Because Cute, Smart, and Funny don't mean a thing
The above was supposed to be the real title, but trust me the blogskin screwed up on meLiving life to the fullest And I won't say anything at all. To all the lovely bitches like you Get your boots on |
Lets Rearrange - Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ 9:46 PM
Aah, the holidays are love.
I've missed this horrible idling about. My lazy streak is being indulged. If only for this week. For once in my life I suppose, saying nothing's happening will be something that I smile at. Take a back seat for once boy. Perhaps you'll spot something new.
Making...Food - @ 7:08 PM
It was night time.
Or more specifically dinner time. He was hungry. Where was the knife, where was the knife where was the knife. Throwing open the drawer in front of him he found it. Aha he thought. He spun around and saw the toaster, where it always was of course, and his two pieces of bread in it. He was forgetting something. Right. He spun around again, peanut butter. Of course, the very substance that fed his existance. He grabbed the jar of peanut butter with his right hand. He turned and strode out with his left foot, and took a quick look out of the kitchen door to his right that somehow made him turn his entire body to face that way. His right foot continued on its path, but behind his left foot instead of in front of it, causing him to turn 360 degrees smoothly and almost gracefully as he brought his left foot around as well to finish with his outstretched knife at the bread. What on earth Ian, what are you doing pirouetting around your kitchen at 1am in the morning. He didn't know either. |
Meh - @ 12:57 PM
Would you rather….
[] Live without music or [X] Live without TV? Are you kidding, I've been living without Tv for like forever. Live without music? I'd rather die. Would you rather…. [X] Eat a bar of soap or [] Drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid? I guess the soap seems smaller Would you rather…. [X] Be called a racist or [] A traitor to your country? Would you rather…. [X] Lose your legs or [] Lose your arms? Sorry legs, but sports aren't worth all the stuff I can do with my arms. I'm pretty sure playing sports while armless won't be much fun anyway. Everyone would just give in to you. And if you fell down.... Would you rather…. [X] Have a beautiful house and an ugly car or [] Have an ugly house and a beautiful car? Meh, I can have a beautiful house and no car. Who needs dumb cars anyway. Would you rather…. [X] Be blind or [] Be deaf? BLIND B LIND BLIND BLIND BLIND Would you rather….in a fire…save a.. [] Sibling or [] Stranger? Meh, I don't like my siblings much, but I don't like a lot of strangers too. Would you rather…. [X] Eat sushi or [] Eat liver? No way, uh see my phobia of dead stuff. Sushi is just uh seaweed with rice and uh slab of...raw...stuff. Would you rather…. [] Live in Antarctica or [X] Live in Death Valley? Death Valley, cmon we are so used to the heat. Would you rather…. [] Have 3 eyes or [X] Webbed Feet? Man, I think at least I'd get to know people before they find out my malfunction and start screaming and running away. Would you rather…. [X] Find true love or [] Get $ 1,000,000? With true love you don't need a house. =P Would you rather…. [x] Always have to say what’s on your mind or [] Never speak again? At least I come clean with everything. Honesty is liberating. Would you rather…. [] Be gossiped about or [X] Never talked about at all? I hate being judged, don't you? Honestly who would choose to be gossiped about. ATTENTION WHORES THATS WHO. Would you rather…. [] Have stars in your eyes or [] Eyes in the back of your head? What on earth is stars in my eyes. DAZZLING WHOO YEAH. Would you rather…. [X] Have X-Ray vision or [] Bionic Hearing? Hmm, I don't know both are really good but since I'm going to be able to hear any conversation bionic hearing is going to pretty pointless. Haha. Would you rather…. [X] Be able to hear any conversation or [] Take back anything you say? I say many things I regret, and I will. But I'm used to it. Would you rather…. [] End hunger or [X] End hatred? Then we can start helping the hungry people. Would you rather…. [] Publish your diary or [] Make a movie about your most embarrassing moment? I don't have a diary. But I'm pretty sure that whatever it is, it would contain more than one of my embarrassing moments. :/ Would you rather…. [] Get caught singing in the mirror or [X] Spy on your crush? Wait, how is spying on my crush bad again? Would you rather…. [X] Be a dog named Killer or [] A cat named Fluffy? I'd live up to my name too. Would you rather…. [X] Be stranded on an island with someone you hate or [] Be stranded on an island alone? Loneliness kills. And if its too much trouble, then...Kill. Hahaha. Would you rather…. [X] Get even or [] Get over it? Getting even helps you get over it. Would you rather…. [X] Always lose or [] Never play? Would you rather…. [] Be forced to tell your best friend a lie or [] Tell your parents the truth? Haven't had a real best friend in like forever so this is kinda lost on me. :/ Would you rather…. [] Know it all or [X] Have it all? Would you rather…. [] Give bad advice or [X] Get bad advice? Would you rather…. [X] Have sand in your shorts or [] Have water in your ear? Would you rather…. [] Forget your sunscreen or [] Forget your sunglasses? Meh. I never use either. Yeah I got sunburned in Australia pretty bad. I'm still not using either. Would you rather…. [X] Kiss a jellyfish or [] Step on a crab? I stepped on a crab before when I was about 7. It was horrific I tell you. I was wearing slippers but still. I mean my parents were like you just stepped on a crab. I looked back and I saw the upturned squashed belly of the crab and I screamed and ran. I'm kissing the bell, not the tentacles. Would you rather…. [] Own a ski lodge or [X] Own a surf camp? Ski Lodges are rather romantic. heeehee. But surf camps are cooler. Would you rather…. [X] Forget who you were or [] Forget everyone else and who they were? Would you rather…. [] Have one wish granted today or [X] Have 3 wishes granted in 10 years? I have more than one wish. Actually two. And they're both worth waiting 10 years for. Would you rather…. [X] Give up your computer or [] Give up your pet? You can buy a new computer and it'll be the same after all those useless software updates. But you can never replace a dog. Would you rather…. [X] Be the sandcastle or [] The wave? Its just so epicly defiant. Would you rather…. [X] Write the worst book in history or [] Record the worst song in history A disgrace to literature most definitely over a disgrace to music. Would you rather…. [] Get free chocolate for 1 year or [X] Get free potatoes…..forever? FREE CHIPS FOREVAAAAA Would you rather…. [] Have half days everyday or [X] No homework…..forever? Wait No Homework. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Would you rather…. [] Wear all pink to school or [] Wear all purple to school? Help. Would you rather…. [] Take a math test or [X] Do a lab in science? Eh? Would you rather…. [] Have a mansion in the middle of nowhere or [X] Share an apartment with 10 friends? Would you rather…. [] Bake cookies in cooking class or [X] Do art projects in art class? Would you rather…. [] Have a pie-eating contest or [X] A wheelbarrow race? Lol is this even extraordinary. You can wheelbarrow race me anytime! WHOO YEAH. Would you rather…. [] Have a big group of friends or [X] One very close friend? Would you rather…. [x] Be nervous, but excited or [] Be relaxed, but bored? Would you rather…. [x] Wear a school uniform or [] Last year’s Halloween costume? We do that everyday... Would you rather…. [] Spend the day surfing the Internet or [X] Surf the ocean? Well I kinda do the first one everyday. Surfing is awesome. You all should try it. Would you rather…. [X] Be an actor/actress for a big movie or [] Be the director of the big movie? Directors get so stressed. And they can't make money by posing for advertisements. Not that anyone would want me to pose for their advertisements. But I digress. Would you rather…. [x] Have an ugly, loyal dog or [] A prize-winning, snobby cat? Would you rather…. [] Be saved by Superman or [x] Meet Winnie the Pooh? There aren't many other things that are more emasculating than being saved by superman. Seriously. Would you rather…. [X] Go to an amusement park or [] Go to a family reunion? Would you rather…. [] Be rich with an unhappy job or [X] Be payed less with a job you like? Would you rather…. [] Not be able to use your phone or [X] Not be able to use your e-mail? Lol who still uses email. Would you rather…. [X] Snowboard in the winter or [] Swim in the summer? I hate swimming. Lol. Would you rather…. [x] Pick your own nose or [] Pick someone else’s? Would you rather…. [] Be a tree or [X] Live in one? BE A TREE. It sounds so artsy and abstract. Only a snob would choose that. XD Would you rather…. [x] Write a mystery or [] Write a poem? Uh, have you seen my poems. Would you rather…. [] Be popular, but mean or [X] Be nice, but unpopular? I like to think thats where I am. Would you rather…. [] Eat rubber or [] Eat plastic? .__. Would you rather…. [] Be shot or [X] Shoot someone? Line em up boys. (; Would you rather…. [] Be stranded or [X] Get kidnapped? Would you rather…. [] Skip Christmas for a year or [X] Skip your Birthday for a year? No birthday no biggie. I'm used to it. SML. Labels: quiz |
10 Things I hate about you - Sunday, May 29, 2011 @ 11:02 PM
Okay. So. Random Facts About Me. Yayayayayayay. Lemme hear some noise. 1. My favourite singer when I was 11. Was none other than Elvis Presley. HOORAYYYYY. 2. I have surfed. WONDERFUL RIGHT. And I was awesome. Although I only stood up once. It still counts. Shhhhhh. 3. I have been called HANDSOME by people who DIDN'T even know me. They were a bunch of old women I saw while on holiday in China. But hey, they were still women kay. 4. I had childhood crushes on 2d cartoon characters. One of which was none other than Ariel of the Little Mermaid. I also had a crush on Katara from Avatar : The Last Air Bender : The Legend of Aang as recent as 2 years ago. Hooray for me. 5. My mother once encouraged me to play with Barbie dolls while I was 8. And all but scolded me for refusing to do so. Oh yes, she convinced my brothers to. I think 5 is embarrassing and enough for now. LEATHERRRRRR
I'd tell you I miss you - @ 10:13 PM
How'd we end up this way.
Why, after those 3 years we spent together, you all have slipped out of my life. Just slipped out. And you're gone. Do you guys still remember me? Of course you do, but when was the last time I appeared in your head. Never? Its okay, there have been times when you all have been far from my mind. I still walk a rather lonely path you know. And right now, even though you all are just a mouseclick away. I can't click . I can't walk up and say hi. You're there, all of you. But you aren't there anymore are you? Perhaps next year will bring a new start. And I hope that when we meet again, we'll find that four years hasn't changed the things we remember. And that perhaps some of us could be the same again. Lets try to take it back before we all went wrong. Labels: nostalgia, open letter |
Diving In - @ 4:17 PM
He looked to his right, she was sitting next to him. Naturally she was looking to her right as well, anywhere but him, but this was of no consequence. She was talking to her, who was seated at her right, and he was uh, trying to listen. Yes he was. He was of course trying not to be spotted, no one would assume his motive of course, but eavesdropping was something generally frowned upon in his society, naturally he kept looking in front, only glancing sideways periodically.
They chattered away and his heart fluttered as he heard her speak. That voice, he could live off it forever; perhaps he thought to himself he could simply forgo food and bask in its sound and let it sustain him. What a lovely existence that would be indeed, his mind whispered. Tsk, he thought, this was getting rather unhealthy, it had to be if his mind or whatever it was in his mind was encouraging him. He glanced to the right again, and just at that moment the chatter stopped. She leaned out and looked his way for a second, then popped back into her seat and carried on the conversation. His heart stopped and he froze. She looked at me. He shook his head hard, goodness, he wasn't a teenage girl of fourteen. He made a mental note there and then to visit a psychologist as soon as he could. On second thought, a psychiatrist. There had to be a cure for punch-drunk love somewhere. Labels: stories |
I've Learned - Friday, May 27, 2011 @ 1:22 PM
by Omer B. Washington I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back. I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it. I’ve learned that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts. I’ve learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something. I’ve learned that you shouldn’t compare yourself I’ve learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done I’ve learned that no matter how good a friend is, I’ve learned that sometimes you have to put the individual I’ve learned that writing, Labels: Others |
(Pun)kster - Thursday, May 26, 2011 @ 6:32 PM
J : You're fat.
I(self-deprecatingly): Aw, you're hurting my fillings. J : Fillings? You don't have fillings. Goodness its a stupid pun. I : Things like that just eat me up inside. J : You're ridiculous, stop it. Its retarded. I( dramatically) : The shards of my broken heart can never heal over this great and terrible wound inside. J : Yeah right, more like your face looks like shards. I : How......cutting. Labels: fragments |
Wipeout....? - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @ 9:13 PM
I feel drained of energy .
Its only 9pm and I want to sleep. Perhaps its all the late nights The frustrations, the anger the emotions. Everything, perhaps thats whats getting to me. Its been a long term. Labels: fragments |
Nobody Shine The Way You Do - @ 6:48 PM
Shit lah, somethings off-colour in my life and I don't know what.
******************************************************** He was walking alone by himself, on the second floor corridor. Stupid day he thought. Its always a stupid day, his mind whispered conspiratorially before he silenced it. "Hey Handsome!" He heard a pai kia ish voice call out from the first floor, and looked over the edge. No one was calling him of course, and he turned back and saw her standing there leaning against the wall with a smirk on her face. "I saw that." She quipped as his face turned red and he hurriedly tried to get on his way. She laughed to herself at his retreating figure and cupped her hands and shouted so everyone could hear, "Hey Handsome, come back here, where ya going?" |
And sometimes a picture tells a thousand words - Tuesday, May 24, 2011 @ 7:36 PM
![]() Oh Fernando Fernando. El Nino El Nino. We could've had it all you know. Now we've got Carroll. And we don't really need you anymore. Labels: random pic, soccer |
Fallout - Monday, May 23, 2011 @ 9:49 PM
Time for a little truth - @ 8:12 PM
Uh. Okay. So someone arrowed me with this. And I had a random impulse to do it. The random impulse had a clause in it forbidding me from backing out of the quiz even after the impulse is over.
