More than a dash more vulnerable than I am.
Its scary.
![]() Your name's power is that it helps you be optimistic. Your name conveys both endurance and devotion. People who meet you can't help but think you are fiery. You try to live your life in a solid, connected way. |
Cmon, King Kenny, lets trash them Cats today.
Somehow I always seem to be drawn to bus-stops.
Well not that I am drawn to them. But I just end up finding my time on buses and at bus stops longer and longer.
Theres something about those places and the waiting that just makes me think.
Its not like the train where I end up staring at random people or looking for seats and stuff. I just end up introspecting like a freak when I take the bus. It just hypes up any emotion I'm feeling at the time, and exudes out of me like a wave.
A little feeling of sadness becomes a cloud of gloom. That tiny speck of loneliness becomes a great abyss of terror and despondency.
A little encouragement and spunk from someone on the phone will set my mood for the day.
If I'm not caught up in a pit of despair I usually end up thinking about things. A lot of things. Or I lapse into narrating in the third person. I hardly do that nowadays except on the bus.
Funny how I still can't sit anywhere except the left side.
Well I can sit on the right side, but I feel horribly disturbed. And highly uncomfortable. Hmm, another tendency for someone to exclaim at on another day.
No really even if all the left side seats are taken and the right side seats are empty I will not sit. Unless I am carrying an unbearable load. In that case I will sit in the aisle seat and be uncomfortable indeed.
The world just spins into oblivion. And its just me. And whoever I'm talking to, or thinking about.
Perhaps because I get forced into doing nothing.
After all, on the bus or at the stop I got :
1) No one to talk to
2) Not much space to fiddle and twitch about
3) No opportunity to act on my random impulses.
Says a lot about what I do and how I'm motivated.

You are both cute and active. You are very curious about the world around you.
People may find that you are a bit quirky and offbeat, but you are truly very intelligent.
You are very social, and you bring a playful element to every occasion.
You are easygoing and not at all aggressive. You only will act to defend yourself.
![]() Red will make you feel energetic, passionate, and determined. And with a little red, you will project an aura of warmth. If you want to feel intensely, you've got to get some red in your life! For extra punch: Combine red with orange or pink The downside of red: Red can provoke anger or rage. Watch out! The consequences of more red in your life: You will feel more enthusiasm for life You will have the confidence to go after what you want You will have a lot more physical energy |
![]() Purple will make you feel ambitious, independent, and creative. And with a little purple, you will project an aura of individuality. If you want more extravagance, you've got to get a little purple in your life! For extra punch: Combine purple with green or orange The downside of purple: It can evoke sad feelings The consequences of more purple in your life: You will feel an increase in your artistic abilities You will find balance in the most chaotic parts of your life You will feel calm and will be hard to disturb |
You Should Get a Tattoo on Your Knuckles |
![]() You have a lot of raw emotion, and you don't hide it. You are a very forceful person. You speak your mind no matter what the consequences are. You could never pretend to be someone you're not. You probably have a life philosophy or at least a motto. You know what kind of life you want to lead. |
Sometimes :/
![]() You are a loving, emotional person. You think and act from the heart, and that sometimes gets you in trouble. You are very intense and impulsive. You go with your intuition, even if your intuition is telling you to make a very bold move. You tend to feel strongly about everything in life. You have big emotions that sometimes conflict one another. You have a wild streak, and you're known to be unpredictable. You chase your dreams. |
Horrors. Horrors.
Computers should not be able to analyze your personality from your name.
Labels: blogthings, bus-stops, fragments, myself