogpost.
Like how..
Forget it, life is only as full of unhappiness as you want it to be.
Stop self indulging.
For the record the trepidation is not in anyway related to what I have typed above.
And you cannot say you have actually known what true happiness is until you have listened to Your Love Is My Drug.
I digress.