I am not reluctantly obeying. So.. Welcome to the most obnoxious quiz of the century. I shall unfortunately try my best to answer Your Type of Girl 1. Do you need him/her to be good looking? Good looking to me lor. Uh. Yeah. If I like you you instantly become the most good looking person in the world. Yeah I'm superficial. 2. Smart? Well, preferably smarter than me. :/ Actually I don't care, as long as she doesn't huh at everything I say its fine. 3. Preferred age? Around my age? Aiyah as long as whoever isn't like 10 years older than me its FINE. 4. Preferred height? Shorter than me lah. Aiyah fine she can tower over me, but it would make me feel horrible. GIRLS KEEP OFF THEM HEELS PLEASE. 5. How about sense of humour? Sure, the more the better. Though as long as the person isn't too flashy about it. 6. How about peircings? Piercings you mean, well I'd prefer not, but I'm not going to not date someone cause of a piercing. Unless its a nose ring. Or a tongue thingy. Oh my goodness I'm starting to have nightmares. Piercings = bad but not always unforgivable and irredeemable. 7. Accepts you for who you are? If she keeps trying to change me its no biggie. As long as she doesn't get too obsessive 8. Pink hair? No Biggie. All shades of pink. No biggie. 9. Mushy or no? :/ Well I'm the mushy one so I really wouldn't mind. Then again, a balance would be good too (; *10. Thin or fat? I think we all have varying definitions of fat. Heck. This question is horrible 11. Black, Brown or White (skin) Er brown is fine, of course white is better, I think I have too many prejudices to date an indian or black though. *12. Long hair or short hair? As long as it looks good lah. *13. Plastic or metal? Eh? 14. Smells good? My nose is blocked half the time, its a miracle whenever I can actually smell anything. 15. Smoker? Preferably not, heavy smoker no? 16. Drinker? No please! 18. Muscular? As long as she isn't built like uh me then its fine. Cause built like me is just uh. More built than me is bad too. Toned arms is fine. 19. Plays piano? Uh, sure, she can play it better than me then awesome. It won't make me feel like a weird superficial showoff. 20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar? This is stupid but, girls who can play bass or guitar. Very very cool. Play it well? Very very very hot. They'd probably be too hot or cool for me anyway. 21. Plays violin? Ooh, the violin to me is a very meh instrument. But sure, I don't mind. As long as she isn't terrible. Then I'd have to smile and try not to scream whenever she plays it. 22. Sings very good? This is an awesome bonus. I'd never have to sing my duets alone again. *Random emo pic and sad music* Uh. Moving on. 23. Vain? A dash of vanity is very fun. 24. With glasses? You care? 25. With braces? Heh, even if they look terrible, braces aren't forever. 26. Shy type? :/ can be pretty okay, but I'm usually the shy one and it can get awkward. Coy type is better. > : D 27. Rebel or good boy/girl? Oooh ooh how about a mix. Like nice with a rebellious streak. 28. Active or passive? Active! 29. Tight or bomb? I am sensing slang I do not understand. 30. Singer or dancer? If she dances, then what am I supposed to do. :/ Try to dance too? No. Help. 31. Stunner? Absolute stunner. 32. Hiphop? It would be lost on me. 33. Earrings? See piercings. Anyway, uh as long as the earrings aren't too obnoxious. Okay lor. 34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-boyfriends-until-you-drop? Well, people make mistakes. Some more than others. I'll just close my eyes and hope I'm not another one. 35. Dimples? Don't really notice. 36. Bookworm? Bookworm has all sorts of shy and sweet connotations. I like. Shy = good, Sweet = Very good, outgoing = even better though. 37. Mr/Ms. love letter? Love Letters are so mushy. As long as no one finds them. 38. Playful? Have you heard the word coy. That word is very very attractive. Playful, HELL YEAH. 39. Flirt? As long as she don't keep at it while we're together. (YES I AM MUSHY, ARGH) 40. Poem writer? That kind of girl sounds too serious for me! And too, uh. :/ Something weird there. Dunno. 41. Serious? Serious + me = bad 42. CAmpus crush? Wha? 43. Painter? Sure. 44. Religious? Very good. I need someone to drag me into spirituality. If nothing can, then my hypothetically perfect girlfriend can. 45. Someone who likes to tease people? Ah good. Wonderful. Spankingly wonderful. 46. Computer games or internet freak? :/ Internet freak. 47. Speaks 20 languages? Uh, Don't care! 48. Loyal or faithful? Wait there's a difference? 49. Good kisser? Uh, I have no clue really what the difference between a good kisser and a bad kisser. I suppose anyone who'll kiss me is actually pretty awesome already. YES THAT WAS DESPO. 50. Loves children? If she hates children then fine. If she loves them then. Okay lor. Not like I'm the one who'll have them growing inside of me for 9 months. Yeesh. Quiz is complete. How awful. I actually answered truthfully for almost everything. I sense stalkers converging on my location. Bad Labels: quiz |
Could've had it all. - @ 6:51 PM
Now this is a rocking track. For some reason when prominent personalities decided to cover it, they decided to do it acapella. Spoils the point really. Oh and for those who say Glee should get bonus points for doing it acapella I say screw you. No one told them to do it acapella. Its not like their hands were bloody chained. And shit I listened to about 2 minutes of that Glee girls whiny voice. Nah, the whole point of this song is passion, that somehow isn't there when you don't have to heart pounding drums. Never have I before appreciated my bass enhancing hardware so much. Adele played it to the beat. Whoo yeah. Labels: music |
Radiant Splendour - Sunday, May 22, 2011 @ 5:50 PM
Ah, they're arguing again.
I suppose I'm supposed to sympathise with one party. Except for the fact that that party that I'm supposed to sympathise with keeps making my life miserable. Then again they both do. Solution? Just ignore them both. What they get up to is none of my business. Well, of course perhaps my life has a little change here and there. But I'll be sure to take note when that happens. Well, at least they're too busy screaming at each other to bother about me. Hooray. I don't care about them anymore.
Oh shit - Saturday, May 21, 2011 @ 7:54 PM
Remind me again never to try to stay awake for that many consecutive hours.
It just screws with your brain. I realized that I had indeed slept nearly the required amount of hours, unfortunately the brain is just not designed to handle such an extended stream of consciousness. And a one hour nap later, my energy was restored. Uh...somewhat, minor headaches are easily ignored. Okay. Anyway. Hmm. Post mortem: 1. Lost two dollars due to shooting two $1 coins around during open house. With the CCA crossbow. 2. Repeatedly told a girl that her voice was adorable. But really it was. Still you don't say these things. Uh, it wasn't too bad, the guy next to me was just as high and agreed every time I brought it up. 3. Ate chips while brain dead- no self control- I ate about half of Alvin's can, but he was too stoned to notice. 4. Spilled an entire cup of coke from McDonalds while trying to sit down slowwwwly, I literally forgot about balance. 5. Giggled like a girl, at the sound of my own voice as I said "buh-bye" 6. Took a nap during dinner and kinda missed it. And dropped my phone at least 3 times in the process. 7. I dropped Lukila. I made it all the way back to my room, and I dropped her about 5 cm above the ground. Horrors. She'll never forgive me. Well thats on top of stumbling around like a drunk and muttering things underneath my breath half the time. 'S kay. I'll forgive me. Labels: myself |
Nope, never had one - Friday, May 20, 2011 @ 7:26 PM
"Lets take the bus the other way," Joe said, he didn't want to pass by his school. He hated the place, it kinda represented everything he hated in the world. People, education, stress, pressure, confinement, enforced learning, and people. Well, he didn't hate people per se, he just hated the ideae of being crammed into a room full of people, especially against his own will. If he was to interact with people, he should be able to do so on his own terms. Most certainly not because the government deemed that all "children" and "teens" should attend school.
So anyway, there he was interacting "on his own terms" with none other than his sister. Hooray. It was a friday evening and someone a.k.a. his sister, who was named Kelsey by the way, had wanted to do something other than sit at home and eat what she called the "dreaded horrifying mundane home-cooked dinner". Also because their parents were not really in the vicinity of the nation, and being unfortunate enough not to possess a maid or butler of sorts, the task of cooking the venerable dinner had fallen to Kelsey. Having a disposition a little more on the lazy side and this uh Joe being unable to cook, naturally the only option was to take a lovely bus ride to the city and get some food there. Most unfortunately for Joe, the quickest route to the city was by his school, a fact that his Kelsey rather annoying pointed out. "Isn't it quicker the other way, lets not waste any time, I am Soooooooooo hungry." She said tossing her hair rather delightfully. Not to him of course, she may have beenwhat Oscar Wilde called "an excessively pretty girl who was only just eighteen" but seriously, she was his sister. He rather frowned upon incest, as did society in general. Her prettiness was apparently evident to all, and they or rather she kept drawing looks from the waves and throngs of leering old men that seemed to have nothing better to do in the estate all the way to the bus stop. And on the bus itself. They stood naturally, the bus seldom had enough seats to accomodate the waves and throngs of leering old men who were always given moral authority in terms of seating privileges. As they approached the school he felt a sense of trepidation and as the writers liked to put it "impending doom", but what could he do? Scream and run? Rather out of the question in fact. He knew his intuition was right as the bus pulled into the stop just outside his school. He saw. Ryan. That spastic fool who lacked any form of social discretion. Ryan naturally despite all his lack of scoial grace was rather observant and spotted him through the glass door. To his eclectic Ryan eye, what he saw was Joe standing in the bus, with a babe. A very hot babe. Who was wearing a pair of tight cute daisy dukes on top of that. Spotting the rather excited look on Ryan's face, Joe began to get that tingling sensation. Luckily, his sister was in fact facing away from the bus stop door. However that meant that Ryan began flashing a horrible smile and a huge thumbs up his way. As Joe refused to acknowledge the presence of the socially retarded miscreant one meter away from him, Ryan began to jump and wave awkwardly. Ryan suddenly turned and called all the friends at the bus stop, and all Joe could do was wish that the old men filing into bus would just hurry up as he was faced with the sight of about ten people he hated waving and whistling at him. But his torment was not over, just as the driver decided it was high time that he got moving a seat opened up. Kelsey tossed her hair back and decided that they move to the seats. Being a "guy" in society he reluctantly let her take the seat next to a rather odd looking boy with a twinkle in his eye. He did not like the look of that...boy especially since he gave Kelsey the customary "up-down" with his eyes. He smiled at him politely, the boy at Joe that is. He decided to glare back, but the boy was rather unpertubed. At the next stop two leering old men (really they were everywhere) decided that it was time they got down. Leaving two empty seats behind the boy. Kelsey rather skittishly decided to shift to the seat behind, and all but patted the empty space beside her, smiling rather coyly. The boy's grin could not have been wider, as Joe glared at him again he tilted his head ever so slightly and gave him a slow but purposeful wink. Great, it was going to be stupid night. Labels: stories |
Locked Up - Thursday, May 19, 2011 @ 7:09 PM
Lord Father I pray for my friend now.
I've done as much as I could today and I hope you will not leave him like that. I pray you will do your work in him and let him find your everlasting light. I know Lord Father that I am a horrible representation of your glory for him to follow, but I thank you that he doesn't choose to judge Christianity and the following of your word by using me as a horrifically inadequate standard. Thank you for allowing him to listen and really bring him close to you, closer than I have ever been. He was for one short year my closest companion and someone whom I have always trusted. A good friend he was, and still is, to lose him to the depths of eternity would indeed, have a sense of mortal injustice around it to say the least. I know its not to me to decide, but I pray that you will save this friend of mine. One more for Jesus, a great and mighty preacher was said to say until the day he died. Its high time I actually started. Could this be a start? We all start at one, for him to be the first to come to you through me, would surely be a most high extension of your grace and mercy. Could it happen? I pray you will let it happen. For I have tried, and whether I succeed or not Lord Father will depend on you. Please. Give me strength and wisdom. Cause I don't quite have enough. Thank you Jesus. Amen. Labels: open letter |
11:08 - Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @ 11:08 PM
Its eleven O'clock and it feels like 3 am.
Why? Cause I don't feel like staying here anymore. Why? I'll let you answer that one. Labels: fragments |
Cable Car - @ 7:39 PM
Somehow the days seem to have less colour free from the oppression of school.
Its as if the lack of routine has brought about a breakdown in time itself. The days seem shorter. Hours fly by in an instant. And suddenly a half an hour tv program stretches out into infinity. Theres a weird mist hanging around me that I can't seem to shake off. That funny mist you get when you sleep in late. The type that normally goes away as you gradually wake up on your idle Sunday morning. But no. The mist doesn't go away. Its odd. Its that fresh out of bed feeling. Somehow its bad. I think. Everything seems odd nowadays. Its like my suspicion sense kicked into overdrive. :/ Something is wrong with me. Somewhere. *********************************************** Somehow when I lapse into abstraction or talk about something completely weird. No. It extends to almost everything. As long as its my thoughts over here. I tend to slip into oddly complex vocabulary. The type I wouldn't be caught dead using. Why? Cause it makes me sound like a snob. And also cause thinking like that actually requires effort. Its ridiculous, no one thinks using complex vocabulary like that. Well actually some people do, but normal people don't. Or maybe its just me. I think like this, in a speaking style, I speak either to myself, or random people. Either that or I think in images when I'm in an extra creative mood. I don't sprinkle innumerable pentasyllabic words around like I do over here so much. Makes it hard to read. Then again, maybe the pentasyllabic can carry with it nuance that my thought does express, but cannot be read. If you get what I'm saying. Labels: confused, my weird opinion, myself |
That...Laugh - @ 6:41 PM
Taylor Swift is hilarious.
Nvm. Quiz time. Why? I told you, I'm lazy. There you go. Is it stolen? Of course. Zzt. So...uh add up the total. And that will be what age I act. Wonderful. [ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee (And I don't care much for one anyway) [ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar (Phone! Either that or I ask whoever is unfortunate enough to be seated next to me in school) [ ] You own a credit card [ ] You know how to change the oil in a car [x] You've done your own laundry (Uh...once?) [ ] You can vote in an election [ ] You can cook for yourself . (A little, but I guess a little doesn't count) [ ] You think politics are interesting (Necessary, but not interesting) TOTAL SO FAR: 1 (oops hehe) [ ] You show up for school late a lot (Oh an indicator of age huh) [ ] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket [x] You've never gotten a detention [ ] You have forgotten your own birthday [x] You like to take walks by yourself [x] You know what credibility means, without looking it up [x] You drink caffeine at least once a week (None can rival the awesome caffeine boost that coke gives you) TOTAL SO FAR: 5 [x] You know how to do the dishes [x] You can count to 10 in another language [ ] When you say you're going to do something you do it (Nah, depends on who I'm speaking to) [ ] You can mow the lawn [] You study even when you don't have to [x] You have hand washed a car (Once..!) TOTAL SO FAR: 8 [x] You can spell experience, without looking it up [ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name [ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out [x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need (uh this is totally random) [ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said [x] You can type pretty quick ( can I oh can I? Yes.) TOTAL SO FAR: 11 [ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment (My place of employment. Hmm. I wonder where that is) [ ] You have been to a Tupperware party (What on earth is this) [ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job. (thats ridiculous, my friends take me seriously. I hope.) [ ] You have more bills than you can pay [x] You have been to the beach (who hasn't!) [x] You use the internet every day (Guilty) [x] You have travelled overseas for more than 5 times [ ] You make your bed in the morning (eh, not really) [x] You realised people of the opposite sex might just make better friends. ( I realized that years ago buddy) TOTAL: 15 Ooh. Not bad. Not that much of a child are you. Interesting. Haha. Labels: quiz |
Repairing Broken Wings - Tuesday, May 17, 2011 @ 8:02 PM
Maroon 5 is stupidly addictive.
I have a disturbingly powerful urge for a white belt. That yellow wristband, or whatever it is, its calling to me. Argh. Goodness, have to stop hitting replay. ************************************ Heh. My brain numbs itself with anything not of worth the moment theres no one to talk to. Not saying Maroon 5 is worthless though. Are you kidding. No way. Helll YEAHH |
Goldfish bombs bring you a world of hurt - @ 5:46 PM
Welcome to Day 4 of idleness.
Its so relaxing to once in awhile sit down and read a book again. Somehow its good yet not good, when you realize that you have just wasted the entire afternoon away absorbed in a book. Its weird like that, to get lost in that reality, only to stop randomly to realize that you're doing nothing essentially. Makes you feel guilty somehow. Its an odd feeling, going almost an entire day without saying anything to anyone. When you're caught up in a book, you can talk to people, reply them, but you aren't actually saying anything. Well, you may divulge information of sorts here and there but not any essence of your personality. You're lost, somewhere else. And I don't know whether its a good thing or not. I remember reading books in times when I had really nothing else to do, because of debilitating circumstances. I'd feel horrible, locked up in my room, read a book, stop. Then I'd feel all horrible again. For doing absolutely nothing. Another day gone, and your life is still the same. 'Spose its a good thing, if you're life is fine. Well. Reading books. Thats my childhood for you. Sigh. Labels: my weird opinion |
Epic Misunderstanding - Monday, May 16, 2011 @ 9:44 PM
I wonder how she's doing
********************************************** A day without you is like a year without the rain ********************************************** Having fights is tiring. Shouting is tiring. Screaming is tiring. Sitting there and taking the shit is tiring. Cursing yourself in your bedroom and trying to come to terms with your existence is tiring. Typing is tiring. Ian, Ian, what have you done with your life. Labels: fragments |
Recalcitrant White Sky - @ 7:33 PM
I have an infuriating intolerance to a refusal to understand logic.
I simply cannot stand someone who refuses to make sense. Someone who blindingly twists rules, and tries to fend me off with infantile methods. Again and again and again. The rank hypocrisy and the obvious lying. I cut through it of course, but no my logic goes ignored for a while. Then when it is finally realized, my antagonist goes on, out with the logic. Out with the logic, out with the debate and war of words, it doesn't matter how right I am. The winner is the one with the resources apparently. So my stuff starts disappearing and then I have to' concede. Fucking hell. Get off my back. She doesn't even argue first you know. My stuff starts disappearing first, then she tries to negotiate. Some negotiation. I'm supposed to keep my word of course, like how kidnap victim's families have to keep their word about the ransom. Its a huge fucking joke, but I'll sit back for now. God's supposed to do something about it, I'm to tired to fight anyway. I have to believe, that He's going to change something. He'd better do something soon, I'm just going crazier and crazier here. Help. Labels: rant |
So.... - Sunday, May 15, 2011 @ 7:20 PM
The old bespectacled Scotsman walked down the path, twenty five years he thought to himself, twenty five long years of his life. Yet it was no matter, he had done it, his work was finally done. He looked up into the smog-filled Manchester sky that to him had never looked any better, shades of purple sunset seeming to invade the grey.
