I suppose thats what I'm going to have to take.
You see my body seems to be able to run in overdrive for a limited amount of time.
Running at maximum capacity, allowing me to do stuff for a really long time.
Then the moment I take a break. Boom. It all comes crashing down.
Like how I spent 36 hours away on 31st December/1st Jan. And crashed for 18 hours after that.
Somehow I think I'm going to take an extension of that. There is absolutely no way you can keep going on for weeks with insane rehearsals all the way into the night without something bad happening eventually.
I've got SYF rehearsals tomorrow till 9. Due to a scheduling issue, on a regular basis we are probably going to be scheduling rehearsals on saturday night.
Yes the day where people usually go out and have lives.
So it'll be a rush from cg to school. Then rehearse till 9-10pm or later if necessary.
Sounds scary. But rehearsals may increase further yet. After all, it got up to 5 days a week last year, and there wasn't SYF then.
We had more time back then too.
I wonder when I'll have to pay back this monstrous loan of energy. And what will happen.
I remember how I used to run in sec 1-2-3. Run like super fast. Get an A in 2.4 Collapse on the ground at the end of the run. Lie on the ground for 30seconds to 5 minutes. Shuffle slowly in a stupor to the water cooler and remain there for 10 minutes. Shuffle back. Sit down. Remain in a stupor for the entire day, and the next.
Thankfully I somehow lost the motivation to do that this year.
Or maybe not so thankfully. I have a feeling that its somehow bad for your body.
Whatever it is, the hangover is not going to be fun.