Especially Mom, she's being so nice to me all the time.
But everyday all the time, whenever I can, I will avoid meals with my family, if I talk to them I will give off a frosty air. As frosty as I can, which is not actually very frosty when I forget to be frosty.
The point is I still won't trust them.
No matter how they treat me right now.
Because I'm scared.
I don't trust them enough to run my life properly
I'm happy enough running my life by myself, without their interference and emotional nurturing thank you very much.
I don't need all of that. I don't need the positives, so why the heck would I take them with a chance of getting the clusterfuck of nonsense that potentially comes with all of them.
It's me keeping them away but you can't blame me now can you?
Or can you?