He acknowledged the strangers all around that made way for him as he strode through the park, it was the least they could do, there was no in the country who hadn't know what he had done, and here was where he would receive the most love. He had knocked those smelly bastards off their perch. He had won. Suddenly his phone rang, he frowned, he had told his assistant not to call him earlier that day, and no one else had the number. Hello? he said into the phone. "Hello Mr Ferguson," said the other Scotsman with the much better hair impishly, grinning toothily as he did, "race you to number 20." Labels: stories |
Help - Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 11:36 PM
People think you're self obsessed kiddo.
Are you really? Now what. Don't mention thyself in human conversation. Sounds like a plan. Lets start with one day. One very important day. Yes. Time to change things. For your own good. Labels: myself |
F-ff-ff-ff-f-ff-REEEDOM - @ 9:29 PM
I jumped out of the exam hall, to find blogger unavailable.
I spent the afternoon drooling in front of my com cause blogger was unavailable. I came back later at 11 pm and it was not available still. And I slept horribly disturbed.... I am too dependent on this thing
Angel Voices - Thursday, May 12, 2011 @ 8:58 PM
She helped me recognize the true awesomeness that only acoustics can bring Labels: music |
Blood, Passion, Boil - @ 6:25 PM
Well it was a load of drivel but not that much different from the rest of the loads of drivel.
So why did I get so angry. Right. Thats why. Don't you ever compare me to him. Don't you dare. I'm not like him, and you know it. Its bad enough to be related. To say I resent him is an understatement, getting me that angry is an easy way to win an argument yes. Doesn't make you right. Fucking hell. ************************************************************ I got my mother's instability and insecurity, my father's occasional callousness and bad tempered disposition. I can reason like him, yet get irrational like her. And I've inherited both of their pride. At least I skirted megalomania and developed an open mind of my own. For that open mind alone, I am thankful. It makes the world of a difference to me. Thats why I'm different. |
White Ppt dissolves in excess NaoH, does not dissolve in excess NH4+ - Wednesday, May 11, 2011 @ 6:25 PM
Aluminium or Lead. Add Chloride Ions. Lead Chloride is soluble. I hate you Chemistry. ******************************************* Seem's like I'm always on the run Labels: fragments |
Flawless - @ 2:56 PM
There comes a point where you're dancing around your room at 2am and shouting history facts while slapping yourself with a wet towel to keep awake that there's something a little wrong with your mugging style.
Or maybe there's a little too much stress in your life. ********************************************* He watched through the bus window as she walked past, she had brown hair, a brown hand bag and a distinctly Pan-asian look That Psychotic voice in my head : What is Pan-asian anyway Uh I don't know. TPVIMH : Is it like Pan American or something? I suppose TPVIMH : Sounds like a pizza to me. Get out of my head. TPVIMH: Hahahahaha Labels: fragments |
He Really Won't Stop - Tuesday, May 10, 2011 @ 9:46 PM
Ian2: I Don't want a hug from him, I want a hug from a real person.
Ian1: What on earth. You're demented. Hey What? Answer me What is that supposed to mean. You're crazy. Ian2: I am you. We are crazy. Ian1: ..........We've had this discussion before. Ian2: Or have we Ian1: forget it. Labels: fragments |
Triple Strike, Quintuple Swarm - @ 4:01 PM
He coughed hard as he stumbled in the desert sun, brushing the mini sand storm brewing at his feet out of his eyes, shielding them at the same time from the blasting heat. Blasted heat, he corrected himself. He looked over to his left to see how she was doing, as usual, she was striding just a little ahead with no problem, he had no idea how she did it.
They had been at it for days. Days of trekking, looking to find a piece of civilization in the wasteland. The prospect of solitude was always daunting, but he took solace in the fact that he wasn't alone. There had still been people in the city, but at the thought of the city he felt a chill despite the scorching fireball above him. A bird cry broke the sound of their rhythmic and his not so rhythmic trudging and snapping out of his reverie he brought his rifle to bear, scanning the horizon for danger but there was nothing. No people, no buildings, trees, or signs of life save the unidentifiable bird in the distance. "Relax Joe, there's nothing around, I doubt it spread this far." She said casually, returning her own pistol to her holster as she did. He grunted in reply, it didn't matter, it paid to be careful, but she knew that, and he knew that when danger came she was always the more cautious one. He cleared the sand out of his gun before slinging it back over his back and following after her. The pistol was probably a better option or even no gun at all, the sand got everywhere in the desert it did. It got into eyelids, nostrils, phones, bags and guns. His clothes had sand on them, in them, and when he licked his lips he could taste sand. Everywhere he looked he saw sand. He was sick to death of it, but there was nothing to be done about it. He spat a mouthful of sand out onto the sizzling floor and felt for his knife on his belt, a little something that wouldn't stop working cause of sand. As the noon sun changed to evening sun, and the sky took on the softer hues of purple and orange, he spotted something in the distance. "You see that Sheila? We aren't supposed to hit anything for another week." She struggled with her map as another gust of sand-filled wind started up. "We might've gone off course, let's head for it anyway." She was at it again, making decisions for him, but he let her, it didn't matter as long as she didn't do anything stupid. But she wouldn't. So he followed as they neared the structure. It was an old building, an imposing stone structure, the type that hadn't been built for a few centuries now. As they poked about it in sunset light the ground beneath their feet crumbled and they landed harmlessly in a pile of sand. Sloppy. His mind whispered, you're gonna get yourself killed if you keep this up. He leapt to his feet as soon as he could and swept his flashlight across the dark. There was nothing. He looked behind and met her gaze, they both nodded silently. All clear. Ruins, in the middle of the desert. He mused to himself as walked through the cavernous hallway slowly, rifle at the ready. Yes this building must have been a few centuries old at least. Before the meltdown, before everything changed. "Sat nav shows that we didn't go off course, the maps say there's nothing here." She remarked, the blue glow of that confangled apple construct reflecting off her face. "There's more to this world than the maps, how far back does it go? I'd say this place has been gone for more than a century." It was her turn to fall silent as she mused about the fall of technology. They had been forced to revert to the antique firearms since the meltdown, almost everything had stopped working in the same way. And so they had lived with it, and had done their best to cope. It wasn't as if things a hundred years back were primitive, just inferior. *************************************** Ack. I'll finish this some other time. Labels: stories |
He Won't Stop - @ 3:37 PM
Ian 1: You're Mean
Ian 2: Oh shut up he was "nom"ing me, he should've just let me alone to play my championship manager. Ian1: You did not just say that. Ian2: I did. Ian1: You're a horrible person Ian2: Thank you. Labels: fragments |
WP FTW - Monday, May 9, 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Why is the Workers Party capturing Aljunied GRC a good thing?
Here's why. 1. There is opposition in the house. Hello? 5 MPs for the opposition in Parliament because of Aljunied GRC. What they will do is definitely voice their concerns against all bills, and even though they are too few to do anything about the vote, they will definitely not just "pass over" bills that have practically been rubber stamped by the PAP leadership. The PAP government has of late been effectively approving laws of their own volition and then passing it through parliament instructing the MPs to vote for it. And who would say no? 6 MP's won't be able to stop this. But they can make noise. And a lot of noise. 2. PAP. WAKE UP. It is definitely a warning to the PAP that people on the ground are not 100% satisfied with them. Their vote share has been declining and is just about 60% now. The win in the GRC is certainly important as it shows the PAP that the opposition CAN win a GRC and if a heavy insistence on the suppression of all alternative voices will not work, nor will it be allowed and tolerated by the people. At the very least, this will force the PAP to rework their policies in order to regain support. At best? This may curb their large arrogance with regards to politics. Some reasons why this is a bad thing that don't work. 1. DIZ WILL DESTABILISE OUR LUVLY PARLIAMENT. 6 Mps. Destabilise? I don't think so. 6. Out of 87. Are they going to screw up our lovely country? No. How do they decide things in Parliament? Oh right, by voting. Hmmm last time I checked 81 votes trumps 6 anytime. Assuming these are belligerent bellicose retards who oppose any PAP policy they will achieve absolutely nothing. 2. PEOPLE HAVE VUTED IRRESPONZIBLEE HORRIBLE Yeah lah yeah lah. What George Yeo out? Good minister? Yes. Did he deserve to go? No. But really the thing is that the election in Aljunied had become a national issue. Yes its scary for Singapore to lose its foreign minister. But whats worse would be waking up on Sunday to realise that we have no opposition in Parliament. Really, the next mistake people are making is that the opposition are horrible and are not good for the country. Whats not good for the country is having a party run amok that does not respect the rules of democracy without any opposing voices even. 3. OPPOSITION USELESS WASTE OF SPACE WAI YOU VOTE FOR THEM. Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Kang are hardly inebriated morons. Perhaps they won't be able to do as well as George Yeo, in fact they most probably will not do as well as the esteemed former Foreign Minister for whom I have much respect for. But really are you telling me that all people who run for parliament who are not PAP are incapable of sitting there and rationally contributing to the good of the nation. Are you saying that they are less sharp and intelligent and useful than the most inexperienced PAP candidate who gets elected into parliament by basis of his "Anchoring minister"? (Tin Pei Ling COUGH COUGH Tin Pei Ling) Politics here are not like those in America. Where the Republicans and Democrats bicker with each other and block each other's policies because they are Republicans and Democrats. Firstly, as mentioned earlier there are hardly enough opposition members in parliament. Secondly politics here is very different. You enter politics here as the opposition, you don't do it for the money. Why? Cause if you don't get elected where is your money coming from? The party. You think opposition parties very rich is it? You don't just want to be a politician. Hello. People here in the opposition can get sued for little or no reason and have lost it all. This is the country where opposition members have been locked up for 34 years and in the earlier days even exiled from the country. Fame? You think they get elected all the time? No. They do it because they have conviction somewhere. Either they are unbelievable fame whores who couldn't get into the PAP cause of a lack of qualifications and rampage in each election year after year despite failing, or they are people with genuine conviction. Who believe they can make a change and are willing to invest time and resources to do so. For what purpose I do not know. But for the good of the nation? I dare say most likely. My Stand on the PAP. This is it. The truth. They have steered Singapore successfully through a perilous birth, and have through numerous policies ensured the survival and miraculous growth of the nation and the leadership has navigated many a setback even the recent global financial meltdown, we are doing well. They have been efficient and have a good track record. But whats my problem with them? What the opposition has called their arrogance I would like to agree. I would go so far as to say that it shows an utmost lack of respect for the process of democracy. The PAP has indeed been arrogant in its attitude to the opposition, and has showed time and time again in their comments about the opposition. That in itself is not a sin. However I find an utter lack of shame in the way that the PAP has treated the opposition, in the way they have constructed numerous policies to prevent them from rising up. I am talking about the installation of GRCs. The use of propaganda to unfairly attack the opposition. The constant redrawing of electoral boundaries without approval from the public or consulting the opposition. The worst I feel is the lift upgrading fiasco which is nothing but an attack on democracy. When it was first introduced, the US government made negative remarks on it. Stop and think for a moment. USA interfering with Sg politics for what ah? Why? Cause they felt that it was a violation of democracy and that as a superpower they could not just sit by and not say a word. The PAP naturally attacked such remarks and defended it but really what is there to defend. Its simple. People who don't vote for the PAP just get their lifts upgraded last. Why? "Because people who support our policies should be given priority" 1. Not voting for PAP doesn't mean you do not support Lift Upgrading. If you expand the statement what else? Opposition supporters do not support the building of roads and drains? Rubbish absolute rubbish. 2. In a democracy people are not to be treated based on how they vote. Your vote is your right, if you exercise your vote to vote against the PAP you should not be treated as a second class citizen. By blatantly campaigning with lift upgrading and using it in such a way, the PAP shows a disregard for the ideals and processes of democracy that is really in the end rather disgusting and shameless. In lieu of the way that they squash out the opposition I am therefore in support of a healthy opposition to support Singaporean's interests. This is not to say we should elect anyone into parliament but seriously, we can vote them out next term if they are huge screw ups. Give them a chance to prove themselves, 5 mps in parliament will not bring about the end of Singapore. At best it will attract more comers into politics and make our political sphere richer. Does this mean that I am against a PAP government? No. But I think that we should see the alternatives first. No government is perfect. But no matter how good, there is a chance that the opposition may be better. Prove to us that they are so much inferior to you before saying that they are so. If one day the PAP government is taken over by incompetent people then how? If we do not have opposition in parliament who will at least stop them from bending rules to keep other people out of parliament, we will be still be stuck with the PAP. But it will be a different PAP. Then what.
Week Of Doom. - @ 10:21 PM
Thus begins the week of doom.
May God preserve my soul. And my hand muscles. Lest they wither and cramp up when I need them. Yes, preserve my stubby fingers, and let them not sweat and cause my pen to slip. And God help me for my physics exam tomorrow. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And Lit. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And History after. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And Chem. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And the same for Math. Argh. |
This is what happens when I get lazy - Sunday, May 8, 2011 @ 8:18 PM
1. Last beverage: Double Chocolate Frappe from McCafe! 2. Last phone call: Mother 3. Last text message: Nadia 4. Last song you listened to: Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift 5. Last time you cried: Don't want to remember now HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Been cheated on: No 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: No (neither did I regret it, nor have I kissed anyone) 9. Lost someone special: Yes. 10. Been depressed: For a while yeah. 11. Been drunk and threw up: No. LIST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS: 12. Red 13. Black 14. Yellow? THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2011) 15. Made a new friend: Perhpas 16. Fallen out of love: Yes. 17. Laughed until you cried: Not really! 18. Met someone who changed you: Don't know! Maybe not! 19. Found out who your true friends were: Definitely. 20. Found out someone was talking about you: Several delightful times 21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Yeah. 23. How many kids do you want?: 3? or more? 24. Do you have any pets: Meet Victor. Hah 25. Do you want to change your name: Add a middle name? Perhaps get rid of my chinese name. 26. What did you do for your last birthday: STUDY FOR SS AND CHINESE. But it started well. (; 27. What time did you wake up today: 7... plus? 28. What were you doing at midnight: Oh, uh nothing too important. 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: OH OH OH OH. FREEDOM. 30. Last time you saw your Mother: ten bloody minutes ago? 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Oh right, how about lets get this on the record. I WISH I HAD A CHILDHOOD DAMMIT. I WISH I WASN'T FORCED TO GROW UP SO FAST. AND I WISH I GREW UP PROPERLY. 32. What are you listening to right now : nothing.... 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Eh. No. 34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Uh my lovely exams. 35. Most visited webpage: uh uh uh BAD SIGN. 36. Whats your real name: Ian. Ian. Ian. Ian. Ian. 37. Nicknames: Hah. Whats been in of late. Yan? 38. Relationship Status: Unwillingly Single. 39. Zodiac sign: Unimportant. 40. Male or female?: Male 41. Primary School?: St. Hilda's Primary 42. Secondary School?: RI 43. High school/college?: Its ginna be RJC. 44. Hair colour: Black, Gloriously Black 4. Long or short: What hair? Uh. AS LONG AS IT LOOKS GOOD. 46. Height: Shit. Its 162.5 47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Am I sure its just a crush? Nope. 48: What do you like about yourself?: Not shameless enough to answer 49. Piercings : None. 51. Righty or lefty: LEFTY FIRSTS : 52. First surgery: I have a scar in the shape of an upsidedown smile on my right knee. Stitches. 53. First piercing: 5 years old, EARHOLES 54. First best friend: His name was Jason, he was a nursery school friend. 55. First sport you joined: Uh....badminton? 56. First vacation: To Singapore, to visit relatives. (: RIGHT NOW 59. Eating: nothing. 60. Drinking: nothing 61. I'm about to: try to do homework/study 62. Listening to : Thousand Miles- Vanessa Carlton 63. Waiting for: Godot YOUR FUTURE 64. Want kids?: Maybe. :/ 65. Get Married?: Yes 66. Career: ~~ WHICH IS BETTER : 67. Lips or eyes: eyes 68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs, cause you don't need kisses from everyone 69. Shorter or taller: Taller... 70. Older or Younger: Uh. Whatever. 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneously Romantic 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: .__. Who goes around staring at stomachs. Thats creepy. 73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. Loud and sensitive 74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Either is fine HAVE YOU EVER : 76. Kissed a stranger : No 77. Drank hard liquor : Uh, one sip of tiger beer? 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Once 79. Sex on first date: Hahaha right no. 80. Broken someone's heart: I hope not 82. Been arrested: No 83. Turned someone down: No 84. Cried when someone died: Lucky me, no one I know has kinda died yet. 85. Fallen for a friend?: Oh no. Uh. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: When the mood strikes me 87. Miracles: Yes 88. Love at first sight: Absolutely 89. Heaven: I'm getting there one day 90. Santa Claus: -.- 91. Kiss on the first date: Yes. Gobsmackingly lovely. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No 95. Did you sing today? : Everyday 96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Anywhere between 1 to 4 years I guess. Idk. 98. If you could pick a day from last year and relieve it, what would it be?: Oh many days. 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: No 100. Do you ever think to have a tattoo?: I've considered. But I'm not sure. :/ Hooray for laziness Labels: quiz |
Chasing down your demons - @ 7:44 PM
Thats what friends are for aren't they.
