I don't know, maybe that's the case for my mother, I'm pretty sure of that I guess. But as for my father....I don't know.
I think I should be old enough to be over that I hate my parents phase. And I think I can say that this time, I'm really sure I don't like them, and it isn't for no reason.
Its like I stopped feeling a sense of love from my father for a very long time and its just degenerated whatever relationship we used to have, if it even was there at all.
Though affection is certainly more than physical expression, I can't remember when was the last time I got a hug from the both of them, and the time has come and passed when I actually wanted them to. Now...its like I'm past caring and I don't want one from them.
I don't know, maybe you think its a small thing, but....I really wished someone would come and hug me.
Someone I actually cared about. I'm not asking....but I remember asking. It was terrible from me and for that person.
It's very weird, perhaps a little sappy and soft to say but I guess there's nowhere else I can say it.
I just feel so unloved at times.
Oh but for a little reprieve.