This not helped by a grating incessant noise from next door.
It sounds like an electronic chicken.
Except for the fact that it sounds like the toddler next door is jamming his finger on the play button just about two times every second.
Its the type of sound that just burrows into your brain and slowly erodes away your brain cells until they waste away, and you're left staring blankly ahead, mouth slightly agape, with drops of drool leaking out from one side.
It was a stupid day, the type of stupid day where you shouldn't do anything but sleep at home and draw the curtains and curse the sun because if you go out something bad will happen.
But he was out. And he did spend an hour in the bathroom before going out, chances were, nothing horribly untoward would happen. He forgave himself and chose to overlook the convoluted logic in his brain. Just then he passed by a giant panel of glass and caught sight of himself. Gawd I look striking in red, he thought and almost immediately heard a derisive snort and a bunch of giggles. Shit did I say that out loud? He asked, he received a sardonic look and a yes in reply.
Mentally facepalming himself he walked ahead and saw Ronald McDonald looming large in front of him. His eyes riveted on the gloved palm of the smiling statue. Give him a high five, his brain whispered conspiratorially. His hand twitched but he locked it to his side and strode quickly past the fast food mascot. Just as he moved far ahead enough to let his arm relax, he heard a slap and a ripple of laughter from his companions.
Apparently he wasn't the only one having a stupid day.
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