Its a wonderful and beautiful thing. Both to guard the ones you treasure, and to watch them shoot down yours as well. Maybe right now is where I want to be. My sanity should be safe for the next two years or so. The only reason I'll be working in school is so that I don't end up in an Australian university. Lord don't take me away from this sunny sunny island. I don't know what I'll do. Then what. Then I cut the ropes tying me down. And fly. And hope to hell I got somebody to catch me if I fall. |
104% unstable. - @ 5:27 PM
[x] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you'. (HELLO, its me, do you think I haven't?) [x] You have ran into a glass/screen door. [ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle. [x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks. [x] You have run into a tree/bush (It was a tree...) [x] You have been called a blond. (By a weird person, I totally am not. *Flicks hair*) TOTAL: 5 [ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow. (Sorry, I have a short tongue.) [ ] You just tried to lick your elbow. [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody. [x] You just sang them to make sure. [x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen. [x] You have choked on your own spit. TOTAL: 9 [ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it. [ ] You type with three fingers or less. [x] You have accidentally caught something on fire. [x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose. [x] You have caught yourself drooling. TOTAL: 12 [x] You have fallen asleep in class. [x] Sometimes you just can't stop thinking. [x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about. [ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you. (not often...but occasionally.) [x] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'. (I think I have been told to stop listening to voices inside my head) TOTAL: 16 [ ] You use your fingers to do simple math. [x] You have eaten a bug accidentally. (ant) [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important. (STUDYING) [x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it. ( All the time baby, all the time) [x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time. e.g. picks, cards, pens, phones, money, keys etc. *handphone.... TOTAL: 20 [ ] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't. (RIDICULOUS) [x] You break a lot of things. [x] You tilt your head when you're confused. [x] You have fallen out of your chair before. [ ] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling. (once, but not often) [x] The word "um" is used frequently. [x] You don't know what "um" means. [x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot. [ ] You plan to use a calculator to multiply you score for this bulletin. GRAND TOTAL: 26 26x4 = Urgh 104%. Great. Labels: quiz |
Untouchable - Saturday, May 7, 2011 @ 8:21 PM
Mirror Ian: Damn you look good today
Ian: Stop telling me what I already know. Mirror Ian. Right. Sorry. (Both Grin) Labels: fragments |
Ooh Presents - @ 7:36 PM
I was fumbling at an awesome jigsaw puzzle that someone gave me and was practically screaming cause I was missing four pieces.
It was like (|-| is one piece): |-|-| |-| |-| |-|-|
|-| |-|-| |-| |-|-| So I tossed out all the stuff in my bag, checked the envelope like a maniac, and frantically scrambled and emoed about four five minutes. Then I realized that the jigsaw was 3x4 and not 4x4 So I just uh you know pushed the sides together And generally read it feeling like an idiot. The greatest presents always make you feel like you're too stupid for them.
Running Riot - Friday, May 6, 2011 @ 8:47 PM
Take that you creators of unintelligible internet coding. Don't worry, their look is too uh weird for me too. But the drummer looks hilarious. Heh I just took a lyrics and well got more than a little surprised. I mean I'm quite sure you didn't listen to them and didn't really care. Since you can't really hear them anyway but I didn't know the words can be pronounced so... differently. haha ts going down tonight in this town Cause they stare and growl They all stare and growl I take a scar everytime I cry Cause it ain't my style, no it ain't my style Going down to the gravel head to the barrel Take this life and end this struggle Los Angeles come scam me please Emptiness never sleeps at Cliftons 6am With your bag lady friend and your mind descending Stripped off the right to be a human in control Its warmer in hell so down we go They say This is the city The city of angels All i see is dead wings (x2) It's a ghost town rabid underworld Dionysian night vitriolic twilight A mirage come up it never ends Once you get burned youre never the same Left behind erased from time Aint no decency in being boxed up alive Look around aint no R.I.P signs here We dont rest in peace We just disappear So here we are Los Angeles No angels singing in the valley of unease I watch the sun roll down the pacific Over hookered sunset strip They say This is the city The city of angels All i see is dead wings (x2) There's a black moon tonight Aint shining down on the western neon lights (x2) They say This is the city The city of angels All i see is dead wings (x4) Seriously who hears it as stare and growl on their first listen, or even their 5th or 50th listen. I mean I've played this song over and over on my Game soundtrack but no, not once did I think that line was what it is. That aside, the lyrics are quite well written and the meaning simple yet interesting. Makes you wonder though whats the point of writing awesome lyrics if you sing them such that no one can hear them. Heck I didn't even know the first line of the chorus until now. Meh. Labels: music |
City of Angels - @ 8:25 PM
I have no damn idea why the songs on my video game soundtracks can get so good.
Seriously, playing this song is awesome both when you're playing a violent racing game and when you're not. I never knew it was a girl singing though. Damn. Dammit. Whats up with youtube. Let me embed the vid. Somethings up with youtube. Shit lah, I only try to use you once a week and you screw up on me. Why! Zzt. Shutzpah. Its html tinkering time. Html I hate you. |
Dirt Slam - Thursday, May 5, 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Whats wrong with you. Why is it after all of that. All of these special preventive measures. Extra care and all that nonsense you still end up irritating the people you care about. You need wisdom thats what. And a lot of it too. Are you sure you're sixteen? You don't seem like it.
Flash of Light - @ 11:30 PM
![]() Well You said hey, And asked me how was my day And I turned my heart stopped Cause I thought I saw a shooting star Something's different. Suddenly Your hair looks more alluring, I find your laughter so addicting And I catch myself looking at you, more and more. Well I really don't know whats happening, but could it be? After all this time its taken me so long to realize. ********************************* Songwriting is tough. Yet fufilling. Argh. |
Causum Tyrannosaur - @ 9:31 PM
There was this point in my life. Where I developed an odd fear that if I ever met a clone of myself, we would never be able to talk and enjoy each other's company since we would be doing the exact same thing.
It was upon that moment that I came to the conclusion that randomness was crucial and important to my well being. From that particular moment onwards, I became a creature of ultimate unpredictability and I think I have even developed an air of flippancy. :/ Disastrous at many points. But absolutely delightful at others. Reading my old msn convos, I found myself able to follow my train of thought without much difficulty until my old self suddenly started shouting things like TYRANNOSAUR EAT YOU RAWWRRRRR NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM. >.> I would love a person like that. Though it means I've become a lot more sober in the past few months. Hopefully I'll return back to normal the moment my exams are done to hell with. But in any case. Unpredictability- Achieved. Mission Accomplished. |
She's still on my mind. - @ 4:59 PM
I always knew time travel would never happen within my lifetime.
Why? Cause I haven't gotten any letters from my future self. Sighs. Any advice I have for myself anyway? I guess. Dear Ian of 5/5/10: This is yourself. One year from the future. If you don't believe me. You are a Liverpool Fan. Have a poster of Revenge of the Sith on your wall. Are stuck with an Xbox(not 360) and think that black is your favourite colour. You have 3 soft toys that you sleep with every night. I shall not name them lest you be forever embarrassed. Yes, I know their names. Oh plus your email password for gmail is **************** Congratulations though, I have advice for you. But I'll be brief cause life sucks that way. And our luck seems to run in that direction. I'm also a little sadistic, but then again, you probably knew that. 1. Give up on her, but don't give up on love. 2. Look around and ask yourself who your true friends are. Think before you speak. Think very carefully. Some people were your friends but aren't really anymore. Some never were and never will be. And as for your friends, hold on tightly to them and never ever let them slip away. 3. You may be a terrible writer, but keep trying and you won't be by the end of the year. You really are terrible for now, stop deluding yourself. 4. Be sure to watch for people who like you for who you are, you aren't THAT hateable really. Only just a little at times, and I'm sure you know when. Draw them in, there aren't that many people who are extremely willing to invest their time and effort in someone who seems distant and nonchalant. Don't be too afraid to let them in when you're in need. Really, they'll be able to give you more assistance than mere words can do. Ian, out. Labels: nostalgia |
Great - Wednesday, May 4, 2011 @ 8:37 PM
Zzt, I missed school today. With all the crucial revision lessons.
As well as the supplementary lit lesson. Urgh. Possibly the physics notes that will help me pass as well. I hate my nose. Labels: fragments |
Tik Tik Tik Tik Tik - Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @ 6:22 PM
Oh no, it was the freak. He chided himself for thinking that way. It was bad to judge people on appearances. But he knew there was something wrong with this person, and that his appearance only seemed to heighten his horror. Not everyone thought he looked as freaky as he did, but they all hated him, for what reason no one could surely say. He certainly felt an odd tingle travel up his arm as his skin turned into gooseflesh.
He had taken out a pen and was tossing it. That would have been fine with anyone else. Except for the mechanical way he did it. He didn't toss it casually, or particularly high in the air. He just put his hand right in front of his face, riveted his eyes on the pen and tossed. His head jerking to follow the movement of the object. Morbidly switching direction as he began to follow a robotic rhythm. His eyes, behind those round glasses were absolutely fixated on one point of the pen as it went flying through its path in the air. Expressionless, but yet still captivated. He shuddered, things like these kept him up at night. Labels: stories |
Purple Passion - Monday, May 2, 2011 @ 10:32 PM
"Hey take a look at this. Cool right?"
He stared as she dumped a magazine in his lap, pausing from his studies and studied it intently. "Not bad eh this one, she's quite cute." He remarked, instantly zooming in on the picture that took up a tiny fraction of the page. "Thats all you ever care about isn't it?" She said, rolling her eyes as she did. Sigh, only a guy like him would not realize that she was referring to the huge 10 meter swordfish structure that was filling the background, or even the human sized model of Patrick Star to the left of the picture. "Whats her name?" He asked, obnoxiously ignoring her question, eyes still on the girl. "I was talking about...Patrick..." "What sort of name is that for a girl? She looks like a Chloe, she is right?" She felt an urge to smack him right there. But suddenly an idea popped into her head. "She's my aunt!" she said as she whipped the thing out of his hands and scuttled away, leaving a slightly horrified him behind. My he was gullible. ********************************************************* This my friends is what happens when you try and force a story. Even with, or despite a creative mind. Something awfully weird at best, and terrible at worst. Argh. |
Sky - @ 8:26 PM
I had a dream last night. And I forgot it.
Frustrating. ******************************************* I wonder.. perhaps I might want to have an awesome abstract name for myself. It may seem stupid but names like Sky and Dream are starting elicit a response within me greater than a customary snort or derision. Dream. Dreamflower. How would you react to someone called Dreamflower I wonder. That would quite ridiculous if that person had anything other than dreamy eyes and had a fiery disposition. Then again, if you named your child Dreamflower and she,(God forbid it be a he) took a distaste to the name, she would probably turn out all fiery and resentful. She'd end up with a nickname like nightmare or something. Okay, that killed the name for me. Still. Dreamflower... Gosh am I in a weird mood today Labels: my weird opinion |
Ee Slithers... Eeee Slitherrrrssssss!! - @ 4:55 PM
Stolen Quiz Again Cuz I'm Out Of Inspiration.
GRYFFINDOR: [x] You’ve never done illegal drugs. [ ] You have a lot of friends. [ ] You get along with everyone. [ ] You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months. [x] You love soccer. (Its football dammit) [ ] You love baseball. [x] You’re into writing and art. [x] Favorite music genre is pop rock. (ahh heck I'll just tick it anyway. Its one of my favourite genres) [x] You believe in “innocent until proven guilty” theory. [x] Abortion is wrong. [x] One of your favorite colors is red or gold. [ ] Good grades at school. [ ] One of the worst things you can do is lie. [ ] You plan on going to college/university. (undecided. Haha.) TOTAL: 7 HUFFLEPUFF: [ ] You’re content with mostly everything in your life right now. [x] You laugh a lot. [ ] You like to follow trends. [ ] Politics suck. [ ] You love to swim. [ ] Water polo is awesome. [ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors. [x] Black is morbid and depressing, still like it though. [x] Michael Jackson is talented as a musical artist. (Who one earth can disagree) [x] You’re an optimist. [ ] You’re completely straight-edge. [ ] Rap, R&B, & hip-hop is your favorite music genre. [x] You’re very emotional. [ ] You don’t believe in going steady at a young age. (ah well, whats young. 6?) TOTAL: 5 RAVENCLAW: [x] You’re depressed to a certain extent. [x] You love to read. [x] You appreciate theatre and arts. [ ] Sports suck. [x] You’re shy. [ ] Hate is completely unneeded. [x] Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship. [ ] Indie is your favorite genre of music. [x] Every once in awhile you have little anger outbursts. [x] Lying is sometimes okay. [x] Blue is one of your favorite colors. [x] Serious is better than funny. TOTAL: 5 SLYTHERIN: [x] There’s at least one person you hate. [ ] Basketball is a good sport. [ ] (American) Football is amazing. [x] Black is a cool color. [x] You’ve lied about something serious. [x] You’re a deep person. [x] You have considered suicide. [x] Very loyal. [ ] You like metal. [x] They make school seem more important than it is. [x] You’re scared to grow up. [x] Anger is one of your primary feelings. [x] You have trust issues. [ ] Guilty until proven innocent. TOTAL: 10 Oh no. I'm Slytherin. Heh. |
Falling Stars Don't Fall Alone - Sunday, May 1, 2011 @ 8:04 PM
I need a box.
Heck. ***************************************** Yeah, I suppose it was all justified. I tried to talk to her just about 10 times and she only bothered to reply once. Him? He replied every single time I talked to him. Unfortunately she orbits him like a moon, and a rather large moon at that. A moon that he absolutely adores. Its obvious who wears the pants in that relationship. Zzt. Labels: fragments, my weird opinion |
Lets Rearrange - Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ 9:46 PM
Aah, the holidays are love.
I've missed this horrible idling about. My lazy streak is being indulged. If only for this week. For once in my life I suppose, saying nothing's happening will be something that I smile at. Take a back seat for once boy. Perhaps you'll spot something new.
Making...Food - @ 7:08 PM
It was night time.
Or more specifically dinner time. He was hungry. Where was the knife, where was the knife where was the knife. Throwing open the drawer in front of him he found it. Aha he thought. He spun around and saw the toaster, where it always was of course, and his two pieces of bread in it. He was forgetting something. Right. He spun around again, peanut butter. Of course, the very substance that fed his existance. He grabbed the jar of peanut butter with his right hand. He turned and strode out with his left foot, and took a quick look out of the kitchen door to his right that somehow made him turn his entire body to face that way. His right foot continued on its path, but behind his left foot instead of in front of it, causing him to turn 360 degrees smoothly and almost gracefully as he brought his left foot around as well to finish with his outstretched knife at the bread. What on earth Ian, what are you doing pirouetting around your kitchen at 1am in the morning. He didn't know either. |
Meh - @ 12:57 PM
Would you rather….
[] Live without music or [X] Live without TV? Are you kidding, I've been living without Tv for like forever. Live without music? I'd rather die. Would you rather…. [X] Eat a bar of soap or [] Drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid? I guess the soap seems smaller Would you rather…. [X] Be called a racist or [] A traitor to your country? Would you rather…. [X] Lose your legs or [] Lose your arms? Sorry legs, but sports aren't worth all the stuff I can do with my arms. I'm pretty sure playing sports while armless won't be much fun anyway. Everyone would just give in to you. And if you fell down.... Would you rather…. [X] Have a beautiful house and an ugly car or [] Have an ugly house and a beautiful car? Meh, I can have a beautiful house and no car. Who needs dumb cars anyway. Would you rather…. [X] Be blind or [] Be deaf? BLIND B LIND BLIND BLIND BLIND Would you rather….in a fire…save a.. [] Sibling or [] Stranger? Meh, I don't like my siblings much, but I don't like a lot of strangers too. Would you rather…. [X] Eat sushi or [] Eat liver? No way, uh see my phobia of dead stuff. Sushi is just uh seaweed with rice and uh slab of...raw...stuff. Would you rather…. [] Live in Antarctica or [X] Live in Death Valley? Death Valley, cmon we are so used to the heat. Would you rather…. [] Have 3 eyes or [X] Webbed Feet? Man, I think at least I'd get to know people before they find out my malfunction and start screaming and running away. Would you rather…. [X] Find true love or [] Get $ 1,000,000? With true love you don't need a house. =P Would you rather…. [x] Always have to say what’s on your mind or [] Never speak again? At least I come clean with everything. Honesty is liberating. Would you rather…. [] Be gossiped about or [X] Never talked about at all? I hate being judged, don't you? Honestly who would choose to be gossiped about. ATTENTION WHORES THATS WHO. Would you rather…. [] Have stars in your eyes or [] Eyes in the back of your head? What on earth is stars in my eyes. DAZZLING WHOO YEAH. Would you rather…. [X] Have X-Ray vision or [] Bionic Hearing? Hmm, I don't know both are really good but since I'm going to be able to hear any conversation bionic hearing is going to pretty pointless. Haha. Would you rather…. [X] Be able to hear any conversation or [] Take back anything you say? I say many things I regret, and I will. But I'm used to it. Would you rather…. [] End hunger or [X] End hatred? Then we can start helping the hungry people. Would you rather…. [] Publish your diary or [] Make a movie about your most embarrassing moment? I don't have a diary. But I'm pretty sure that whatever it is, it would contain more than one of my embarrassing moments. :/ Would you rather…. [] Get caught singing in the mirror or [X] Spy on your crush? Wait, how is spying on my crush bad again? Would you rather…. [X] Be a dog named Killer or [] A cat named Fluffy? I'd live up to my name too. Would you rather…. [X] Be stranded on an island with someone you hate or [] Be stranded on an island alone? Loneliness kills. And if its too much trouble, then...Kill. Hahaha. Would you rather…. [X] Get even or [] Get over it? Getting even helps you get over it. Would you rather…. [X] Always lose or [] Never play? Would you rather…. [] Be forced to tell your best friend a lie or [] Tell your parents the truth? Haven't had a real best friend in like forever so this is kinda lost on me. :/ Would you rather…. [] Know it all or [X] Have it all? Would you rather…. [] Give bad advice or [X] Get bad advice? Would you rather…. [X] Have sand in your shorts or [] Have water in your ear? Would you rather…. [] Forget your sunscreen or [] Forget your sunglasses? Meh. I never use either. Yeah I got sunburned in Australia pretty bad. I'm still not using either. Would you rather…. [X] Kiss a jellyfish or [] Step on a crab? I stepped on a crab before when I was about 7. It was horrific I tell you. I was wearing slippers but still. I mean my parents were like you just stepped on a crab. I looked back and I saw the upturned squashed belly of the crab and I screamed and ran. I'm kissing the bell, not the tentacles. Would you rather…. [] Own a ski lodge or [X] Own a surf camp? Ski Lodges are rather romantic. heeehee. But surf camps are cooler. Would you rather…. [X] Forget who you were or [] Forget everyone else and who they were? Would you rather…. [] Have one wish granted today or [X] Have 3 wishes granted in 10 years? I have more than one wish. Actually two. And they're both worth waiting 10 years for. Would you rather…. [X] Give up your computer or [] Give up your pet? You can buy a new computer and it'll be the same after all those useless software updates. But you can never replace a dog. Would you rather…. [X] Be the sandcastle or [] The wave? Its just so epicly defiant. Would you rather…. [X] Write the worst book in history or [] Record the worst song in history A disgrace to literature most definitely over a disgrace to music. Would you rather…. [] Get free chocolate for 1 year or [X] Get free potatoes…..forever? FREE CHIPS FOREVAAAAA Would you rather…. [] Have half days everyday or [X] No homework…..forever? Wait No Homework. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Would you rather…. [] Wear all pink to school or [] Wear all purple to school? Help. Would you rather…. [] Take a math test or [X] Do a lab in science? Eh? Would you rather…. [] Have a mansion in the middle of nowhere or [X] Share an apartment with 10 friends? Would you rather…. [] Bake cookies in cooking class or [X] Do art projects in art class? Would you rather…. [] Have a pie-eating contest or [X] A wheelbarrow race? Lol is this even extraordinary. You can wheelbarrow race me anytime! WHOO YEAH. Would you rather…. [] Have a big group of friends or [X] One very close friend? Would you rather…. [x] Be nervous, but excited or [] Be relaxed, but bored? Would you rather…. [x] Wear a school uniform or [] Last year’s Halloween costume? We do that everyday... Would you rather…. [] Spend the day surfing the Internet or [X] Surf the ocean? Well I kinda do the first one everyday. Surfing is awesome. You all should try it. Would you rather…. [X] Be an actor/actress for a big movie or [] Be the director of the big movie? Directors get so stressed. And they can't make money by posing for advertisements. Not that anyone would want me to pose for their advertisements. But I digress. Would you rather…. [x] Have an ugly, loyal dog or [] A prize-winning, snobby cat? Would you rather…. [] Be saved by Superman or [x] Meet Winnie the Pooh? There aren't many other things that are more emasculating than being saved by superman. Seriously. Would you rather…. [X] Go to an amusement park or [] Go to a family reunion? Would you rather…. [] Be rich with an unhappy job or [X] Be payed less with a job you like? Would you rather…. [] Not be able to use your phone or [X] Not be able to use your e-mail? Lol who still uses email. Would you rather…. [X] Snowboard in the winter or [] Swim in the summer? I hate swimming. Lol. Would you rather…. [x] Pick your own nose or [] Pick someone else’s? Would you rather…. [] Be a tree or [X] Live in one? BE A TREE. It sounds so artsy and abstract. Only a snob would choose that. XD Would you rather…. [x] Write a mystery or [] Write a poem? Uh, have you seen my poems. Would you rather…. [] Be popular, but mean or [X] Be nice, but unpopular? I like to think thats where I am. Would you rather…. [] Eat rubber or [] Eat plastic? .__. Would you rather…. [] Be shot or [X] Shoot someone? Line em up boys. (; Would you rather…. [] Be stranded or [X] Get kidnapped? Would you rather…. [] Skip Christmas for a year or [X] Skip your Birthday for a year? No birthday no biggie. I'm used to it. SML. Labels: quiz |
10 Things I hate about you - Sunday, May 29, 2011 @ 11:02 PM
Okay. So. Random Facts About Me. Yayayayayayay. Lemme hear some noise. 1. My favourite singer when I was 11. Was none other than Elvis Presley. HOORAYYYYY. 2. I have surfed. WONDERFUL RIGHT. And I was awesome. Although I only stood up once. It still counts. Shhhhhh. 3. I have been called HANDSOME by people who DIDN'T even know me. They were a bunch of old women I saw while on holiday in China. But hey, they were still women kay. 4. I had childhood crushes on 2d cartoon characters. One of which was none other than Ariel of the Little Mermaid. I also had a crush on Katara from Avatar : The Last Air Bender : The Legend of Aang as recent as 2 years ago. Hooray for me. 5. My mother once encouraged me to play with Barbie dolls while I was 8. And all but scolded me for refusing to do so. Oh yes, she convinced my brothers to. I think 5 is embarrassing and enough for now. LEATHERRRRRR
I'd tell you I miss you - @ 10:13 PM
How'd we end up this way.
Why, after those 3 years we spent together, you all have slipped out of my life. Just slipped out. And you're gone. Do you guys still remember me? Of course you do, but when was the last time I appeared in your head. Never? Its okay, there have been times when you all have been far from my mind. I still walk a rather lonely path you know. And right now, even though you all are just a mouseclick away. I can't click . I can't walk up and say hi. You're there, all of you. But you aren't there anymore are you? Perhaps next year will bring a new start. And I hope that when we meet again, we'll find that four years hasn't changed the things we remember. And that perhaps some of us could be the same again. Lets try to take it back before we all went wrong. Labels: nostalgia, open letter |
Diving In - @ 4:17 PM
He looked to his right, she was sitting next to him. Naturally she was looking to her right as well, anywhere but him, but this was of no consequence. She was talking to her, who was seated at her right, and he was uh, trying to listen. Yes he was. He was of course trying not to be spotted, no one would assume his motive of course, but eavesdropping was something generally frowned upon in his society, naturally he kept looking in front, only glancing sideways periodically.
They chattered away and his heart fluttered as he heard her speak. That voice, he could live off it forever; perhaps he thought to himself he could simply forgo food and bask in its sound and let it sustain him. What a lovely existence that would be indeed, his mind whispered. Tsk, he thought, this was getting rather unhealthy, it had to be if his mind or whatever it was in his mind was encouraging him. He glanced to the right again, and just at that moment the chatter stopped. She leaned out and looked his way for a second, then popped back into her seat and carried on the conversation. His heart stopped and he froze. She looked at me. He shook his head hard, goodness, he wasn't a teenage girl of fourteen. He made a mental note there and then to visit a psychologist as soon as he could. On second thought, a psychiatrist. There had to be a cure for punch-drunk love somewhere. Labels: stories |
I've Learned - Friday, May 27, 2011 @ 1:22 PM
by Omer B. Washington I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back. I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it. I’ve learned that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts. I’ve learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something. I’ve learned that you shouldn’t compare yourself I’ve learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done I’ve learned that no matter how good a friend is, I’ve learned that sometimes you have to put the individual I’ve learned that writing, Labels: Others |
(Pun)kster - Thursday, May 26, 2011 @ 6:32 PM
J : You're fat.
I(self-deprecatingly): Aw, you're hurting my fillings. J : Fillings? You don't have fillings. Goodness its a stupid pun. I : Things like that just eat me up inside. J : You're ridiculous, stop it. Its retarded. I( dramatically) : The shards of my broken heart can never heal over this great and terrible wound inside. J : Yeah right, more like your face looks like shards. I : How......cutting. Labels: fragments |
Wipeout....? - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @ 9:13 PM
I feel drained of energy .
Its only 9pm and I want to sleep. Perhaps its all the late nights The frustrations, the anger the emotions. Everything, perhaps thats whats getting to me. Its been a long term. Labels: fragments |
Nobody Shine The Way You Do - @ 6:48 PM
Shit lah, somethings off-colour in my life and I don't know what.
******************************************************** He was walking alone by himself, on the second floor corridor. Stupid day he thought. Its always a stupid day, his mind whispered conspiratorially before he silenced it. "Hey Handsome!" He heard a pai kia ish voice call out from the first floor, and looked over the edge. No one was calling him of course, and he turned back and saw her standing there leaning against the wall with a smirk on her face. "I saw that." She quipped as his face turned red and he hurriedly tried to get on his way. She laughed to herself at his retreating figure and cupped her hands and shouted so everyone could hear, "Hey Handsome, come back here, where ya going?" |
And sometimes a picture tells a thousand words - Tuesday, May 24, 2011 @ 7:36 PM
![]() Oh Fernando Fernando. El Nino El Nino. We could've had it all you know. Now we've got Carroll. And we don't really need you anymore. Labels: random pic, soccer |
Fallout - Monday, May 23, 2011 @ 9:49 PM
Time for a little truth - @ 8:12 PM
Uh. Okay. So someone arrowed me with this. And I had a random impulse to do it. The random impulse had a clause in it forbidding me from backing out of the quiz even after the impulse is over.
I am not reluctantly obeying. So.. Welcome to the most obnoxious quiz of the century. I shall unfortunately try my best to answer Your Type of Girl 1. Do you need him/her to be good looking? Good looking to me lor. Uh. Yeah. If I like you you instantly become the most good looking person in the world. Yeah I'm superficial. 2. Smart? Well, preferably smarter than me. :/ Actually I don't care, as long as she doesn't huh at everything I say its fine. 3. Preferred age? Around my age? Aiyah as long as whoever isn't like 10 years older than me its FINE. 4. Preferred height? Shorter than me lah. Aiyah fine she can tower over me, but it would make me feel horrible. GIRLS KEEP OFF THEM HEELS PLEASE. 5. How about sense of humour? Sure, the more the better. Though as long as the person isn't too flashy about it. 6. How about peircings? Piercings you mean, well I'd prefer not, but I'm not going to not date someone cause of a piercing. Unless its a nose ring. Or a tongue thingy. Oh my goodness I'm starting to have nightmares. Piercings = bad but not always unforgivable and irredeemable. 7. Accepts you for who you are? If she keeps trying to change me its no biggie. As long as she doesn't get too obsessive 8. Pink hair? No Biggie. All shades of pink. No biggie. 9. Mushy or no? :/ Well I'm the mushy one so I really wouldn't mind. Then again, a balance would be good too (; *10. Thin or fat? I think we all have varying definitions of fat. Heck. This question is horrible 11. Black, Brown or White (skin) Er brown is fine, of course white is better, I think I have too many prejudices to date an indian or black though. *12. Long hair or short hair? As long as it looks good lah. *13. Plastic or metal? Eh? 14. Smells good? My nose is blocked half the time, its a miracle whenever I can actually smell anything. 15. Smoker? Preferably not, heavy smoker no? 16. Drinker? No please! 18. Muscular? As long as she isn't built like uh me then its fine. Cause built like me is just uh. More built than me is bad too. Toned arms is fine. 19. Plays piano? Uh, sure, she can play it better than me then awesome. It won't make me feel like a weird superficial showoff. 20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar? This is stupid but, girls who can play bass or guitar. Very very cool. Play it well? Very very very hot. They'd probably be too hot or cool for me anyway. 21. Plays violin? Ooh, the violin to me is a very meh instrument. But sure, I don't mind. As long as she isn't terrible. Then I'd have to smile and try not to scream whenever she plays it. 22. Sings very good? This is an awesome bonus. I'd never have to sing my duets alone again. *Random emo pic and sad music* Uh. Moving on. 23. Vain? A dash of vanity is very fun. 24. With glasses? You care? 25. With braces? Heh, even if they look terrible, braces aren't forever. 26. Shy type? :/ can be pretty okay, but I'm usually the shy one and it can get awkward. Coy type is better. > : D 27. Rebel or good boy/girl? Oooh ooh how about a mix. Like nice with a rebellious streak. 28. Active or passive? Active! 29. Tight or bomb? I am sensing slang I do not understand. 30. Singer or dancer? If she dances, then what am I supposed to do. :/ Try to dance too? No. Help. 31. Stunner? Absolute stunner. 32. Hiphop? It would be lost on me. 33. Earrings? See piercings. Anyway, uh as long as the earrings aren't too obnoxious. Okay lor. 34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-boyfriends-until-you-drop? Well, people make mistakes. Some more than others. I'll just close my eyes and hope I'm not another one. 35. Dimples? Don't really notice. 36. Bookworm? Bookworm has all sorts of shy and sweet connotations. I like. Shy = good, Sweet = Very good, outgoing = even better though. 37. Mr/Ms. love letter? Love Letters are so mushy. As long as no one finds them. 38. Playful? Have you heard the word coy. That word is very very attractive. Playful, HELL YEAH. 39. Flirt? As long as she don't keep at it while we're together. (YES I AM MUSHY, ARGH) 40. Poem writer? That kind of girl sounds too serious for me! And too, uh. :/ Something weird there. Dunno. 41. Serious? Serious + me = bad 42. CAmpus crush? Wha? 43. Painter? Sure. 44. Religious? Very good. I need someone to drag me into spirituality. If nothing can, then my hypothetically perfect girlfriend can. 45. Someone who likes to tease people? Ah good. Wonderful. Spankingly wonderful. 46. Computer games or internet freak? :/ Internet freak. 47. Speaks 20 languages? Uh, Don't care! 48. Loyal or faithful? Wait there's a difference? 49. Good kisser? Uh, I have no clue really what the difference between a good kisser and a bad kisser. I suppose anyone who'll kiss me is actually pretty awesome already. YES THAT WAS DESPO. 50. Loves children? If she hates children then fine. If she loves them then. Okay lor. Not like I'm the one who'll have them growing inside of me for 9 months. Yeesh. Quiz is complete. How awful. I actually answered truthfully for almost everything. I sense stalkers converging on my location. Bad Labels: quiz |
Could've had it all. - @ 6:51 PM
Now this is a rocking track. For some reason when prominent personalities decided to cover it, they decided to do it acapella. Spoils the point really. Oh and for those who say Glee should get bonus points for doing it acapella I say screw you. No one told them to do it acapella. Its not like their hands were bloody chained. And shit I listened to about 2 minutes of that Glee girls whiny voice. Nah, the whole point of this song is passion, that somehow isn't there when you don't have to heart pounding drums. Never have I before appreciated my bass enhancing hardware so much. Adele played it to the beat. Whoo yeah. Labels: music |
Radiant Splendour - Sunday, May 22, 2011 @ 5:50 PM
Ah, they're arguing again.
I suppose I'm supposed to sympathise with one party. Except for the fact that that party that I'm supposed to sympathise with keeps making my life miserable. Then again they both do. Solution? Just ignore them both. What they get up to is none of my business. Well, of course perhaps my life has a little change here and there. But I'll be sure to take note when that happens. Well, at least they're too busy screaming at each other to bother about me. Hooray. I don't care about them anymore.
Oh shit - Saturday, May 21, 2011 @ 7:54 PM
Remind me again never to try to stay awake for that many consecutive hours.
It just screws with your brain. I realized that I had indeed slept nearly the required amount of hours, unfortunately the brain is just not designed to handle such an extended stream of consciousness. And a one hour nap later, my energy was restored. Uh...somewhat, minor headaches are easily ignored. Okay. Anyway. Hmm. Post mortem: 1. Lost two dollars due to shooting two $1 coins around during open house. With the CCA crossbow. 2. Repeatedly told a girl that her voice was adorable. But really it was. Still you don't say these things. Uh, it wasn't too bad, the guy next to me was just as high and agreed every time I brought it up. 3. Ate chips while brain dead- no self control- I ate about half of Alvin's can, but he was too stoned to notice. 4. Spilled an entire cup of coke from McDonalds while trying to sit down slowwwwly, I literally forgot about balance. 5. Giggled like a girl, at the sound of my own voice as I said "buh-bye" 6. Took a nap during dinner and kinda missed it. And dropped my phone at least 3 times in the process. 7. I dropped Lukila. I made it all the way back to my room, and I dropped her about 5 cm above the ground. Horrors. She'll never forgive me. Well thats on top of stumbling around like a drunk and muttering things underneath my breath half the time. 'S kay. I'll forgive me. Labels: myself |
Nope, never had one - Friday, May 20, 2011 @ 7:26 PM
"Lets take the bus the other way," Joe said, he didn't want to pass by his school. He hated the place, it kinda represented everything he hated in the world. People, education, stress, pressure, confinement, enforced learning, and people. Well, he didn't hate people per se, he just hated the ideae of being crammed into a room full of people, especially against his own will. If he was to interact with people, he should be able to do so on his own terms. Most certainly not because the government deemed that all "children" and "teens" should attend school.
So anyway, there he was interacting "on his own terms" with none other than his sister. Hooray. It was a friday evening and someone a.k.a. his sister, who was named Kelsey by the way, had wanted to do something other than sit at home and eat what she called the "dreaded horrifying mundane home-cooked dinner". Also because their parents were not really in the vicinity of the nation, and being unfortunate enough not to possess a maid or butler of sorts, the task of cooking the venerable dinner had fallen to Kelsey. Having a disposition a little more on the lazy side and this uh Joe being unable to cook, naturally the only option was to take a lovely bus ride to the city and get some food there. Most unfortunately for Joe, the quickest route to the city was by his school, a fact that his Kelsey rather annoying pointed out. "Isn't it quicker the other way, lets not waste any time, I am Soooooooooo hungry." She said tossing her hair rather delightfully. Not to him of course, she may have beenwhat Oscar Wilde called "an excessively pretty girl who was only just eighteen" but seriously, she was his sister. He rather frowned upon incest, as did society in general. Her prettiness was apparently evident to all, and they or rather she kept drawing looks from the waves and throngs of leering old men that seemed to have nothing better to do in the estate all the way to the bus stop. And on the bus itself. They stood naturally, the bus seldom had enough seats to accomodate the waves and throngs of leering old men who were always given moral authority in terms of seating privileges. As they approached the school he felt a sense of trepidation and as the writers liked to put it "impending doom", but what could he do? Scream and run? Rather out of the question in fact. He knew his intuition was right as the bus pulled into the stop just outside his school. He saw. Ryan. That spastic fool who lacked any form of social discretion. Ryan naturally despite all his lack of scoial grace was rather observant and spotted him through the glass door. To his eclectic Ryan eye, what he saw was Joe standing in the bus, with a babe. A very hot babe. Who was wearing a pair of tight cute daisy dukes on top of that. Spotting the rather excited look on Ryan's face, Joe began to get that tingling sensation. Luckily, his sister was in fact facing away from the bus stop door. However that meant that Ryan began flashing a horrible smile and a huge thumbs up his way. As Joe refused to acknowledge the presence of the socially retarded miscreant one meter away from him, Ryan began to jump and wave awkwardly. Ryan suddenly turned and called all the friends at the bus stop, and all Joe could do was wish that the old men filing into bus would just hurry up as he was faced with the sight of about ten people he hated waving and whistling at him. But his torment was not over, just as the driver decided it was high time that he got moving a seat opened up. Kelsey tossed her hair back and decided that they move to the seats. Being a "guy" in society he reluctantly let her take the seat next to a rather odd looking boy with a twinkle in his eye. He did not like the look of that...boy especially since he gave Kelsey the customary "up-down" with his eyes. He smiled at him politely, the boy at Joe that is. He decided to glare back, but the boy was rather unpertubed. At the next stop two leering old men (really they were everywhere) decided that it was time they got down. Leaving two empty seats behind the boy. Kelsey rather skittishly decided to shift to the seat behind, and all but patted the empty space beside her, smiling rather coyly. The boy's grin could not have been wider, as Joe glared at him again he tilted his head ever so slightly and gave him a slow but purposeful wink. Great, it was going to be stupid night. Labels: stories |
Locked Up - Thursday, May 19, 2011 @ 7:09 PM
Lord Father I pray for my friend now.
I've done as much as I could today and I hope you will not leave him like that. I pray you will do your work in him and let him find your everlasting light. I know Lord Father that I am a horrible representation of your glory for him to follow, but I thank you that he doesn't choose to judge Christianity and the following of your word by using me as a horrifically inadequate standard. Thank you for allowing him to listen and really bring him close to you, closer than I have ever been. He was for one short year my closest companion and someone whom I have always trusted. A good friend he was, and still is, to lose him to the depths of eternity would indeed, have a sense of mortal injustice around it to say the least. I know its not to me to decide, but I pray that you will save this friend of mine. One more for Jesus, a great and mighty preacher was said to say until the day he died. Its high time I actually started. Could this be a start? We all start at one, for him to be the first to come to you through me, would surely be a most high extension of your grace and mercy. Could it happen? I pray you will let it happen. For I have tried, and whether I succeed or not Lord Father will depend on you. Please. Give me strength and wisdom. Cause I don't quite have enough. Thank you Jesus. Amen. Labels: open letter |
11:08 - Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @ 11:08 PM
Its eleven O'clock and it feels like 3 am.
Why? Cause I don't feel like staying here anymore. Why? I'll let you answer that one. Labels: fragments |
Cable Car - @ 7:39 PM
Somehow the days seem to have less colour free from the oppression of school.
Its as if the lack of routine has brought about a breakdown in time itself. The days seem shorter. Hours fly by in an instant. And suddenly a half an hour tv program stretches out into infinity. Theres a weird mist hanging around me that I can't seem to shake off. That funny mist you get when you sleep in late. The type that normally goes away as you gradually wake up on your idle Sunday morning. But no. The mist doesn't go away. Its odd. Its that fresh out of bed feeling. Somehow its bad. I think. Everything seems odd nowadays. Its like my suspicion sense kicked into overdrive. :/ Something is wrong with me. Somewhere. *********************************************** Somehow when I lapse into abstraction or talk about something completely weird. No. It extends to almost everything. As long as its my thoughts over here. I tend to slip into oddly complex vocabulary. The type I wouldn't be caught dead using. Why? Cause it makes me sound like a snob. And also cause thinking like that actually requires effort. Its ridiculous, no one thinks using complex vocabulary like that. Well actually some people do, but normal people don't. Or maybe its just me. I think like this, in a speaking style, I speak either to myself, or random people. Either that or I think in images when I'm in an extra creative mood. I don't sprinkle innumerable pentasyllabic words around like I do over here so much. Makes it hard to read. Then again, maybe the pentasyllabic can carry with it nuance that my thought does express, but cannot be read. If you get what I'm saying. Labels: confused, my weird opinion, myself |
That...Laugh - @ 6:41 PM
Taylor Swift is hilarious.
Nvm. Quiz time. Why? I told you, I'm lazy. There you go. Is it stolen? Of course. Zzt. So...uh add up the total. And that will be what age I act. Wonderful. [ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee (And I don't care much for one anyway) [ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar (Phone! Either that or I ask whoever is unfortunate enough to be seated next to me in school) [ ] You own a credit card [ ] You know how to change the oil in a car [x] You've done your own laundry (Uh...once?) [ ] You can vote in an election [ ] You can cook for yourself . (A little, but I guess a little doesn't count) [ ] You think politics are interesting (Necessary, but not interesting) TOTAL SO FAR: 1 (oops hehe) [ ] You show up for school late a lot (Oh an indicator of age huh) [ ] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket [x] You've never gotten a detention [ ] You have forgotten your own birthday [x] You like to take walks by yourself [x] You know what credibility means, without looking it up [x] You drink caffeine at least once a week (None can rival the awesome caffeine boost that coke gives you) TOTAL SO FAR: 5 [x] You know how to do the dishes [x] You can count to 10 in another language [ ] When you say you're going to do something you do it (Nah, depends on who I'm speaking to) [ ] You can mow the lawn [] You study even when you don't have to [x] You have hand washed a car (Once..!) TOTAL SO FAR: 8 [x] You can spell experience, without looking it up [ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name [ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out [x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need (uh this is totally random) [ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said [x] You can type pretty quick ( can I oh can I? Yes.) TOTAL SO FAR: 11 [ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment (My place of employment. Hmm. I wonder where that is) [ ] You have been to a Tupperware party (What on earth is this) [ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job. (thats ridiculous, my friends take me seriously. I hope.) [ ] You have more bills than you can pay [x] You have been to the beach (who hasn't!) [x] You use the internet every day (Guilty) [x] You have travelled overseas for more than 5 times [ ] You make your bed in the morning (eh, not really) [x] You realised people of the opposite sex might just make better friends. ( I realized that years ago buddy) TOTAL: 15 Ooh. Not bad. Not that much of a child are you. Interesting. Haha. Labels: quiz |
Repairing Broken Wings - Tuesday, May 17, 2011 @ 8:02 PM
Maroon 5 is stupidly addictive.
I have a disturbingly powerful urge for a white belt. That yellow wristband, or whatever it is, its calling to me. Argh. Goodness, have to stop hitting replay. ************************************ Heh. My brain numbs itself with anything not of worth the moment theres no one to talk to. Not saying Maroon 5 is worthless though. Are you kidding. No way. Helll YEAHH |
Goldfish bombs bring you a world of hurt - @ 5:46 PM
Welcome to Day 4 of idleness.
Its so relaxing to once in awhile sit down and read a book again. Somehow its good yet not good, when you realize that you have just wasted the entire afternoon away absorbed in a book. Its weird like that, to get lost in that reality, only to stop randomly to realize that you're doing nothing essentially. Makes you feel guilty somehow. Its an odd feeling, going almost an entire day without saying anything to anyone. When you're caught up in a book, you can talk to people, reply them, but you aren't actually saying anything. Well, you may divulge information of sorts here and there but not any essence of your personality. You're lost, somewhere else. And I don't know whether its a good thing or not. I remember reading books in times when I had really nothing else to do, because of debilitating circumstances. I'd feel horrible, locked up in my room, read a book, stop. Then I'd feel all horrible again. For doing absolutely nothing. Another day gone, and your life is still the same. 'Spose its a good thing, if you're life is fine. Well. Reading books. Thats my childhood for you. Sigh. Labels: my weird opinion |
Epic Misunderstanding - Monday, May 16, 2011 @ 9:44 PM
I wonder how she's doing
********************************************** A day without you is like a year without the rain ********************************************** Having fights is tiring. Shouting is tiring. Screaming is tiring. Sitting there and taking the shit is tiring. Cursing yourself in your bedroom and trying to come to terms with your existence is tiring. Typing is tiring. Ian, Ian, what have you done with your life. Labels: fragments |
Recalcitrant White Sky - @ 7:33 PM
I have an infuriating intolerance to a refusal to understand logic.
I simply cannot stand someone who refuses to make sense. Someone who blindingly twists rules, and tries to fend me off with infantile methods. Again and again and again. The rank hypocrisy and the obvious lying. I cut through it of course, but no my logic goes ignored for a while. Then when it is finally realized, my antagonist goes on, out with the logic. Out with the logic, out with the debate and war of words, it doesn't matter how right I am. The winner is the one with the resources apparently. So my stuff starts disappearing and then I have to' concede. Fucking hell. Get off my back. She doesn't even argue first you know. My stuff starts disappearing first, then she tries to negotiate. Some negotiation. I'm supposed to keep my word of course, like how kidnap victim's families have to keep their word about the ransom. Its a huge fucking joke, but I'll sit back for now. God's supposed to do something about it, I'm to tired to fight anyway. I have to believe, that He's going to change something. He'd better do something soon, I'm just going crazier and crazier here. Help. Labels: rant |
So.... - Sunday, May 15, 2011 @ 7:20 PM
The old bespectacled Scotsman walked down the path, twenty five years he thought to himself, twenty five long years of his life. Yet it was no matter, he had done it, his work was finally done. He looked up into the smog-filled Manchester sky that to him had never looked any better, shades of purple sunset seeming to invade the grey.
He acknowledged the strangers all around that made way for him as he strode through the park, it was the least they could do, there was no in the country who hadn't know what he had done, and here was where he would receive the most love. He had knocked those smelly bastards off their perch. He had won. Suddenly his phone rang, he frowned, he had told his assistant not to call him earlier that day, and no one else had the number. Hello? he said into the phone. "Hello Mr Ferguson," said the other Scotsman with the much better hair impishly, grinning toothily as he did, "race you to number 20." Labels: stories |
Help - Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 11:36 PM
People think you're self obsessed kiddo.
Are you really? Now what. Don't mention thyself in human conversation. Sounds like a plan. Lets start with one day. One very important day. Yes. Time to change things. For your own good. Labels: myself |
F-ff-ff-ff-f-ff-REEEDOM - @ 9:29 PM
I jumped out of the exam hall, to find blogger unavailable.
I spent the afternoon drooling in front of my com cause blogger was unavailable. I came back later at 11 pm and it was not available still. And I slept horribly disturbed.... I am too dependent on this thing
Angel Voices - Thursday, May 12, 2011 @ 8:58 PM
She helped me recognize the true awesomeness that only acoustics can bring Labels: music |
Blood, Passion, Boil - @ 6:25 PM
Well it was a load of drivel but not that much different from the rest of the loads of drivel.
So why did I get so angry. Right. Thats why. Don't you ever compare me to him. Don't you dare. I'm not like him, and you know it. Its bad enough to be related. To say I resent him is an understatement, getting me that angry is an easy way to win an argument yes. Doesn't make you right. Fucking hell. ************************************************************ I got my mother's instability and insecurity, my father's occasional callousness and bad tempered disposition. I can reason like him, yet get irrational like her. And I've inherited both of their pride. At least I skirted megalomania and developed an open mind of my own. For that open mind alone, I am thankful. It makes the world of a difference to me. Thats why I'm different. |
White Ppt dissolves in excess NaoH, does not dissolve in excess NH4+ - Wednesday, May 11, 2011 @ 6:25 PM
Aluminium or Lead. Add Chloride Ions. Lead Chloride is soluble. I hate you Chemistry. ******************************************* Seem's like I'm always on the run Labels: fragments |
Flawless - @ 2:56 PM
There comes a point where you're dancing around your room at 2am and shouting history facts while slapping yourself with a wet towel to keep awake that there's something a little wrong with your mugging style.
Or maybe there's a little too much stress in your life. ********************************************* He watched through the bus window as she walked past, she had brown hair, a brown hand bag and a distinctly Pan-asian look That Psychotic voice in my head : What is Pan-asian anyway Uh I don't know. TPVIMH : Is it like Pan American or something? I suppose TPVIMH : Sounds like a pizza to me. Get out of my head. TPVIMH: Hahahahaha Labels: fragments |
He Really Won't Stop - Tuesday, May 10, 2011 @ 9:46 PM
Ian2: I Don't want a hug from him, I want a hug from a real person.
Ian1: What on earth. You're demented. Hey What? Answer me What is that supposed to mean. You're crazy. Ian2: I am you. We are crazy. Ian1: ..........We've had this discussion before. Ian2: Or have we Ian1: forget it. Labels: fragments |
Triple Strike, Quintuple Swarm - @ 4:01 PM
He coughed hard as he stumbled in the desert sun, brushing the mini sand storm brewing at his feet out of his eyes, shielding them at the same time from the blasting heat. Blasted heat, he corrected himself. He looked over to his left to see how she was doing, as usual, she was striding just a little ahead with no problem, he had no idea how she did it.
They had been at it for days. Days of trekking, looking to find a piece of civilization in the wasteland. The prospect of solitude was always daunting, but he took solace in the fact that he wasn't alone. There had still been people in the city, but at the thought of the city he felt a chill despite the scorching fireball above him. A bird cry broke the sound of their rhythmic and his not so rhythmic trudging and snapping out of his reverie he brought his rifle to bear, scanning the horizon for danger but there was nothing. No people, no buildings, trees, or signs of life save the unidentifiable bird in the distance. "Relax Joe, there's nothing around, I doubt it spread this far." She said casually, returning her own pistol to her holster as she did. He grunted in reply, it didn't matter, it paid to be careful, but she knew that, and he knew that when danger came she was always the more cautious one. He cleared the sand out of his gun before slinging it back over his back and following after her. The pistol was probably a better option or even no gun at all, the sand got everywhere in the desert it did. It got into eyelids, nostrils, phones, bags and guns. His clothes had sand on them, in them, and when he licked his lips he could taste sand. Everywhere he looked he saw sand. He was sick to death of it, but there was nothing to be done about it. He spat a mouthful of sand out onto the sizzling floor and felt for his knife on his belt, a little something that wouldn't stop working cause of sand. As the noon sun changed to evening sun, and the sky took on the softer hues of purple and orange, he spotted something in the distance. "You see that Sheila? We aren't supposed to hit anything for another week." She struggled with her map as another gust of sand-filled wind started up. "We might've gone off course, let's head for it anyway." She was at it again, making decisions for him, but he let her, it didn't matter as long as she didn't do anything stupid. But she wouldn't. So he followed as they neared the structure. It was an old building, an imposing stone structure, the type that hadn't been built for a few centuries now. As they poked about it in sunset light the ground beneath their feet crumbled and they landed harmlessly in a pile of sand. Sloppy. His mind whispered, you're gonna get yourself killed if you keep this up. He leapt to his feet as soon as he could and swept his flashlight across the dark. There was nothing. He looked behind and met her gaze, they both nodded silently. All clear. Ruins, in the middle of the desert. He mused to himself as walked through the cavernous hallway slowly, rifle at the ready. Yes this building must have been a few centuries old at least. Before the meltdown, before everything changed. "Sat nav shows that we didn't go off course, the maps say there's nothing here." She remarked, the blue glow of that confangled apple construct reflecting off her face. "There's more to this world than the maps, how far back does it go? I'd say this place has been gone for more than a century." It was her turn to fall silent as she mused about the fall of technology. They had been forced to revert to the antique firearms since the meltdown, almost everything had stopped working in the same way. And so they had lived with it, and had done their best to cope. It wasn't as if things a hundred years back were primitive, just inferior. *************************************** Ack. I'll finish this some other time. Labels: stories |
He Won't Stop - @ 3:37 PM
Ian 1: You're Mean
Ian 2: Oh shut up he was "nom"ing me, he should've just let me alone to play my championship manager. Ian1: You did not just say that. Ian2: I did. Ian1: You're a horrible person Ian2: Thank you. Labels: fragments |
WP FTW - Monday, May 9, 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Why is the Workers Party capturing Aljunied GRC a good thing?
Here's why. 1. There is opposition in the house. Hello? 5 MPs for the opposition in Parliament because of Aljunied GRC. What they will do is definitely voice their concerns against all bills, and even though they are too few to do anything about the vote, they will definitely not just "pass over" bills that have practically been rubber stamped by the PAP leadership. The PAP government has of late been effectively approving laws of their own volition and then passing it through parliament instructing the MPs to vote for it. And who would say no? 6 MP's won't be able to stop this. But they can make noise. And a lot of noise. 2. PAP. WAKE UP. It is definitely a warning to the PAP that people on the ground are not 100% satisfied with them. Their vote share has been declining and is just about 60% now. The win in the GRC is certainly important as it shows the PAP that the opposition CAN win a GRC and if a heavy insistence on the suppression of all alternative voices will not work, nor will it be allowed and tolerated by the people. At the very least, this will force the PAP to rework their policies in order to regain support. At best? This may curb their large arrogance with regards to politics. Some reasons why this is a bad thing that don't work. 1. DIZ WILL DESTABILISE OUR LUVLY PARLIAMENT. 6 Mps. Destabilise? I don't think so. 6. Out of 87. Are they going to screw up our lovely country? No. How do they decide things in Parliament? Oh right, by voting. Hmmm last time I checked 81 votes trumps 6 anytime. Assuming these are belligerent bellicose retards who oppose any PAP policy they will achieve absolutely nothing. 2. PEOPLE HAVE VUTED IRRESPONZIBLEE HORRIBLE Yeah lah yeah lah. What George Yeo out? Good minister? Yes. Did he deserve to go? No. But really the thing is that the election in Aljunied had become a national issue. Yes its scary for Singapore to lose its foreign minister. But whats worse would be waking up on Sunday to realise that we have no opposition in Parliament. Really, the next mistake people are making is that the opposition are horrible and are not good for the country. Whats not good for the country is having a party run amok that does not respect the rules of democracy without any opposing voices even. 3. OPPOSITION USELESS WASTE OF SPACE WAI YOU VOTE FOR THEM. Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Kang are hardly inebriated morons. Perhaps they won't be able to do as well as George Yeo, in fact they most probably will not do as well as the esteemed former Foreign Minister for whom I have much respect for. But really are you telling me that all people who run for parliament who are not PAP are incapable of sitting there and rationally contributing to the good of the nation. Are you saying that they are less sharp and intelligent and useful than the most inexperienced PAP candidate who gets elected into parliament by basis of his "Anchoring minister"? (Tin Pei Ling COUGH COUGH Tin Pei Ling) Politics here are not like those in America. Where the Republicans and Democrats bicker with each other and block each other's policies because they are Republicans and Democrats. Firstly, as mentioned earlier there are hardly enough opposition members in parliament. Secondly politics here is very different. You enter politics here as the opposition, you don't do it for the money. Why? Cause if you don't get elected where is your money coming from? The party. You think opposition parties very rich is it? You don't just want to be a politician. Hello. People here in the opposition can get sued for little or no reason and have lost it all. This is the country where opposition members have been locked up for 34 years and in the earlier days even exiled from the country. Fame? You think they get elected all the time? No. They do it because they have conviction somewhere. Either they are unbelievable fame whores who couldn't get into the PAP cause of a lack of qualifications and rampage in each election year after year despite failing, or they are people with genuine conviction. Who believe they can make a change and are willing to invest time and resources to do so. For what purpose I do not know. But for the good of the nation? I dare say most likely. My Stand on the PAP. This is it. The truth. They have steered Singapore successfully through a perilous birth, and have through numerous policies ensured the survival and miraculous growth of the nation and the leadership has navigated many a setback even the recent global financial meltdown, we are doing well. They have been efficient and have a good track record. But whats my problem with them? What the opposition has called their arrogance I would like to agree. I would go so far as to say that it shows an utmost lack of respect for the process of democracy. The PAP has indeed been arrogant in its attitude to the opposition, and has showed time and time again in their comments about the opposition. That in itself is not a sin. However I find an utter lack of shame in the way that the PAP has treated the opposition, in the way they have constructed numerous policies to prevent them from rising up. I am talking about the installation of GRCs. The use of propaganda to unfairly attack the opposition. The constant redrawing of electoral boundaries without approval from the public or consulting the opposition. The worst I feel is the lift upgrading fiasco which is nothing but an attack on democracy. When it was first introduced, the US government made negative remarks on it. Stop and think for a moment. USA interfering with Sg politics for what ah? Why? Cause they felt that it was a violation of democracy and that as a superpower they could not just sit by and not say a word. The PAP naturally attacked such remarks and defended it but really what is there to defend. Its simple. People who don't vote for the PAP just get their lifts upgraded last. Why? "Because people who support our policies should be given priority" 1. Not voting for PAP doesn't mean you do not support Lift Upgrading. If you expand the statement what else? Opposition supporters do not support the building of roads and drains? Rubbish absolute rubbish. 2. In a democracy people are not to be treated based on how they vote. Your vote is your right, if you exercise your vote to vote against the PAP you should not be treated as a second class citizen. By blatantly campaigning with lift upgrading and using it in such a way, the PAP shows a disregard for the ideals and processes of democracy that is really in the end rather disgusting and shameless. In lieu of the way that they squash out the opposition I am therefore in support of a healthy opposition to support Singaporean's interests. This is not to say we should elect anyone into parliament but seriously, we can vote them out next term if they are huge screw ups. Give them a chance to prove themselves, 5 mps in parliament will not bring about the end of Singapore. At best it will attract more comers into politics and make our political sphere richer. Does this mean that I am against a PAP government? No. But I think that we should see the alternatives first. No government is perfect. But no matter how good, there is a chance that the opposition may be better. Prove to us that they are so much inferior to you before saying that they are so. If one day the PAP government is taken over by incompetent people then how? If we do not have opposition in parliament who will at least stop them from bending rules to keep other people out of parliament, we will be still be stuck with the PAP. But it will be a different PAP. Then what.
Week Of Doom. - @ 10:21 PM
Thus begins the week of doom.
May God preserve my soul. And my hand muscles. Lest they wither and cramp up when I need them. Yes, preserve my stubby fingers, and let them not sweat and cause my pen to slip. And God help me for my physics exam tomorrow. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And Lit. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And History after. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And Chem. Cause I haven't really studied properly. And the same for Math. Argh. |
This is what happens when I get lazy - Sunday, May 8, 2011 @ 8:18 PM
1. Last beverage: Double Chocolate Frappe from McCafe! 2. Last phone call: Mother 3. Last text message: Nadia 4. Last song you listened to: Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift 5. Last time you cried: Don't want to remember now HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Been cheated on: No 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: No (neither did I regret it, nor have I kissed anyone) 9. Lost someone special: Yes. 10. Been depressed: For a while yeah. 11. Been drunk and threw up: No. LIST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS: 12. Red 13. Black 14. Yellow? THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2011) 15. Made a new friend: Perhpas 16. Fallen out of love: Yes. 17. Laughed until you cried: Not really! 18. Met someone who changed you: Don't know! Maybe not! 19. Found out who your true friends were: Definitely. 20. Found out someone was talking about you: Several delightful times 21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Yeah. 23. How many kids do you want?: 3? or more? 24. Do you have any pets: Meet Victor. Hah 25. Do you want to change your name: Add a middle name? Perhaps get rid of my chinese name. 26. What did you do for your last birthday: STUDY FOR SS AND CHINESE. But it started well. (; 27. What time did you wake up today: 7... plus? 28. What were you doing at midnight: Oh, uh nothing too important. 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: OH OH OH OH. FREEDOM. 30. Last time you saw your Mother: ten bloody minutes ago? 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Oh right, how about lets get this on the record. I WISH I HAD A CHILDHOOD DAMMIT. I WISH I WASN'T FORCED TO GROW UP SO FAST. AND I WISH I GREW UP PROPERLY. 32. What are you listening to right now : nothing.... 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Eh. No. 34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Uh my lovely exams. 35. Most visited webpage: uh uh uh BAD SIGN. 36. Whats your real name: Ian. Ian. Ian. Ian. Ian. 37. Nicknames: Hah. Whats been in of late. Yan? 38. Relationship Status: Unwillingly Single. 39. Zodiac sign: Unimportant. 40. Male or female?: Male 41. Primary School?: St. Hilda's Primary 42. Secondary School?: RI 43. High school/college?: Its ginna be RJC. 44. Hair colour: Black, Gloriously Black 4. Long or short: What hair? Uh. AS LONG AS IT LOOKS GOOD. 46. Height: Shit. Its 162.5 47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Am I sure its just a crush? Nope. 48: What do you like about yourself?: Not shameless enough to answer 49. Piercings : None. 51. Righty or lefty: LEFTY FIRSTS : 52. First surgery: I have a scar in the shape of an upsidedown smile on my right knee. Stitches. 53. First piercing: 5 years old, EARHOLES 54. First best friend: His name was Jason, he was a nursery school friend. 55. First sport you joined: Uh....badminton? 56. First vacation: To Singapore, to visit relatives. (: RIGHT NOW 59. Eating: nothing. 60. Drinking: nothing 61. I'm about to: try to do homework/study 62. Listening to : Thousand Miles- Vanessa Carlton 63. Waiting for: Godot YOUR FUTURE 64. Want kids?: Maybe. :/ 65. Get Married?: Yes 66. Career: ~~ WHICH IS BETTER : 67. Lips or eyes: eyes 68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs, cause you don't need kisses from everyone 69. Shorter or taller: Taller... 70. Older or Younger: Uh. Whatever. 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneously Romantic 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: .__. Who goes around staring at stomachs. Thats creepy. 73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. Loud and sensitive 74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Either is fine HAVE YOU EVER : 76. Kissed a stranger : No 77. Drank hard liquor : Uh, one sip of tiger beer? 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Once 79. Sex on first date: Hahaha right no. 80. Broken someone's heart: I hope not 82. Been arrested: No 83. Turned someone down: No 84. Cried when someone died: Lucky me, no one I know has kinda died yet. 85. Fallen for a friend?: Oh no. Uh. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: When the mood strikes me 87. Miracles: Yes 88. Love at first sight: Absolutely 89. Heaven: I'm getting there one day 90. Santa Claus: -.- 91. Kiss on the first date: Yes. Gobsmackingly lovely. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No 95. Did you sing today? : Everyday 96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Anywhere between 1 to 4 years I guess. Idk. 98. If you could pick a day from last year and relieve it, what would it be?: Oh many days. 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: No 100. Do you ever think to have a tattoo?: I've considered. But I'm not sure. :/ Hooray for laziness Labels: quiz |
Chasing down your demons - @ 7:44 PM
Thats what friends are for aren't they.
Its a wonderful and beautiful thing. Both to guard the ones you treasure, and to watch them shoot down yours as well. Maybe right now is where I want to be. My sanity should be safe for the next two years or so. The only reason I'll be working in school is so that I don't end up in an Australian university. Lord don't take me away from this sunny sunny island. I don't know what I'll do. Then what. Then I cut the ropes tying me down. And fly. And hope to hell I got somebody to catch me if I fall. |
104% unstable. - @ 5:27 PM
[x] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you'. (HELLO, its me, do you think I haven't?) [x] You have ran into a glass/screen door. [ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle. [x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks. [x] You have run into a tree/bush (It was a tree...) [x] You have been called a blond. (By a weird person, I totally am not. *Flicks hair*) TOTAL: 5 [ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow. (Sorry, I have a short tongue.) [ ] You just tried to lick your elbow. [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody. [x] You just sang them to make sure. [x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen. [x] You have choked on your own spit. TOTAL: 9 [ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it. [ ] You type with three fingers or less. [x] You have accidentally caught something on fire. [x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose. [x] You have caught yourself drooling. TOTAL: 12 [x] You have fallen asleep in class. [x] Sometimes you just can't stop thinking. [x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about. [ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you. (not often...but occasionally.) [x] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'. (I think I have been told to stop listening to voices inside my head) TOTAL: 16 [ ] You use your fingers to do simple math. [x] You have eaten a bug accidentally. (ant) [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important. (STUDYING) [x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it. ( All the time baby, all the time) [x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time. e.g. picks, cards, pens, phones, money, keys etc. *handphone.... TOTAL: 20 [ ] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't. (RIDICULOUS) [x] You break a lot of things. [x] You tilt your head when you're confused. [x] You have fallen out of your chair before. [ ] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling. (once, but not often) [x] The word "um" is used frequently. [x] You don't know what "um" means. [x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot. [ ] You plan to use a calculator to multiply you score for this bulletin. GRAND TOTAL: 26 26x4 = Urgh 104%. Great. Labels: quiz |
Untouchable - Saturday, May 7, 2011 @ 8:21 PM
Mirror Ian: Damn you look good today
Ian: Stop telling me what I already know. Mirror Ian. Right. Sorry. (Both Grin) Labels: fragments |
Ooh Presents - @ 7:36 PM
I was fumbling at an awesome jigsaw puzzle that someone gave me and was practically screaming cause I was missing four pieces.
It was like (|-| is one piece): |-|-| |-| |-| |-|-|
|-| |-|-| |-| |-|-| So I tossed out all the stuff in my bag, checked the envelope like a maniac, and frantically scrambled and emoed about four five minutes. Then I realized that the jigsaw was 3x4 and not 4x4 So I just uh you know pushed the sides together And generally read it feeling like an idiot. The greatest presents always make you feel like you're too stupid for them.
Running Riot - Friday, May 6, 2011 @ 8:47 PM
Take that you creators of unintelligible internet coding. Don't worry, their look is too uh weird for me too. But the drummer looks hilarious. Heh I just took a lyrics and well got more than a little surprised. I mean I'm quite sure you didn't listen to them and didn't really care. Since you can't really hear them anyway but I didn't know the words can be pronounced so... differently. haha ts going down tonight in this town Cause they stare and growl They all stare and growl I take a scar everytime I cry Cause it ain't my style, no it ain't my style Going down to the gravel head to the barrel Take this life and end this struggle Los Angeles come scam me please Emptiness never sleeps at Cliftons 6am With your bag lady friend and your mind descending Stripped off the right to be a human in control Its warmer in hell so down we go They say This is the city The city of angels All i see is dead wings (x2) It's a ghost town rabid underworld Dionysian night vitriolic twilight A mirage come up it never ends Once you get burned youre never the same Left behind erased from time Aint no decency in being boxed up alive Look around aint no R.I.P signs here We dont rest in peace We just disappear So here we are Los Angeles No angels singing in the valley of unease I watch the sun roll down the pacific Over hookered sunset strip They say This is the city The city of angels All i see is dead wings (x2) There's a black moon tonight Aint shining down on the western neon lights (x2) They say This is the city The city of angels All i see is dead wings (x4) Seriously who hears it as stare and growl on their first listen, or even their 5th or 50th listen. I mean I've played this song over and over on my Game soundtrack but no, not once did I think that line was what it is. That aside, the lyrics are quite well written and the meaning simple yet interesting. Makes you wonder though whats the point of writing awesome lyrics if you sing them such that no one can hear them. Heck I didn't even know the first line of the chorus until now. Meh. Labels: music |
City of Angels - @ 8:25 PM
I have no damn idea why the songs on my video game soundtracks can get so good.
Seriously, playing this song is awesome both when you're playing a violent racing game and when you're not. I never knew it was a girl singing though. Damn. Dammit. Whats up with youtube. Let me embed the vid. Somethings up with youtube. Shit lah, I only try to use you once a week and you screw up on me. Why! Zzt. Shutzpah. Its html tinkering time. Html I hate you. |
Dirt Slam - Thursday, May 5, 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Whats wrong with you. Why is it after all of that. All of these special preventive measures. Extra care and all that nonsense you still end up irritating the people you care about. You need wisdom thats what. And a lot of it too. Are you sure you're sixteen? You don't seem like it.
Flash of Light - @ 11:30 PM
![]() Well You said hey, And asked me how was my day And I turned my heart stopped Cause I thought I saw a shooting star Something's different. Suddenly Your hair looks more alluring, I find your laughter so addicting And I catch myself looking at you, more and more. Well I really don't know whats happening, but could it be? After all this time its taken me so long to realize. ********************************* Songwriting is tough. Yet fufilling. Argh. |
Causum Tyrannosaur - @ 9:31 PM
There was this point in my life. Where I developed an odd fear that if I ever met a clone of myself, we would never be able to talk and enjoy each other's company since we would be doing the exact same thing.
It was upon that moment that I came to the conclusion that randomness was crucial and important to my well being. From that particular moment onwards, I became a creature of ultimate unpredictability and I think I have even developed an air of flippancy. :/ Disastrous at many points. But absolutely delightful at others. Reading my old msn convos, I found myself able to follow my train of thought without much difficulty until my old self suddenly started shouting things like TYRANNOSAUR EAT YOU RAWWRRRRR NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM. >.> I would love a person like that. Though it means I've become a lot more sober in the past few months. Hopefully I'll return back to normal the moment my exams are done to hell with. But in any case. Unpredictability- Achieved. Mission Accomplished. |
She's still on my mind. - @ 4:59 PM
I always knew time travel would never happen within my lifetime.
Why? Cause I haven't gotten any letters from my future self. Sighs. Any advice I have for myself anyway? I guess. Dear Ian of 5/5/10: This is yourself. One year from the future. If you don't believe me. You are a Liverpool Fan. Have a poster of Revenge of the Sith on your wall. Are stuck with an Xbox(not 360) and think that black is your favourite colour. You have 3 soft toys that you sleep with every night. I shall not name them lest you be forever embarrassed. Yes, I know their names. Oh plus your email password for gmail is **************** Congratulations though, I have advice for you. But I'll be brief cause life sucks that way. And our luck seems to run in that direction. I'm also a little sadistic, but then again, you probably knew that. 1. Give up on her, but don't give up on love. 2. Look around and ask yourself who your true friends are. Think before you speak. Think very carefully. Some people were your friends but aren't really anymore. Some never were and never will be. And as for your friends, hold on tightly to them and never ever let them slip away. 3. You may be a terrible writer, but keep trying and you won't be by the end of the year. You really are terrible for now, stop deluding yourself. 4. Be sure to watch for people who like you for who you are, you aren't THAT hateable really. Only just a little at times, and I'm sure you know when. Draw them in, there aren't that many people who are extremely willing to invest their time and effort in someone who seems distant and nonchalant. Don't be too afraid to let them in when you're in need. Really, they'll be able to give you more assistance than mere words can do. Ian, out. Labels: nostalgia |
Great - Wednesday, May 4, 2011 @ 8:37 PM
Zzt, I missed school today. With all the crucial revision lessons.
As well as the supplementary lit lesson. Urgh. Possibly the physics notes that will help me pass as well. I hate my nose. Labels: fragments |
Tik Tik Tik Tik Tik - Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @ 6:22 PM
Oh no, it was the freak. He chided himself for thinking that way. It was bad to judge people on appearances. But he knew there was something wrong with this person, and that his appearance only seemed to heighten his horror. Not everyone thought he looked as freaky as he did, but they all hated him, for what reason no one could surely say. He certainly felt an odd tingle travel up his arm as his skin turned into gooseflesh.
He had taken out a pen and was tossing it. That would have been fine with anyone else. Except for the mechanical way he did it. He didn't toss it casually, or particularly high in the air. He just put his hand right in front of his face, riveted his eyes on the pen and tossed. His head jerking to follow the movement of the object. Morbidly switching direction as he began to follow a robotic rhythm. His eyes, behind those round glasses were absolutely fixated on one point of the pen as it went flying through its path in the air. Expressionless, but yet still captivated. He shuddered, things like these kept him up at night. Labels: stories |
Purple Passion - Monday, May 2, 2011 @ 10:32 PM
"Hey take a look at this. Cool right?"
He stared as she dumped a magazine in his lap, pausing from his studies and studied it intently. "Not bad eh this one, she's quite cute." He remarked, instantly zooming in on the picture that took up a tiny fraction of the page. "Thats all you ever care about isn't it?" She said, rolling her eyes as she did. Sigh, only a guy like him would not realize that she was referring to the huge 10 meter swordfish structure that was filling the background, or even the human sized model of Patrick Star to the left of the picture. "Whats her name?" He asked, obnoxiously ignoring her question, eyes still on the girl. "I was talking about...Patrick..." "What sort of name is that for a girl? She looks like a Chloe, she is right?" She felt an urge to smack him right there. But suddenly an idea popped into her head. "She's my aunt!" she said as she whipped the thing out of his hands and scuttled away, leaving a slightly horrified him behind. My he was gullible. ********************************************************* This my friends is what happens when you try and force a story. Even with, or despite a creative mind. Something awfully weird at best, and terrible at worst. Argh. |
Sky - @ 8:26 PM
I had a dream last night. And I forgot it.
Frustrating. ******************************************* I wonder.. perhaps I might want to have an awesome abstract name for myself. It may seem stupid but names like Sky and Dream are starting elicit a response within me greater than a customary snort or derision. Dream. Dreamflower. How would you react to someone called Dreamflower I wonder. That would quite ridiculous if that person had anything other than dreamy eyes and had a fiery disposition. Then again, if you named your child Dreamflower and she,(God forbid it be a he) took a distaste to the name, she would probably turn out all fiery and resentful. She'd end up with a nickname like nightmare or something. Okay, that killed the name for me. Still. Dreamflower... Gosh am I in a weird mood today Labels: my weird opinion |
Ee Slithers... Eeee Slitherrrrssssss!! - @ 4:55 PM
Stolen Quiz Again Cuz I'm Out Of Inspiration.
GRYFFINDOR: [x] You’ve never done illegal drugs. [ ] You have a lot of friends. [ ] You get along with everyone. [ ] You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months. [x] You love soccer. (Its football dammit) [ ] You love baseball. [x] You’re into writing and art. [x] Favorite music genre is pop rock. (ahh heck I'll just tick it anyway. Its one of my favourite genres) [x] You believe in “innocent until proven guilty” theory. [x] Abortion is wrong. [x] One of your favorite colors is red or gold. [ ] Good grades at school. [ ] One of the worst things you can do is lie. [ ] You plan on going to college/university. (undecided. Haha.) TOTAL: 7 HUFFLEPUFF: [ ] You’re content with mostly everything in your life right now. [x] You laugh a lot. [ ] You like to follow trends. [ ] Politics suck. [ ] You love to swim. [ ] Water polo is awesome. [ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors. [x] Black is morbid and depressing, still like it though. [x] Michael Jackson is talented as a musical artist. (Who one earth can disagree) [x] You’re an optimist. [ ] You’re completely straight-edge. [ ] Rap, R&B, & hip-hop is your favorite music genre. [x] You’re very emotional. [ ] You don’t believe in going steady at a young age. (ah well, whats young. 6?) TOTAL: 5 RAVENCLAW: [x] You’re depressed to a certain extent. [x] You love to read. [x] You appreciate theatre and arts. [ ] Sports suck. [x] You’re shy. [ ] Hate is completely unneeded. [x] Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship. [ ] Indie is your favorite genre of music. [x] Every once in awhile you have little anger outbursts. [x] Lying is sometimes okay. [x] Blue is one of your favorite colors. [x] Serious is better than funny. TOTAL: 5 SLYTHERIN: [x] There’s at least one person you hate. [ ] Basketball is a good sport. [ ] (American) Football is amazing. [x] Black is a cool color. [x] You’ve lied about something serious. [x] You’re a deep person. [x] You have considered suicide. [x] Very loyal. [ ] You like metal. [x] They make school seem more important than it is. [x] You’re scared to grow up. [x] Anger is one of your primary feelings. [x] You have trust issues. [ ] Guilty until proven innocent. TOTAL: 10 Oh no. I'm Slytherin. Heh. |
Falling Stars Don't Fall Alone - Sunday, May 1, 2011 @ 8:04 PM
I need a box.
Heck. ***************************************** Yeah, I suppose it was all justified. I tried to talk to her just about 10 times and she only bothered to reply once. Him? He replied every single time I talked to him. Unfortunately she orbits him like a moon, and a rather large moon at that. A moon that he absolutely adores. Its obvious who wears the pants in that relationship. Zzt. Labels: fragments, my weird opinion |
![]() Just another starstruck (see above for evidence*) wanderer trying to find his way in this horribly confusing and sometimes messed up world. This space as you might have realised is for my own venting. It's where I talk, to myself. To the universe. It's where I don't lie. Much. Chances are you won't get more truth out of me than these few billion pages of angst. My life isn't that bad. Sometimes. The good parts just usually end up being the blank dates in between the posts you see. So yes, just to practice my math and to cheer myself up a little, the number of posts is inversely proportional to my mental wellbeing. Yes that counts as math with me. And despite the wry smile on my face and the grin I can imagine on yours, I'm still rather sombre. I promise you I'm sunny somedays. Stick around. You never know what you may learn. *hint may or may not be in big black font at the top of the page.
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Inspiration .
Previous Posts: No, I'm not back. ; Bursting Glowdrops ; Dreary Bits ; Dream Fairy ; Write me please ; Antigen Nose Hook ; Destiny Neck Scan ; I'll be okay ; My Rampant Oxen ; Assign and Eject ; Previous Months: November 1995 ; December 2009 ; January 2010 ; February 2010 ; March 2010 ; April 2010 ; May 2010 ; June 2010 ; July 2010 ; August 2010 ; September 2010 ; October 2010 ; November 2010 ; December 2010 ; January 2011 ; February 2011 ; March 2011 ; April 2011 ; May 2011 ; June 2011 ; July 2011 ; August 2011 ; September 2011 ; October 2011 ; November 2011 ; December 2011 ; January 2012 ; February 2012 ; March 2012 ; April 2012 ; May 2012 ; June 2012 ; July 2012 ; August 2012 ;
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